8.1 Flight Preperation and Operation Instructions Flashcards
Preflight Briefing Location
Aircraft Cabin under normal circumstances
Delay of a Previous Flight and Reporting
Agree a time with OCC to return to the gate/aircraft
Isolated Aerodrome Procedures
Not used in the Company
Diversion Airport Selection
- In case of an emergency might be any airport,
- But if time permits Company bases
Diversion Distance and Speed
- B737-800: 427NM,
- B737-8200: 416NM,
- 400NM over water unless liferafts are carried,
- 330KT/.79M,
- Rescue and Fire Fighting Services,
- B737 is “Category 7”,
- Commander may choose lower in case of an emergency,
DEP/ARR and their Alternates:
- With risk assessment: 6/5,
- Risk assessment and tempo max 72h downgrade: 5/4
Enroute Alternates:
- If noticed > 30m: 4,
- If noticed < 30m: 5
- If noticed < 30m and tempo max 72h downgrade: 4
PBN Destination and Alternates
- Destination alternate must have other than GNSS instrument approach,
- ERA and T/O alternates may have only GNSS
- Destination with no alternate and only GNSS approach may be planned
T/O Alternate
- Within 1h OEI cruising speed (330KT/.79, 427/416NM),
- In ISA and still air conditions,
- Actual T/O mass
2 Destination Alternates Requirement
- When weather below minima at the destination or,
- When no meteorological information is available for destination,
- Alternate fuel planning is for the distant one
No Alternate Requirements
- Requires Flight Ops approval,
- Maximum flight time 6h,
- 2 seperate RWYs,
- Ceiling 2000FT or Circling +500FT,
- Visibility 5km
Inflight Landing Distance Calculation Modifier
Multiply Landing distance by 1.15
MDA Modifiers
- Temperature correction and,
- 40FT increment
CATII DH Calculation
- Center of the point where GP equals DH,
- Within a 30m radius,
- Highest obstacle within radius
Company Aircraft Category
- Determined by VAT (Speed above threshold),
- VAT = Vso x 1.3,
- VAT calculated with maximum certified LDG WGT,
- All aircrafts are Category C,
- Speed: 121-140
T/O Minima Without LVTO Approval
- Down to 500m no requirement,
- 400m Day: CLM or REDL or RCLL,
- 400m Night: RENL (or color coded RCLL) AND REDL or RCLL,
- Initial part may be assessed (RVR or VIS) by commander
Lowest DH/MDH System Minima
- ILS/GLS: 200FT,
- VOR, NDB/DME: 300FT,
- NDB: 350FT
Lowest NPA and PA Minima
- PA: 200FT Instrument RWY,
- NPA: 250FT Non-Instrument RWY,
- PA: 550m,
- NPA: 750m
- Continuous Descent Final Approach,
- Company does not conduct non CDFA approaches
Use of DH for CDFA NPA
- Max glidepath 3.5 degrees,
- 40FT increment still applied
Circling Minima
- Category C: 600FT / 2400m,
- Category D: 700FT / 3600m
Circling Missed Approach
- Follow instrument approach go around procedure,
- Make an initial climbing turn towards the landing RWY,
- Stay within circling side of the airport until established MA procedure or above MSA
Circling at Night Limits
- Max Xwind: 20KT,
- Max Gust: 40KT,
- Circling Minima + 300FT,
- New CPT can’t conduct
Conversion of Visibility General
- RVR not reported,
- Not for T/O minima,
- Not for LVO,
Conversion of Visibility Numbers
- For flight planning use x 1,
- HI approach and RWY lights: X 1.5 / 2 (Day/Night),
- Any other type: X 1 / 1.5,
- No lights: 1 / NA
Failed Ground Equipment Effect on Minima Inflight
- Below 1000FT we are not expected to consult such instructions,
- Above 1000FT consult and if required abandon approach,
- Multiple failures RWY/FATO lights other than listed not acceptable
Failed Ground Equipment Effect for Night Non-LVO Approach
REDL, RENL, RTHL required,
CDFA Glidepath Limit
Maximum 4.5 degrees
Offset Approach Rules
If offset > 5 degrees:
- Flown with Stabilised Approach techniques and CDFA,
- RVR/CMV + 400m (max 5000m)
Stabilised Approach Criteria
- Laterally and vertically on path,
- Within required ROD (fluctuations not exceeds 50% of nominal),
- Intended landing speed maintained,
- Correct configuration,
- Thrust and trim settings appropriate
*Circling Configuration Gate
Gear down/F15 and on speed at 1000FT AGL
Use of Noise Abatement Procedures
- Use NADP 2 when possible,
- If local NADP 2/1 different than company, use Company NADP1 or NADP2
“MINIMUM FUEL” Declaration
- Comitted to land at a specific airport,
- Any change to existing clearance may result landing with less than FRF to that airport
“MAYDAY X 3, FUEL” Declaration
- Upon landing nearest aerodrome,
- Where a safe landing can be made,
- With less than FRF
Destination and T/O Alternate Aerodrome Selection
- Within 1 hour of ETA,
- RVR or VIS within limits,
- For Type A or circling, ceiling at or above MDH,
- For T/O alternate OEI limitations applies