8.1 Flight Preperation and Operation Instructions Flashcards
Preflight Briefing Location
Aircraft Cabin under normal circumstances
Delay of a Previous Flight and Reporting
Agree a time with OCC to return to the gate/aircraft
Isolated Aerodrome Procedures
Not used in the Company
Diversion Airport Selection
- In case of an emergency might be any airport,
- But if time permits Company bases
Diversion Distance and Speed
- B737-800: 427NM,
- B737-8200: 416NM,
- 400NM over water unless liferafts are carried,
- 330KT/.79M,
- Rescue and Fire Fighting Services,
- B737 is “Category 7”,
- Commander may choose lower in case of an emergency,
DEP/ARR and their Alternates:
- With risk assessment: 6/5,
- Risk assessment and tempo max 72h downgrade: 5/4
Enroute Alternates:
- If noticed > 30m: 4,
- If noticed < 30m: 5
- If noticed < 30m and tempo max 72h downgrade: 4
PBN Destination and Alternates
- Destination alternate must have other than GNSS instrument approach,
- ERA and T/O alternates may have only GNSS
- Destination with no alternate and only GNSS approach may be planned
T/O Alternate
- Within 1h OEI cruising speed (330KT/.79, 427/416NM),
- In ISA and still air conditions,
- Actual T/O mass
2 Destination Alternates Requirement
- When weather below minima at the destination or,
- When no meteorological information is available for destination,
- Alternate fuel planning is for the distant one
No Alternate Requirements
- Requires Flight Ops approval,
- Maximum flight time 6h,
- 2 seperate RWYs,
- Ceiling 2000FT or Circling +500FT,
- Visibility 5km
Inflight Landing Distance Calculation Modifier
Multiply Landing distance by 1.15
MDA Modifiers
- Temperature correction and,
- 40FT increment
CATII DH Calculation
- Center of the point where GP equals DH,
- Within a 30m radius,
- Highest obstacle within radius
Company Aircraft Category
- Determined by VAT (Speed above threshold),
- VAT = Vso x 1.3,
- VAT calculated with maximum certified LDG WGT,
- All aircrafts are Category C,
- Speed: 121-140
T/O Minima Without LVTO Approval
- Down to 500m no requirement,
- 400m Day: CLM or REDL or RCLL,
- 400m Night: RENL (or color coded RCLL) AND REDL or RCLL,
- Initial part may be assessed (RVR or VIS) by commander
Lowest DH/MDH System Minima
- ILS/GLS: 200FT,
- VOR, NDB/DME: 300FT,
- NDB: 350FT
Lowest NPA and PA Minima
- PA: 200FT Instrument RWY,
- NPA: 250FT Non-Instrument RWY,
- PA: 550m,
- NPA: 750m
- Continuous Descent Final Approach,
- Company does not conduct non CDFA approaches
Use of DH for CDFA NPA
- Max glidepath 3.5 degrees,
- 40FT increment still applied
Circling Minima
- Category C: 600FT / 2400m,
- Category D: 700FT / 3600m
Circling Missed Approach
- Follow instrument approach go around procedure,
- Make an initial climbing turn towards the landing RWY,
- Stay within circling side of the airport until established MA procedure or above MSA
Circling at Night Limits
- Max Xwind: 20KT,
- Max Gust: 40KT,
- Circling Minima + 300FT,
- New CPT can’t conduct
Conversion of Visibility General
- RVR not reported,
- Not for T/O minima,
- Not for LVO,
Conversion of Visibility Numbers
- For flight planning use x 1,
- HI approach and RWY lights: X 1.5 / 2 (Day/Night),
- Any other type: X 1 / 1.5,
- No lights: 1 / NA
Failed Ground Equipment Effect on Minima Inflight
- Below 1000FT we are not expected to consult such instructions,
- Above 1000FT consult and if required abandon approach,
- Multiple failures RWY/FATO lights other than listed not acceptable
Failed Ground Equipment Effect for Night Non-LVO Approach
REDL, RENL, RTHL required,
CDFA Glidepath Limit
Maximum 4.5 degrees
Offset Approach Rules
If offset > 5 degrees:
- Flown with Stabilised Approach techniques and CDFA,
- RVR/CMV + 400m (max 5000m)
Stabilised Approach Criteria
- Laterally and vertically on path,
- Within required ROD (fluctuations not exceeds 50% of nominal),
- Intended landing speed maintained,
- Correct configuration,
- Thrust and trim settings appropriate
*Circling Configuration Gate
Gear down/F15 and on speed at 1000FT AGL
Use of Noise Abatement Procedures
- Use NADP 2 when possible,
- If local NADP 2/1 different than company, use Company NADP1 or NADP2
“MINIMUM FUEL” Declaration
- Comitted to land at a specific airport,
- Any change to existing clearance may result landing with less than FRF to that airport
“MAYDAY X 3, FUEL” Declaration
- Upon landing nearest aerodrome,
- Where a safe landing can be made,
- With less than FRF
Destination and T/O Alternate Aerodrome Selection
- Within 1 hour of ETA,
- RVR or VIS within limits,
- For Type A or circling, ceiling at or above MDH,
- For T/O alternate OEI limitations applies
Destination Alternate and Fuel ERA Aerodrome Selection Weather
- Within 1 hour of ETA,
- Weather conditions at or above PLANNING minima
Planning Minima
- For Destination Alternate and Fuel ERA Aerodrome
- TYPE B: DA + 200FT, RVR + 800m
- TYPE A: DA + 400FT, RVR + 1500m
- Circling: MDA + 400FT, Visibility + 1500m
Minimum Arrival Fuel Planning
Final Reserve Fuel
- 30min holding 1500FT above destination alternate,
- In case of no alternate additional 15min holding
Default Taxi Fuel
- 15min,
- If available Airport/RWY taxi time data
Contingency Fuel
- For unforseen factors,
- 5% (3% ERA) of trip fuel or,
- 5min flying at 1500FT above destination aerodrome,
- Whichever is the higher
Additional Fuel
- In the event of engine failure or depressurization,
- From most critical point to the ERA,
- Hold there 15min at 1500FT,
- Make an approach and land
Contingency Fuel Company Variation
Higher of:
- Either 3% of trip fuel or 20min planned trip consumption vs,
- 5min holding fuel at 1500FT above destination aerodrome
3% ERA Fuel Calculation
- Circle radius: 20% FPL distance,
- Location of circle centre: 25% FPL distance or 20% FPL distance +50NM WEH,
- All distances calculated in still air conditions
FMC Arrival Fuel Requirements
- Prior push/start: CONT + ALTN + FINRES + DEV + TAXI
- During taxi: ALTN + FINRES + DEV
Overfuelled Aircraft Solutions
- Offloading cargo by consulting with Ops,
- Extended taxi or “Push and hold”,
- FPL at lower flight level,
- FPL with longer routing
PIC Discretionary Fuel
- GOPS will load OFP Block rounded up to nearest 100 + 100kg,
- Thunderstorms forecasted,
- RVR Minima 2/3 or less of forecasted,
- Freezing precipitation or Moderate/Heavy Snow,
- Xwind 2/3 of limit,
- Contaminated RWY,
- En-route adverse weather
Extra Fuel Carriage Penalty
2.5% per hour of flight
Fuel Icing Flight Level Limit
If -70 degrees or less, flight will be rerouted or cruise level limited
Tankering Considirations
- Don’t take more than planned,
- Tankering is subject to landing performance and CSFF,
- CPT may refuse if there is a sound reason
Does Tankering Sector Trip Fuel Covers the Additional Fuel Burn
Yes, it covers additional fuel burn due to weight
Default Fuel Density
If not known “.79”
LMC Limit and FMC Procedure
- LMC must be entered to FMC,
- 500kg allowed otherwise new paper loadsheet required,
- No limit for electronic LMC because any LMC triggers new calculation
Standard Crew and PAX Masses
- Flight Crew: 85kg,
- Cabin Crew: 75kg,
- All Adult All Flights Except Holiday Charters: 84kg,
- All Adult Holiday Charters: 76kg,
- Childern or infants occupying seperate seat: 35kg,
- Includes hand baggage and infant (for adults)
Holiday Charter Mass Values Assumption
Not more than 5% of seats used for non-revenue
Standard Masses for Baggage
- Domestic: 11kg,
- Within EU: 13kg,
- Intercontinental: 15kg,
- All other: 13kg
Significant Weight Deviation of PAX/BAG from Standard
- May determine actual mass or,
- Add adequate increment
Avoiding Leaving Bags
- Choose closest alternate in coordination with Ops,
- Consider tech stop in coordination with Ops,
- Don’t take any fuel in excess of OFP,
- Push and hold procedures which increases Taxi Fuel,
- It’s preferable to burn 700kg fuel during taxi than leave 54 bags behind
Load Sheet Discrepancy and LMC Procedure
- Shall be resolved over headset with the doors closed,
- Electronically edited by commander or ramp agent,
- For paper loadsheet: lower it down to ramp agent,
- Or alternatively flight crew may amend if ramp agent is at the headset
LID Preperation Time
- Load Information Document,
- Completed following gate closure to minimise LMC
Flight Plan Delay Time
After 15 minutes coordinate new flight plan
Unexpected Delay and CTOT Communication
- If will be delayed beyond CTOT call Dublin Ops,
- Inform expected ready to depart time,
- If unable to reach Dublin Ops, call ATC and inform about missing the CTOT
OFP Suitability Check
- LIDO performs the check for destination and alternates
- Checks for weather and NOTAM,
- If the check is disabled, a remark will appear on the flight plan
FPL Alternates
- C1 etc : Commercial alternate selected when diversion is likely,
- F: Fuel alternate usually the nearest and selected when diversion is unlikely,
- US: Appear beside means “Unsuitable” but we can select after checking NOTAM and WX
ZFW Difference Limit Between Actual and FPL
If actual is >1000kg than original, then a new OFP should be calculated
RVSM Checks
- On the ground prior to departure,
- Inflight 1 hour intervals but not recorded
ETOPS and MNPS Authorization
- Company not authorized to conduct ETOPS,
- Company authorized to conduct MNPS operations
Shear Value on OFP
- Samples taken 2000FT above and below the datum level,
- Moderate Turbulence: 3 or more,
- Severe Turbulence: 5 or more,
- 0 means winds are the same but doesn’t guarantee smooth ride
New OFP Numbering
If a new flight plan created, new number may be less or more
FPLN Download and Changes
- Normally download at STD - 45 minutes,
- You can download earlier but check validity at STD - 45 minutes,
- If it changes after STD -45 minutes, OCC will contact us,
- We have to reply FPLN Change e-mail on EFB,
- If we don’t download the new FPLN, OCC cancels it at STD -10 minutes
FPLN Weather Recording
- Only Departure and Arrival mandatory,
- Record alternates when required
Techlog General
- All shaded areas require entry by Commander,
- When ASR submitted, include Tech Log page number
Returning to Stand Request to ATC
Cargo Hold Check During Walkaround
FWD and AFT Cargo hold must be opened and checked for inbound baggages
Aircraft Torches
- Pilots must have their own torches,
- If we use the aircraft torch, it shall be recorded in the Tech Log
Radio Ahead Codes
- Legend is in the Tech Log,
- During VHF communication relay this code
Tech Log Signing Means
- Preflight Check has been carried out,
- Check of WO, HIL, APS, Fuel, Oil and Hydraulic quantities are complete
Tech Log Mandatory Reporting
- Safety equiment usage,
- Crew oxygen usage,
- Stick shaker not attributable to environmental conditions,
- QRH usage for a defect,
- Flight control issue experienced
Flight Crew Approved Maintenance Actions
- Reset a circuit breaker,
- Insert a cockpit placard,
- Conduct BITE test in the cockpit,
- Conduct a Bird Strike Inspection,
- If unsure contact Duty Pilot
Aircraft Variable Weights Programme
- For MTOW,
- 800: 74990/71990 may be operated as 69990/66990,
- 8200: 76200 may be operated as 72600 or 69000,
- Certified (e-learning) Captains may certify the change at an unsupported station
How to Change MTOW
- At unsupported station only,
- Tick the required MTOW,
- Enter IE.145.004 and your ATPL number to the CRS box,
- Update the weight placard (above right observer mask)
Documents to be Carried (Hardcopy)
- Certificate of Registration (original),
- Certificate of Airworthiness (original),
- Noise Certificate by IAA,
- Original Aircraft Radio License if applicable,
- Technical Log,
- 1 X Normal Laminated Checklist (maybe QRH checklist)
- 1 X QRH
In Case of Loss or Theft of Hardcopy Documents
Allowed to continue the flight to a base or place where a replacement can be provided
Cert File Contents
- Certificate of Registration,
- Certificate of Airworthiness,
- Airworthiness Review Certificate,
- Attestation Certificate,
- Noise Certificate,
- Wireless Telegraph,
- AFM Certificate,
- Engineering Software Configuration
Information Retained on the Ground
- Copy of Operational Flight Plan,
- Copies of Tech Log page,
- Route specific NOTAM if edited by Company,
- Mass and Balance document,
Lost or Stolen Flight Crew Documents
- May operate maximum 1 Flight Duty period,
- Inform IAA and obtain time frame for replacement,
- Lost documents considered as stolen so inform local police,
- Inform Crew Control and provide time frame for replacement,
- Print a copy of pilot license and medical from record keeping system