8 - Germany's international position 1924-28 Flashcards
What were Stresemann’s economic changes?
- chancellor for 103 days in 1923, now foreign minister
- Reichsmark / Rentenmark
- Dawes and Young plan
- Schacht as currency comissioner
- ended passive resistance
What was the USA’s attitude to Germany?
Had invested in the German economy to help Britain and France pay their debts. Was willing to help the growth of Germany’s industry
What was Britain’s attitude to Germany?
Willing to support Germany’s industry for economic reasons, wanted to pay off their own debts
What was France’s attitude to Germany?
Wanted to keep Germany weak, but new foreign minister Briand adopted a more conciliar approach
What was the USSR’s attitude to Germany?
A fellow outcast and had secret military links
What was the Locarno Pact?
- made up of Rhineland pact and Arbitration Treaties
- October 1925, discussion but signed December 1925
- Germany, France, Britain, USSR
- Russia did not attend
What did the Rhineland pact agree?
- G, B, F all agreed to respect the Western Frontier
- G agreed to keep troops out of Rhineland
- B and I would aid Be, G, F if attacked by neighbours
What did the Arbitration Treaties agree?
- Germany agreed with France, Belgium, Poland and Czechoslovakia that disputes would be settled by a conciliation committee
- France signed ‘mutual agreement’ with C and P to make sure Germany obeyed
What else was agreed at Locarno?
- western boarder disputes should be referred to LoN
- France would not cross into Germany if conflict with P and C
What were the differences between Russia and Germany?
- Russia had become the first communist state, Germany had adopted a democratic policy
- most germans opposed the KPD
What were the similarities between Russia and Germany?
- both defeated in war and subjected to harsh peace treaties
- independent Poland threatened their position
- ‘outcast’ nations, not in LoN
What was the treaty of Rapallo?
April 1922
Walter Rathenau, negotiated with Russia
What was agreed in the Treaty of Rapallo?
- G and R to resume economic cooperation
- diplomatic relations restored
- all outstanding war compensation dropped
- Germany could train pilots and develop new weapons
What was the impact of the Treaty of Rapallo?
- step away from poat-war isolation
- intention to get around disarmament clauses
What was the Treaty of Berlin?
April 1926
- renewal of Treaty of Rapallo
- G would be uninvolved if R was in conflict, as long as they weren’t the aggressor
What did the Treaty of Berlin show?
Stresemann had not abandoned his desire to push the eastern frontier
How did Germany get around disarmament?
- weapons and pilots in Russia
- submarines in Spain
- tanks in Sweden
- under Von Seeckt, (Chief of Army), recruits intensively trained for short periods of time
- paramilitary groups sponsored
What was the Kellog-Briand pact?
- Germany, France, USA
- not to use war to resolve disputes
- has no enforcement clause