14:urbanisation-problems And Solutions, big City Life Flashcards
Too much/too little
Too many/too few
Too much/too little:
With uncountable nouns:
Traffic, Time, money, space, work,rubbish
Too many/too little:
With countable nouns:
Deal with
poverty [ˈpovəti]
♦ noun
the condition of being poor: They lived in extreme poverty; the poverty of the soil.
Find a solution
Overcome a difficulty
Solve or resolve a problem
Remedy a situation
remedy [ˈremədi]– plural ˈremedies –
♦ noun
a cure for an illness or something bad: I know a good remedy for toothache.
درمان؛ علاج
♦ verb
to put right: These mistakes can be remedied.
جبران کردن
remedial [rəˈmiːdiəl]
♦ adjective
able to, or intended to, put right or to correct or cure: She does remedial work with the less clever children; remedial exercises.
درمانی؛ اصلاحی؛ ترمیمی
Resolve an issue or problem
Reach or find a compromise
compromise [ˈkomprəmaiz]
♦ noun
(a) settlement of differences in which each side gives up something it has previously demanded: We argued for a long time but finally arrived at a compromise.
مصالحه؛ سازش
Difficulty, dilemma, challenge,obstacle
obstacle [ˈobstəkl]
♦ noun
something which prevents progress: His inability to learn foreign languages was an obstacle to his career.
obstacle race
a race in which runners have to climb over, crawl through etc obstacles such as tyres, nets etc .
دو صحرایی با مانع
dilemma [diˈlemə, ˈdailemə]
♦ noun
a position or situation giving two choices, neither pleasant: His dilemma was whether to leave the party early so as to get a lift in his friend’s car, or to stay and walk eight kilometres home.
تنگنا؛ دو راهی ناخوشایند
difficult situation, difficult decision
Answer, key, remedy,resolution
noun - setback
شکست: defeat, failure, fracture, setback, break, losing
مانع: obstacle, barrier, hindrance, impediment, hurdle, setback
تنزل: degradation, decay, depreciation, depression, decadence, setback