9-17b Physical Activity, Deconditioning, and Aerobic Training Flashcards
What does the evidence show that can be associated with cardiovascular risk (CVR)?
Substantial evidence on lack of MVPA (0.2 hrs/day) and CVR
New evidence on increased sedentary behavior (7.7 hrs/day) and CVR
What can attenuate the negative effects on CVR from higher amounts of daily total sitting time?
Moderate to Vigorous Physical Activity (MVPA)
Where do exercise and PA fall under the ICF model?
They begin under activity and move into participation
How are the Physical Activity Guidelines (PAG) organized?
Multicomponent: many levels of PA Aerobic Endurance cardio Bone strengthening Muscle Strengthening Balance Activities
Summarize the physiological changes associated with bedrest
Increase in resting pulse rate, increase in pulse rate with activity or when rising from supine position, decline in SV, and diminished peripheral vasodilation
diaphragm moves cephalad when supine, respiratory rate increases, tidal volume, minute volume, and maximal breathing capacity all decrease
Lost m. strength in proximal m. groups (may affect balance & ambulation), shortening of m. and CT around joints, increased constipation, depression, bed sores, and calciuria
How are the Physical Activity Guidelines (PAG) organized?
Multicomponent: many levels of PA Aerobic Endurance cardio Bone strengthening Muscle Strengthening Balance Activities
What is deconditioning?
A term used to describe physiologic changes resulting from prolonged bed rest or activity
True or False: It takes longer for a patient with higher functioning to return to her pre-hospitalized level of functioning without PT than a lower functioning patient with PT
In older adults, what did a study find was the average percent of the stay spent in bed? How many hours/day?
83% of stay
What is reserve capacity? How important is it when considering deconditioned patients?
Volume of oxygen consumption (VO2) a person can achieve during exercise/physical activity, which could use 80% of total aerobic capacity (VO2 max) for an elderly person
Deconditioning can bring patients’ reserve capacity below what is needed for independence in the community, combating disease, and performing ADL
What factors do an exercise prescription or PAG need to cover?
Intensity (how hard), both absolute and relative
Frequency (how often)
Duration (how long)
Mode (relates to specificity)
What are the PAG thresholds for absolute and relative moderate physical activity? (intensity)
Absolute: 3-5.9 METS
Relative: 5-6 on a 0-10 scale
What are the PAG thresholds for absolute and relative vigorous physical activity? (intensity)
Absolute: >/= 6 METS
Relative: 7-8 on a 0-10 scale
What is the best way to measure intensity for an exercise prescription? What are its advantages?
Karvonen Method:
[(HRmax (220-age)- HRrest) * x%] + HRrest
Takes resting HR into account (state of fitness)
What are the four ways to measure intensity for an exercise program?
METS: 3.5 ml O2 / kg / min
Perceived exertion: 0-10 scale
Heart Rate
Oxygen uptake reserve (% of VO2 max)
What are the PAG for frequency of physical activity?
Moderate: 5x/week
Vigorous: >/=3x/week
OR combo of the two
How is frequency of an exercise program measured?
Days per week
What are the PAG for duration of physical activity?
Moderate: 150-300 min/week (ideally 60-75 mins/day)
Vigorous: 75-150 min/week (ideally 30-40 mins/day)
OR combo of the two
What are the PAG for pattern/sessions of physical activity?
Either one session or accumulation (no need for min of 10 mins)
What are the patterns/sessions of an exercise prescription?
continuous or interval training
What demographic gains greater benefits from MVPA than sufficiently active people?
Insufficiently active people
They need to reduce sedentary behavior, increase moderate-intensity physical activity, or a combination of both.
What is shown in the evidence as benefits from PA?
improved health and weight of kids 4-5 yrs
improved cognitive function of youth 6-13 yrs
reduced risk of cancer @ greater # of sites
brain health benefits like possible improved cognitive function, reduced anxiety and depression risk, improved sleep, and quality of life
pregnant women: reduced risk of excessive weight gain and postpartum depression
people with various chronic medical conditions: reduced risk of all-cause and disease-specific mortality, improved physical function, and improved quality of life