19 - the Development of anti-Semitic Policies 1938-40 Flashcards
When was Anschluss achieved?
March 1938
Timeline of invasions - Sept 1938
Demanded the Sudentenland was handed over, which it was
Timeline of invasions - March 1939
Occupied the rest of Czechoslovakia
Timeline of invasions - Aug 1939
Nazi - Soviet Pact
Timeline of invasions - 1st Sep 1939
Invasion of Poland
When was war declared?
3rd September 1939
April 1938 - Jewish Policy
Decree of Registration of Jewish Property
- confiscation of all property over 5000 marks
- when the law was created, there were 40,000 Jewish businesses and by a year later, there was only 8000
March 1938 - Jewish Policy
76,000 people arrested and convoy with 151 Nazi opponents sent to Dachau
August 1938 - Jewish Policy
- ‘Zentralstelle feur jeudische Auswanderung’ established in Vienna
- responsible for the Jewish problem in Austria
- Vermoegensverkehrsstelle ‘asset transfer office’ responsible for transfer of Jewish property to non-Jews
July-August 1938 - Jewish Policy
70% of Jews emigrating needed financial assistance
How successful was Jewish emigration before 1939?
- encouraged before 1941
- by 1939, 282,000 left Germany and 117,000 left Austria
- Kindertransport program accepted 10,000 Jewish children
- US only had 27,000 places and 309,000 applicants
What were the barriers to emigration?
- other countries refused to accept
- banned in 1941
- older Jews felt fully German
- higher taxes on emigration created contradiction
Adolf Eichmann
- office for Jewish emigration in Vienna
- 1939, office in Prague
- Oct 1939, Reich wide office
When was Kristallnacht?
9-10th November 1938
How did Kristallnacht begin?
A junior German minister in Paris was shot by a Jew, Goebbels announced hatred for the Jews
What happened at Kristallnacht?
- 270 synagogues attacked
- 75000 businesses
- 91 Jewish deaths admitted
- 30,000 arrested
How much were the Jews fined for Kristallnacht?
1 billion marks
What happened to the arrested Jews?
2500 killed, sent to 3 concentration camps
Where did the Madagascar plan originate?
- produced by French anti-Semites in late 30s
- Madgascar had been a French colony, so when invaded in June 1940 the northern part was occupied
What was the Nazi Madagascar plan?
- planned to take 4 million Jews to Madagascar
- farmers and construction workers to prepare island
- paid for by confiscating Jewish property
What does the Madagascar plan reveal?
- brutality, described deaths as ‘natural wastage’
- derailment of policy towards Jews