8:through The Ages-time,history Flashcards
adjective - punctual
وقت شناس: punctual
دقیق: precise, accurate, exact, detailed, careful, punctual
بموقع: timely, proper, apropos, seasonable, punctual, fitting
ثابت در یک نقطه: punctual
نقطه نقطه: dotty, punctate, pinto, punctual, punctulate, punctulated
نقطه مانند: punctual
لایتجزی: punctual
نکته دار: punctual
معنی دار: significant, meaningful, punctual
صریح: explicit, clear, express, frank, unequivocal, punctual
با ذکر جزئيات دقیق: punctual
اداب دان: punctual
نقطه دار: gutty, punctual
خوش قول: punctual, loyal to his word, as good as one’s word, true to one’s word
نیش دار: sarcastic, mordant, poignant, pointed, punctual, waspish
I have a diary
دفتر خاطرات روزانه
written account of daily occurrences, journal; daily calendar
I am often in a hurry
Take your time
Don’t hurry
I got very early so that I could take my time getting ready
Take a long time/too much time/so much time/too long /so long/three hours
Lose track of time
When I surf the net I often lose track of time
Surf the net
Surf: navigate in the internet
requiring a lot of time, taking a long time
It took so long to arrive
In time
• Hurry up, and you will be in time.
عجله کن، تا به موقع برسی.
at the needed time; within the required time; in the future, as time passes
On time
at the appointed hour, at the correct time
Injured in the accident
noun - tower
برج: tower, pylon, house, steeple, constellation, month
قلعه بلند بودن: tower
verb - demolish
خراب کردن: ruin, destroy, take down, wreck, pull down, demolish
ویران کردن: destroy, havoc, raze, rubble, demolish, devastate
خرد کردن: grind, squelch, minify, smash, chop, demolish
following, afterwards, at a later time
Prior to the introduction
adjective - prior
قبلی: previous, prior, former, past, foregone, fore
پیشین: prior, a priori, former, previous, antecedent, olden
مقدم: prior, first, antecedent, leading, preferred, precedent
از پیش: prior
اسبق: prior
اولی: prior, pristine
جلوی: fore, anterior, forward, frontward, former, prior
noun - prior
رئيس صومعه: prior
adjective - preceding
ماقبل: preceding, past, precedent
سابق: former, old, past, preceding, antecedent, ci-devant
Happen before
This is the third year in succession
پی در پی،متوالی
in order, in progression, sequentially, continuously
adverb - formerly
قبلا: already, formerly, beforehand, heretofore, erstwhile, erst
سابق: formerly, before, previously
سابقا: formerly, previously, once, before, erstwhile, sometime
پیشتر: before, formerly
previously; in the past, in former times, in previous days
In advance
: ago, ahead, forward, in advance, past, beforehand
• You should order in advance.
باید از قبل سفارش دهید
adjective - imminent
قریب الوقوع: imminent, impendent
Very soon
An interval of time
Very old
Extended over
adjective - prehistoric
ماقبل تاریخی: prehistoric, prehistorical
پیش تاریخی: prehistoric, prehistorical
وابسته به قبل از تاریخ: prehistoric, prehistorical
Before people made written records of events
adjective - chronological
بترتیب وقوع: chronologic, chronological
ترتیب زمانی و قوع: chronological, chronologic
بترتیب تاریخی: chronologic, chronological
دارای ربط زمانی: chronologic, chronological
دارای تسلسل تاریخی: chronologic, chronological
وابسته به زمانسنجی: chronological, chronologic
● وابسته به گاهشناسی،سنوی،زمانی،تقویمی،گاهشمارانه
his chronological age is ten but his mental age is only five
سن تقویمی او ده سال ولی سن عقلی او فقط پنج سال است.
● وابسته به رویدادنگاری و ذکر وقایع به ترتیب تاریخ رویداد آنها،زمان بندی،ترتیب زمانی (chronologic هم میگویند)
list them chronologically (not alphabetically)
آنها را به ترتیب زمان رویداد (و نه به ترتیب حروف الفبا) فهرست کنید.
chronological order
ترتیب زمانی
Worn away over time
verb - erode
ساییده شدن: erode, rub, fret
ساییدن: rub, gnaw, pulverize, wear away, grind, erode
خوردن: eat, drink, feed, devour, corrode, corrode
فرساییدن: erode
فاسد کردن: corrupt, addle, bastardize, canker, debauch, deprave
Thousands of years
Digging for artefacts
noun - excavation
حفاری: excavation, dig, diggings
کاوش: search, probing, probe, excavation, research, dig
خاک برداری: excavation, diggings
نبش: digging, excavation, edge
noun - artefact
مصنوع: artifact, artefact, piece of art, work of art
محصول مصنوعی: artefact, artifact
Age & Era
Age: a particular period of history
Era:a period of time that is remembered for particular events
• This is the beginning of a new era.
این آغاز عصری جدید است
Socrates predated Christ by about five-hundred years
سقراط حدود پانصد سال قبل از عیسی بود
To exist earlier than sth else
adjective - consecutive
متوالی: consecutive, successive, continuous, sequential, following, uninterrupted
پی در پی: successive, consecutive, sequential, incessant, repeated, steady
پیاپی: consecutive, successive, serial
پشت سرهم: consecutive, seriate, blow-by-blow
مسلسل: consecutive, continued, successive, uninterrupted, catenary, concatenated
نتیجهای: consequential, consecutive
Middle-aged & the Middle of Ages
● میانسال (بین 40 تا 65 ساله)
a middle-aged man
مرد میانسال
The Middle Ages: a period of European history between 1000 and 1500 AD
• I prefer antiquated models.
من مدلهای عتیقه را ترجیح میدهم
All of the time
All timesغلطه
Nostalgic person
Look back
Not look backward
The modern age/modern times
Not the modern time
It was built over a long period
Wooden poles
[wood·en || ‘wʊdn]
made from wood; of wood; hard, coarse; expressionless; stupid; blunt; stiff, inflexible
noun - pole
قطب: pole, hub, axis, focus, gudgeon
دیرک: pole, mast, pillar, lug
ستون: column, pillar, pile, pole, shaft, jamb
دسته بلند چیزی: pole
تیر چراغ برق: pole
خاده: neckcloth, broomstick, dog hook, fire hook, gaff, gallows
Which have long gone
[gɑn ,gɔn /gɒn]
departed, left; dead; lost; destroyed; used up, run out
Japanese game for two players on a board that is checkered with 19 horizontal and 19 vertical lines
act of going; attempt, try; energy, vigor, spirit; period of activity; success
proceed, move; travel; leave; extend from one point to another; function properly; pass, elapse; match, suit; fit; become impaired; be used up; die; break; become; sell; say (Informal)
Gaze upon in awe
look, stare
look at for a long time, stare, watch, observe
خیره شدن
noun - awe
هیبت: awe, solemnity, scare
ترس: fear, awe, dread, horror, dismay, fray
وحشت: panic, terror, horror, fear, dread, awe
خوف: fear, dread, terror, awe, windup, horror
بیم: fear, dread, awe, apprehension, care, funk
verb - awe
ترساندن: scare, frighten, intimidate, terrorize, deter, awe
هیبت دادن: awe
Inferred from minute changes
verb - infer
استنتاج کردن: derive, infer, conclude, evolve, induce, subsume
استنباط کردن: infer, deduce, construe, divine, educe, elicit
پی بردن به: infer, trace, spell
حدس زدن: guess, guesstimate, infer, surmise, conjecture, rede
اشاره کردن بر: indicate, infer, suggest
conjunction - nevertheless
با این وجود: nevertheless
معهذا: however, nevertheless
با اینحال: nevertheless, nonetheless
علیرغم: nevertheless
adverb - nevertheless
با اینحال: yet, nevertheless, nonetheless
هنوز: still, yet, as yet, however, nevertheless
باز: again, nevertheless
ضمنا: meantime, meanwhile, by the way, however, at the same time, nevertheless
● باقیماندن،به جا ماندن،(هنوز) وجود داشتن،پسماندن
the money remaining in my pocket
پول باقیمانده در جیبم
the city’s ruins still remain
خرابههای شهر هنوز باقی است.
two weeks remained of our holidays
از تعطیلات ما دو هفته باقی مانده بود.
● ماندن
I remained in the house until ten o’clock
تا ساعت ده در خانه ماندم.
remain here till I return
اینجا بمان تا برگردم.
● پا برجا ماندن،موجود بودن
a remaining memory
خاطرهای پا برجا
● ادامه دادن،(هنوز) بودن
she remains an optimist
او هنوز خوشبین است.
* it remains to be seen
بعدا معلوم خواهد شد،هنوز معلوم نیست
* it remains to add that…
فقط باید افزود که …
* remain in force
به قوت خود باقیماندن
c.2600 to 2500 Bc
c. :circa
Mean about or approximately
The 1960s
Don’t use apostrophe with decades
The 1960’sغلطه
AD: refer to the time before the birth of Jesus Christ
BC: refer to the time after Christ was born