5:Effective Conmunication-languages,linguistics Flashcards
She had difficulty with
The ability to do sth without making mistakes
Language barrier
racial barrier
موانع (جداسازهای) نژادی
noun - barrier
مانع: obstacle, barrier, hindrance, impediment, hurdle, hedge
سد: dam, barrier, block, obstacle, wall, dike
حصار: fence, barrier, wall, hedge, enclosure, fencing
حائل: barrier, buffer, delimiter, buttress, louver, stanchion
نرده یا مانع عبور دشمن: barrier
verb - barrier
راه کسی را بستن: barrier
noun - hesitation
درنگ: hesitation, pause, tarry, halt, hesitancy, hesitance
تامل: reflection, contemplation, deliberation, hesitation, indecision, advisement
دو دلی: hesitance, indecision, vacillation, doubt, hesitancy, hesitation
The ability to speak without hesitation
Carry out daily tasks
verb - carry out
انجام دادن: do, perform, carry out, accomplish, fulfill, make
پیش بردن: advance, carry out, further, encourage, expedite, hustle
عمل اوردن: carry out, conduct, execute, manufacture, produce
You can say that again!
I totally agree with you
Having said that
Despite this
There is sth to be said for
It has some advantages
To say the least
It is in fact even more important than I have just said
When all is said and done
After everything else;remember this
Needless to say
This is to be totally expected
Devastating effect
verb - devastate
ویران کردن: destroy, havoc, raze, rubble, demolish, devastate
خراب کردن: ruin, destroy, take down, wreck, pull down, muck
تاراج کردن: devastate, overrun
پایمال کردن: overwhelm, trample, inculcate, devastate, suppress, override
marine vegetation
گیاهان دریازی
marine and land crabs
خرچنگهای دریایی و خشکی
That is to say
In other words
Have a say
Be involved in making a decision
The government is elected
choose, vote for; prefer, decide
دارای ارتباط
verb - correspond
مطابق بودن: correspond, tally
برابر بودن: correspond
بهم مربوط بودن: correspond
مانند یا مشابه بودن: correspond
مکاتبه کردن: communicate, correspond
رابطه داشتن: correspond, liaise
روکش کردن
لکنت داشتن
verb - indicate
نشان دادن: show, demonstrate, display, illustrate, represent, indicate
نمایان ساختن: detect, indicate
حاکی بودن: indicate, portend
اشاره کردن بر: indicate, infer, suggest
verb - intend
خواستن: want, ask, desire, solicit, wish, intend
قصد داشتن: intend, aim, mean, purpose
خیال داشتن: intend, think
بر آن بودن: ween, intend
verb - signify
دلالت کردن بر: betoken, implicate, signify
حاکی بودن از: hold out, bode, bespeak, betoken, signify, smell
باشاره فهماندن: signify
معنی کردن: denote, define, explain, give the meaning, interpret, signify
معنی بخشیدن: signify
noun - conjecture
حدس: guess, conjecture, surmise, aim, supposal
گمان: doubt, thought, guess, opinion, conjecture, impression
تخمین: estimate, estimation, approximation, assessment, guess, conjecture
ظن: suspicion, hunch, conjecture, guess, surmise
verb - conjecture
حدس زدن: guess, guesstimate, infer, surmise, conjecture, rede
گمان بردن: conjecture, surmise
inferred meaning
“home” has different connotations from “house”
adjective - significant
قابل توجه: significant, considerable, remarkable, substantial, notable, striking
مهم: important, significant, main, great, serious, substantial
معنی دار: significant, meaningful, punctual
عمده: major, main, chief, leading, significant, primary
حاکی از: significant, representative
ژرف: deep, profound, unfathomable, abysmal, important, significant
noun - significant
علامت: sign, mark, signal, symptom, indication, significant
verb - demonstrate
نشان دادن: show, demonstrate, display, illustrate, represent, indicate
ثابت کردن: prove, demonstrate, evidence, freeze, ascertain, clinch
شرح دادن: describe, explain, depict, demonstrate, illustrate, narrate
اثبات کردن: demonstrate, prove, assert, affirm, aver, corroborate
تظاهرات کردن: demonstrate
indirectly suggest, hint, infer
verb - imply
اشاره کردن: point, nudge, insinuate, mention, imply, allude
دلالت ضمنی کردن بر: connote, imply
اشاره داشتن بر: imply
رساندن: convey, supply, transmit, extend, give, imply
drop a hint, suggest, insinuate, imply; announce, declare, state (Archaic)
deny; refute; oppose
Understand, appreciate, comprehend,follow
Tell, narrate, recount,relate
noun - gesture
ژست: gesture, movement, sign, motion
حرکت: move, movement, motion, travel, gesture, action
اشاره: mention, hint, gesture, indication, allusion, suggestion
رفتار: behavior, conduct, treatment, manner, action, gesture
قیافه: face, look, countenance, expression, mien, gesture
وضع: situation, status, position, disposition, imposition, gesture
ادا: gesture, execution
اشارات و حرکات در موقع سخن گفتن: gesture
Suggest, imply, intimate,propose
Say, express, speak,verbalise
Meaning, connotation, significance,sense
Mean, indicate, intend,signify
Explain, clarify, define,illustrate
Conclude, close, summarise,recap
Communicate, contact, correspond,interact
Profound contribution
adjective - profound
عمیق: deep, profound, abysmal, fathomless, deep-rooted
ژرف: deep, profound, unfathomable, abysmal, important, significant
عمقی: deep, profound
noun - contribution
سهم: share, contribution, portion, stock, allotment, quota
اعانه: contribution, relief, subsidy, benefit, handout, bounty
همکاری و کمک: contribution
هم بخشی: contribution
in a spontaneous manner; naturally, instinctively; without prior planning, without premeditation, impromptu
Sign language
develop, gradually change or mature over time; be developed, be changed
adjective - sophisticated
مصنوعی: artificial, false, sophisticated, dummy, feigned, forged
در سطح بالا: sophisticated
غیر طبیعی: unnatural, uncanny, preposterous, supernatural, sophisticated, subnormal
تصنعی: sophisticated, dummy, mannered, put-on, self-imposed
خبره وماهر: sophisticated
مشکل وپیچیده: sophisticated
verb - distinguish
تمیز دادن: distinguish, discern, identify, individualize, individuate
تشخیص دادن: distinguish, recognize, diagnose, discern, assess, descry
مشخص کردن: specify, determine, characterize, define, distinguish
وجه تمایز قائل شدن: distinguish
تمبز دادن: distinguish
دیفرانسیل گرفتن: distinguish
مشهور کردن: distinguish, fame, glorify
فرو نشاندن: quench, quell, suppress, tranquilize, curb, extinguish
دیدن: see, view, sight, vision, look, behold
only, just, simply, purely
noun - intrigue
فتنه: intrigue, sedition, seduction, temptation, insurrection, riot
تمهید: scheming, arrangement, preparation, scheme, intrigue, contrivance
verb - intrigue
دسیسه کردن: angle, cabal, intrigue, machinate
توطئه چیدن: collude, collogue, intrigue, plot, scheme
Inherent tedency
adjective - inherent
ذاتی: inherent, intrinsic, essential, innate, natural, substantial
طبیعی: natural, normal, physical, indigenous, inherent, innate
اصلی: main, original, principal, basic, primary, inherent
ملازم: attending, inherent, attached, assiduous, inseparable
چسبنده: sticky, adhesive, gummy, gooey, viscid, inherent
noun - tendency
گرایش: trend, tendency, orientation, propensity, attitude, tropism
تمایل: tendency, sentiment, inclination, trend, would, disposition
میل: desire, liking, tendency, will, shaft, propensity
استعداد: talent, flair, aptitude, gift, capacity, tendency
توجه: attention, consideration, regard, care, notice, tendency
زمینه: background, context, ground, setting, base, tendency
علاقه مختصر: tendency
Mother tongue