2:Mental And Physical Development Flashcards
verb - crawl
خزیدن: crawl, creep, slither, grovel, couch, lie up
سینه مال رفتن: crawl, creep
چهار دست و پا رفتن: crawl
Tie a shoelace
گره زدن بند کفش
noun - infant
کودک: child, baby, kid, infant, babe, tike
طفل: child, baby, infant, babe, brat, inexperienced person
بچه: baby, kid, child, cub, infant, fellow
بچه کمتر از هفت سال: infant
adjective - infant
غیر بالغ: girly, infant
حیاتی،قاطع،بسیار سخت
noun - milestone
مرحله برجسته: milestone
فرسخ شمار: milestone
مرحله مهمی از زندگی: milestone
علامت: sign, mark, signal, symptom, indication, milestone
میل: desire, liking, tendency, will, shaft, milestone
سنین 13 الی 19 سالگی: teen
noun - peer
همتا: counterpart, peer, match
جفت: pair, placenta, coupling, couple, mate, double
همشان: peer
عضو مجلس اعیان: peer
صاحب لقب اشرافی: peer
رفیق: comrade, friend, pal, fellow, buddy, man
adjective - self-conscious
خوداگاه: self-conscious
خجالتی: shy, embarrassed, timid, coy, bashful, shamefaced
خجول: bashful, shy, blushful, shamefaced, self-conscious
Teens may Rebel against their parenta
noun - rebel
شورشی: rebel, rioter
یاغی: rebel, outlaw, lawbreaker, brigand
متمرد: recalcitrant, rebel, outlaw, insurgent, lawbreaker, recusant
عاصی: rebel, sinner, mutineer
طغیان گر: rebel
ادم افسار گسیخته: rebel
طغیان کننده: rebel
adjective - rebel
سرکش: rebellious, disobedient, indomitable, rebel, recalcitrant, turbulent
verb - rebel
شوریدن: rebel, revolt, reluct
طغیان کردن: flood, mutiny, overflow, rebel, rise, uprise
یاغی گری کردن: rebel
تمرد کردن: rebel
سرکشی کردن: mutiny, disobey, inspect, rebel
result, outcome; importance
Very large, immense, huge
noun - spurt
جهش: mutation, jump, spurt, vault, lunge, pounce
جنبش تند و ناگهانی: spurt
کوشش ناگهانی و کوتاه: spurt
خروج ناگهانی: spurt
verb - spurt
جهش کردن: lunge, rebound, spout, spring, spurt
پاشیدن: spray, sprinkle, pour, infuse, sparge, spurt
awkward; not graceful, ungainly; poorly made
وابسته بدانش یااگاهی، دانستنی، شناسنده
noun - struggle
مبارزه: struggle, combat, battle, swordplay, championship
کشمکش: conflict, struggle, tension, bout, scuffle, tussle
کشاکش: conflict, struggle, strife
تنازع: struggle
verb - struggle
تقلا کردن: heave, slog, tussle, scramble, struggle, agonize
مبارزه کردن: struggle, fight, joust, combat, conflict
کوشش کردن: try, labor, assay, attempt, bend, struggle
دست و پا کردن: flounder, struggle
noun - grasp
فهم: understanding, comprehension, grasp, conception, realization, appreciation
اخذ: catch, grasp, prehension
چنگ زنی: grip, grasp
verb - grasp
چنگ زدن: grab, grasp, claw, clutch, clapperclaw, catch
فهمیدن: understand, figure out, see, realize, comprehend, grasp
فراچنگ کردن: grasp
بچنگ آوردن: enclasp, grasp
گیر اوردن: grasp, hook
قاپیدن: grab, nab, snatch, grasp, pinch, seize
adjective - tolerant
بردبار: patient, tolerant, meek, hardy
شکیبا: patient, tolerant, enduring, hardy, sturdy
بامدارا: tolerant, lenient
مدارا امیز: tolerant
ازادمنش: tolerant
ازاده: noble, tolerant, catholic, liberal, free-hearted
دارای سعه نظر: highbrow, liberal, tolerant
اغماض کننده: tolerant
شخص متحمل: tolerant
adjective - rebellious
سرکش: rebellious, disobedient, indomitable, rebel, recalcitrant, turbulent
متمرد: wayward, unruly, rebellious, disobedient, fractious, intractable
عاصی: rebellious, sinful, disobedient, peccable
adjective - immature
نارس: premature, immature, unripe, green, raw, embryonic
نا بالغ: immature, underage, unfledged, unripe
رشد نیافته: immature
سبز: green, fresh, blooming, immature, viridescent, unripe
بی تجربه: naive, unskilled, immature, raw, unskillful, inexpert
نا بهنگام: untimely, premature, anachronistic, anachronous, immature, inopportune
adjective - unsteady
لرزان: shaky, wobbly, unsteady, vibrant, wonky, palsied
متغیر: variable, changing, changeable, uncertain, changed, unsteady
لق: loose, jiggly, wobbly, unsteady, rickety, loppy
Throw a tuntrum
بد خلقی کردن،گریهزاری کردن
adjective - indulgent
بخشنده: merciful, generous, gracious, bountiful, bounteous, indulgent
زیاده رو: indulgent, intemperate
-im: beginning with b,m,p
-ir: beginning with r
-il:beginning with l
Over: negative too much
Grow & grow up
Grow flowers and trees or with things
⭕️Grow up can only be used with people or cities
Bear in mind
Have sth in mind
Have an idea
Have sth on your mind
Be worried about sth
My mind went blank
I couldn’t remember a thing
It slipped my mind
I forgot
Put your mind at ease
Stop you from worrying
Broaden the mind
Increase your knowledge