20:The arts Flashcards
begging; attractive; interesting
noun - artefact
مصنوع: artifact, artefact, piece of art, work of art
محصول مصنوعی: artefact, artifact
ظاهرا، از قرار معلوم، ، چنینمینماید)یامینمود( که
Enigmatic smile
adjective - enigmatic
مبهم: vague, ambiguous, obscure, enigmatic, opaque, misty
مرموز: mysterious, cryptic, enigmatic, secretive, inscrutable, weird
معمایی: enigmatic
Your skin tingled
♦ verb
to feel a prickling sensation: The cold wind made my face tingle; My fingers were tingling with cold.
مومور شدن؛ جزجز کردن
♦ noun
this feeling.
مورمور؛ جز جز
You fill a thrill
thrill [θril]
♦ verb
to (cause someone to) feel excitement: She was thrilled at/by the invitation.
ذوق زده شدن یا کردن
♦ noun
1 an excited feeling: a thrill of pleasure/expectation.
شور و شعف
2 something which causes this feeling: Meeting the Queen was a great thrill.
هر چیز شور انگیز
♦ noun
an exciting novel or play, usually about crime, detectives etc : I always take a thriller to read on the train.
رمان یا نمایشنامه مهیج
♦ adjective
هیجان انگیز
You paused for a moment of reflection
Glimpses of mundane objects
noun - glimpse
نظر اجمالی: glance, glimpse, side glance, once-over
لمحه: glimpse, glance
نگاه سریع: glimpse
نگاه کم: glimpse
نگاه انی: glimpse
verb - glimpse
نگاه اجمالی کردن: glimpse
اجمالا دیدن: glimpse
بیک نظر دیدن: glimpse
اتفاقا دیدن: glimpse
Glimpses of mundane objects
adjective - mundane
دنیوی: worldly, mundane, secular, temporal, terrestrial, earthy
این جهانی: worldly, mundane, terrestrial, sublunar, sublunary
خاکی: earthen, earthy, earthly, terrestrial, khaki, mundane
Curvaceous kettle
adjective - curvaceous
دارای انحناء و قوسهای ظریف زنانه
critic [ˈkritik]
♦ noun
1 a person who judges or comments on books, art etc : He is the book critic for the local newspaper.
2 a person who finds fault: His critics would say that he is unsuitable for the job.
نکوهشگر؛ منتقد
♦ adjective
1 judging and analysing: He has written several critical works on Shakespeare.
2 fault-finding: He tends to be critical of his children.
خرده گیر؛ انتقاد آمیز
3 of, at or having the nature of, a crisis; very serious: a critical shortage of food; After the accident, his condition was critical.
بحرانی؛ نگران کننده
♦ adverb
بطور وخیم و بحرانی
ˈcriticize, *ˈcriticise [-saiz]
♦ verb
1 to find fault (with): He’s always criticizing her.
عیب جویی کردن؛ نکوهش کردن
2 to give an opinion of or judgement on a book etc .
نقد ادبی کردن
♦ noun
compose dance movements, direct a ballet or musical
To produce the viewer’s rush
Rush: ازدحام،شلوغی
Aesthetic experience
adjective - aesthetic
ظریف طبع: aesthetic
وابسته به زیبایی: aesthetic
مربوط به علم: aesthetic
plural ˈstimuli [-liː] –
♦ noun
1 something that causes a reaction in a living thing: Light is the stimulus that causes a flower to open.
2 something that rouses or encourages a person etc to action or greater effort: Many people think that children need the stimulus of competition to make them work better in school.
proficiently, skillfully; dexterously, nimbly
This is the burgeoning field of …
verb - burgeon
جوانه زدن: peep, germinate, sprout, bud, nip, burgeon
شروع برشد کردن: burgeon
در امدن: eventuate, burgeon, enter, erupt, measure, prove
verb - transcend
برتری یافتن: transcend, outreach, overcome
ورارفتن: transcend
بالاتر بودن: transcend
adjective - ordinary
معمولی: usual, ordinary, normal, common, commonplace, general
عادی: ordinary, normal, common, regular, usual, commonplace
ساده: simple, easy, plain, naive, modest, ordinary
متداول: common, popular, usual, current, prevalent, ordinary
پیش پا افتاده: banal, commonplace, common, ordinary, quotidian, well-known
خرجی: daily, ordinary
ancient [ˈeinʃənt]
♦ adjective
1 relating to times long ago, especially before the collapse of Rome: ancient history.
باستانی؛ کهن
2 very old: an ancient sweater.
It provokes serious and careful
موجب شدن- تحریک کردن
noun - workshop
کارگاه: workshop, shop, studio, detective, atelier, workhouse
اتاق کار: workshop, workroom, studio
تعمیر گاه: workshop