10:Reaching For The Skies-space, the Planets Flashcards
noun - astronaut
فضانورد: astronaut, spaceman
مسافر فضایی: spaceman, astronaut
Commercial language
زبان تجاری
put a boat in the water; send forth; start; run, activate (Computers); inaugurate; throw; break into, burst into
lack of weight, lack of gravity
verb - undergo
تحمل کردن: tolerate, withstand, endure, sustain, stand, undergo
دستخوش شدن: undergo
متحمل چیزی شدن: undergo
Go through an experience
endure, experience, go through, suffer
Within 2 days
● واقعا،به راستی،حقیقتا
I am truly sorry
واقعا متاسفم.
● (معمولا به صورت ندای حاکی از شگفتی یا تایید و غیره) راستی!،عجب!
● (در پایان نامههای رسمی) ارادتمند،با تقدیم احترام (معمولا: truly yours یا very truly yours)
● قانونا،برمبنای حق قانونی
Zero geravity
Allow the passengers to acclimatise
verb acclimatise (Brit.)
adjust to a new environment; adapt oneself (also acclimatize)
push, thrust, drive; move forward
*during the flight itself a rocket will propel the spacecraft into suborbital space
Suborbital space
adjective - suborbital
زیر مدار زمین: suborbital
زیر کاسه چشمی: suborbital
در زیر چشم: suborbital
In excess of 100,000 m above the earth
- in excess of
بیش از،فزون بر،اضافه بر
Outer space
Stay up in the air or in water
Entering the earth’s atmosphere again
Space exploration
Past of undergo
Covered in cloud
Constant thunderstorm
electrical storm, storm of thunder and lightning
Solar system
[so·lar || ‘səʊlə(r)]
of or pertaining to the sun; powered by the energy of the sun; determined by the sun
Rotate in the opposite direction to the other planets
The surface of Venus
Has many craters caused by asteroids
noun - crater
دهانه اتش فشان: crater
دهانه کوه های ماه: crater
noun - asteroid
شهاب آسمانی: asteroid
خرده سیاره: asteroid
ستارک: asteroid, planetoid
نوعی اتشبازی که شکل ستاره دارد: asteroid
adjective - asteroid
ستاره مانند: asteroid, stellate
شبیه ستاره: asteroid, astral, stellar
ستارهای: astral, planetary, starry, sidereal, asteroid
small object that orbits the sun
Substantial atmosphere
adjective - substantial
اساسی: fundamental, basic, essential, substantial, vital, pivotal
قابل توجه: significant, considerable, remarkable, substantial, notable, striking
مهم: important, significant, main, great, serious, substantial
ذاتی: inherent, intrinsic, essential, innate, natural, substantial
جسمی: somatic, corporeal, corporal, material, substantial, carnal
محکم: sturdy, strong, firm, solid, tight, substantial
با وقار: dignified, courtly, stately, ladylike, adult, substantial
Can not sustain life
[sus·tain || sə’steɪn]
support, provide for, finance; support from below; nourish; assist; encourage, comfort; endure, withstand; prolong, maintain, preserve; experience, undergo; uphold, affirm; confirm
The composition of Saturn is mainly gas
noun - composition
ترکیب: combination, composition, syntax, mixture, compound, blend
انشاء: essay, composition, redaction, phraseology, theme
فرمول: formula, composition
قطعه هنری: composition
noun - cosmos
کیهان: universe, cosmos
عالم: world, universe, scientist, cosmos
نظام عالم وجود: cosmos, cosmology
گیتی و نظام ان: cosmos
adjective - stellar
درخشان: bright, shining, luminous, shiny, stellar, beaming
اختری: stellar
ستاره وار: stellar, stelliform
پر ستاره: stellar
شبیه ستاره: asteroid, astral, stellar
adjective - scenic
خوش منظر: scenic, comely, handsome, beautiful, seemly, spiffy
نمایشی: dramatic, exhibitive, demonstrative, expository, flashy, scenic
صحنهای: scenic, stagy
مجسم کننده: scenic
منقرض شدن
nonexistent; vanished, dead
The most successful products in the world are those that have a universal appeal
♦ adjective
(of eg an aircraft or spacecraft) automatically controlled and therefore without a crew: unmanned flights to Mars.
اتوماتیک؛ بی سرنشین
Three different crews of astronauts
noun - debris
باقی مانده: residue, remainder, remnant, debris, rest, dregs
خرده: small, crumb, debris, filings, particle, bit
اوار: debris, shakedown, collapse, detrition
اثار مخروبه: debris
اشغال روی هم ریخته: debris
Inhabit/uninhabited areas
noun - debris
باقی مانده: residue, remainder, remnant, debris, rest, dregs
خرده: small, crumb, debris, filings, particle, bit
اوار: debris, shakedown, collapse, detrition
اثار مخروبه: debris
اشغال روی هم ریخته: debris
The local council of Esperance
♦ noun
1 a group of people formed in order to advise etc : The King formed a council of wise men; the Council for Recreation.
انجمن؛ شورا
2 in the United Kingdom, a body of people elected to control the workings of local government in a county, region, district etc .
انجمنی که امور اجرایی را به عهده دارد
♦ noun
a person who is elected to serve on a council.
عضو انجمن؛ عضو شورا
tool used to twist screws into place;
آچار پیچ گوشتی
(American) franˈtiər]
♦ noun
1 a boundary between countries: We crossed the frontier; (also adjective ) a frontier town.
2 the farthest area of land on which people live and work, before the country becomes wild and deserted: Many families went to make a new life on the frontier.
سرزمین مرزی
3 the limits or boundaries (of knowledge etc ): the frontiers of scientific knowledge.
conquer [ˈkoŋkə]
♦ verb
to overcome or defeat: The Normans conquered England in the eleventh century; You must conquer your fear of the dark.
غلبه کردن؛ شکست دادن
♦ noun
کشورگشا؛ فاتح
conquest [ˈkoŋkwest]
♦ noun
(an) act of conquering: The Norman Conquest; He’s impressed with you – you’ve made a conquest.
پیروزی؛ غلبه
adjective - vast
وسیع: wide, large, vast, extensive, immense, spacious
عظیم: massive, great, enormous, tremendous, vast, immense
بزرگ: great, large, big, major, mighty, vast
پهناور: vast, wide, broad, extensive, immense, ample
فراوان: abundant, many, great, plenty, plentiful, vast
زیاد: high, great, numerous, wide, vast, heavy
بیکران: infinite, vast, unbounded, immense, immeasurable, indefinite
♦ verb
1 to rule: The queen governed (the country) wisely and well.
حکومت کردن
2 to influence: Our policy is governed by three factors.
تحت تاثیر قرار دادن؛ اعمال کردن