8.3 Flight Procedures Flashcards
Maximum Taxi Speeds
- 50KT when Backtracking on the RWY,
- 30KT on a Taxiway,
- 15KT on the Apron,
- 10KT during turns 45 degrees or greater,
- 5KT on contaminated (or RWYCC 3 or less) RWY or Taxiways
Taxiing Surface Cautions
- On RWY as WET and OAT 0 degrees or colder,
- RWY ends,
- When crossing painted parts of RWY and TWY,
- On clearways or stopways
ATC Departure Clearance On the Ground
- Both pilots must be present,
- Using head sets
Cabin Ready and T/O Clearance
When not ready don’t accept T/O or Line Up clearance
MCP Altitude On the Ground Before Clearance
Set to expected altitude + 100FT
Enroute Navaid Selection
Not required when using RNP5
Thrust After T/O Config Alert When Returning to Stand
Don’t increase thrust above 40% N1 for maintenance
Flaps 1 Departures
Flown by Captain only
Intersection T/O
- Encouraged,
- Up to maximum thrust may be considered,
- When transferred to tower reconfirm
Low Visibility T/O Navaid Difference
Select related ILS (and Course I think)
High Speed RTO Procedures
- Ask ATC to return to stand,
- Call Maintrol and report high energy RTO,
- Don’t takeoff until released by Maintrol,
- Calculate Brake Cooling Scheudle,
- File ASR after duty
Minimum Turn Altitude
- Normally 400FT,
- If SID requires a turn below 398FT it will be mentioned,
- In no case below 59FT,
- No turns before DER unless omnidirectional or published SID used
Climb and Descent Speeds
- During climb in A, B, C airspaces, if ATC gives free speed you may increase to ECON,
- Don’t increase above 250KT if not established on inbound track to destination,
- During descent don’t increase unless instructed by ATC
Company Noise Abatement Procedure
- NADP 2: Bug up 1000FT, N1 reduction 1500FT, retract flaps, maintain up speed till 3000FT AGL,
- NADP 1: N1 reduction 1500FT, Bug up 3000FT,
- If NADP 1 not mentioned specifically (NADP A or B don’t count) use NADP 2
- May be cancelled during certain meteorological conditions
Look Out
- TCAS is not a substitute,
- Especially when flying through E, F and G airspaces it’s important,
- Consider reducing speed (220 or minimum clean) in those airspaces
Stuck Mike Protection
- Company fleet has a protection,
- After 35s continuous transmission VHF Comm reverts to receive mode
Change of Radio Frequency Inflight
- CRZ: PF changes STBY, PM responds ATC and note it to OFP, PM crosschecks and switches,
- CLB, DES: PM will do all of it
FIR Boundry Awareness
- When direct to received, take only boundry abeam points,
- If no waypoint present, create it by entering lat/long,
- Enter next boundry waypoint to FIX page
Radio Check Interval
25 minutes maximum
Enroute Weather Checking and Recording
- Company bases are preferred,
- Record enroute alternate weather only during periods of general poor weather
Mode S Transponder ATC Monitored Parameters
- Flight number,
- Current HDG, ALT and SPD selected on the MCP,
- Current V/S
Standard Speeds for the Company
- 220KT at IAF,
- 180KT at base,
- 180KT on final approach track,
- 160KT from 8 to 4NM
Direct Requests During Climb
Shall only requested when above MSA
- Barometric Pressure Setting (BPS) Advisory Tool,
- ATC tool for identifying incorrect QNH setting,
- Gives a warning when difference is more than 5mb,
- Provided by London Terminal Control Approach controllers,
- It only supports arrival aircraft at or below TL
Climb Rate Restrictions and VNAV
- Below FL300 use V/S when approaching cleared level (starting from 3000FT/ max 3000FPM),
- Above FL300 use VNAV unless there is potential traffic
Descend Rate Restrictions and VNAV
- Use V/S when approaching cleared level (starting from 3000FT/max 3000FPM),
- Use V/S for step descents of up to 2000FT
ECON Speed Exception
When flying to alternate, it shall be flown using LRC
High Altitude Maneuvering Speed
Other than LNAV, use 10KT above lower amber band
Flight Plan FL Calculation CG Value
Calculated using most restrictive CG of 5% MAC
ATC ALT/HDG Instructions When PM Off the Radio
- PF selects requested but doesn’t execute,
- After returning to radio PM verifies with ATC only then PF executes,
- If ATC requires immediate change PF will interrupts PM and PM confirms instruction with ATC
Orbit Requests
- At least 10NM from touchdown,
- Don’t descent below MSA or 3000FT WEH,
- Max Flaps 10 and speedbrakes (Gear Down not permitted),
- VMC conditions
Visual Circuit After Missed Approach
Not acceptable to join a visual circuit from an INCOMPLETE go-around
Approach Ban During TS
- When active TS over airfield or,
- Within 3NM of Final Approach Centerline
Monitored Approach
- Must be used when: Type B <1000m and 300FT, Type A <3000m and 1000FT,
- Inexperienced co-pilots may fly including when xwind > 15KT
- PF is F/O (including go-around),
- Landing shall be flown by Captain,
- A/P shall be used,
- Once briefed and approach checklist is completed, must be flown even if the weather improves
- Not applicable to circling and visual approach
Stabilization Criteria
- Speed Vref to Vref + 20,
- On the correct vertical and lateral path,
- Appropriate thrust setting,
- Vertical speed max 1000FPM or the briefed value,
- Landing checklist complete (except landing lights)
Night Landings Restrictions
- No self maneuvering below MSA,
- Visual landing only from published approach procedure,
- Night circling requires PAPI/VASI,
- From NPA to a RWY < 2000m without PAPI/VASI requires NPFO approval
Visual Approach Limitations
- RVR 800m or more,
- Only conducted by Commanders and Experienced F/Os
- Low Drag Approach,
- Final Approach Speed: 180KT,
- Gear Up configuration until 4NM (Precision) or 5/4NM (NPA) or latest 3.5NM,
- Not applicable to V/S NPA,
- Applicable to Straight in Visual Approach
Side Step Approach Requirements
- Requested/offered by ATC and Missed Approach procedure confirmed,
- New threshold distance is equal or greater than previous one,
- Daylight VMC,
- PAPI and RWY insight,
- Maneuver commanced prior 1000FT AGL,
- Final Flaps selected prior maneuver,
- LDG performance calculated before
Default Circling Direction
Left Downwind/Base unless cleared/written otherwise
NPA Without FAF in the FMC
For VNAV only:
- 5/4NM from the threshold or,
- If not practicable to identify point: 2000FT AGL
Approach Ban
- If RVR/VIS below minima, don’t continue below 1000FT or Final App Segment if MDH > 1000FT,
- If RVR not reported and VIS below minima but CMV > minima, continue below 1000FT or FAS (except LVO),
- If RVR/VIS drops below minima after 1000FT/FAS continue to DH/MDH,
- If controlling, minimum RVRs for Midpoint: 125m, Stop End: 75m,
- If TDZ RVR not available Midpoint becomes controlling
Mandatory Go-Arounds
- Engine failure on final in IMC and below 1000FT,
- Flap Load Relief Activation below LDG Gate,
- Approach Aid malfunction unless VMC,
Go-arounds and ASR
- When initiated below 1000FT ASR requried,
- Above 1000FT in case of additional circumstances
Consecutive Missed Approaches
- After the 2nd, visibility and ceiling must increase twice to conduct another approach,
- 3rd approach during Windshear is not permitted
Visual References To Continue (Non-LVO)
- Any one RWY or APP light for Type A and CAT I,
- Sequenced Flashing Light does not count
“Land After” Clearances
- Approved by the Company,
- Expect LDG clearance below minimums,
- Clearance authorises the aircraft cross the RWY threshold,
- Requires completion of LANDING LIGHTS item after minimums
Legal Wind Information Source During Approach
Tower reported wind (10m high)
Approach and Touchdown Speed
- Keep Vref speed with increments until threshold,
- Land with Vref + Gust increment,
- For Tailwind land with Vref
Idle Reverse Thrust Usage
- RWYCC must be 5 or more,
- On last flights of the day at RYR bases or before out of service,
- Commander encouraged to minimize taxi time,
- No reverse not used in the Company
Cut-Throat Signal From Ramp Agent
Shutdown engines even if no AC available
Arrival to Parking Position and Brakes Set
Signal ground staff that parking brake is set
Releasing Parking Brake
- PM during exterior inspection connect to headset,
- Informs PF that chocks in place and servicing equipment properly positioned,
- PF releases parking brake with caution and informs PM
APU Usage
- Maximise the use of GRD PWR,
- APU not needed for A/C between 5-25 C
Aircraft Change
- F/O completes shutdown checklist and proceed to outbound aircraft and do the preflight,
- CPT completes Tech Log, secures the aircraft and proceeds to outbound aircraft,
- If there is a crew waiting for us, Shutdown Checklist and Tech Log completion is sufficient