8. Cardiovascular System Flashcards
Closed system that circulates blood throughout the body
Cardiovascular System
What does the cardiovascular system include?
Blood vessels
Cone shaped organ about the size of a fist
Where is the location of the heart?
Near the anterior chest wall
Posterior to the sternum
Anterior to the vertebral column (pericardial cavity)
What are the layers (tunics) of the heart?
Which layer (tunic) of the heart is this:
- Inner surface
- Its folding forms valves that separate atria from ventricles
Which layer (tunic) of the heart is this:
- Thickest layer
- Interlocking layers of cardiac muscle
Which layer (tunic) of the heart is this:
- External surface.
- Visceral pericardium.
- Thin layer
Fluid‐filled sac that
surrounds the heart
and the roots of the
major blood vessels
Membranous sac
surrounding the heart
Visceral Pericardium
Lining of pericardial cavity
Parietal Pericardium
A wall of tissue separating
the heart’s right and left
Which heart chamber is this:
Has a Fossa ovalis
Has the superior vena cava orifice
Has the Inferior vena cava orifice
Has Coronary sinus orifice
Right Atrium
Which heart chamber has these:
Right atrioventricular
(tricuspid) orifice/valve.
Papillary muscles
Chordae tendiae
Pulmonary trunk/common
pulmonary trunk artery
orifice (semilunar valve)
Right Ventricle
Which heart chamber is this in:
Pulmonary venous orifices
Left Atrium
Which heart chamber is this in:
Left atrioventricular (mitral/bicuspid) orifice/valve.
Papillary muscles
Chordae tendinae
Aortic orifice/semilunar valve
Left Ventricle
What are the 4 chambers of the heart
Right Atrium
Right Ventricle
Left Atrium
Left Ventricle
What are the 3 layers of the arteries?
- Tunica intima (interna)
- Tunica media
- Tunica externa (adventitia)
What are the 3 layers of the arterioles?
- Tunica intima (interna)
- Tunica media
- Tunica externa (adventitia)
Arteries > Arterioles > ___________ > Venules > Veins
What carries blood away from the heart to organs and tissues?
What carries blood to the heart and away from the organs and tissues?
What is the vasa vasorum?
The vessels of the vessels
- Provides the functional blood supply to all
body tissue. - It carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells.
- Picks up carbon dioxide and waste products.
- Systemic circulation carries oxygenated blood
from the left ventricle, through the arteries, to
the capillaries in the tissues of the body.
Systemic Circulation
- Connection between vessels.
- Union of two vessels going to the same body part
What is collateral circulation?
Alternate or backup blood vessels
Connection between vessels.
Union of two vessels going to the same body part.
When does collateral circulation happen?
Take over when another artery or vein become
blocked or damaged
The ______ begins at the left ventricle of the heart. Extends upward into the chest to form an arch. It then continues downward into the chest and
the abdomen cavities. Ends at the iliac arteries just above the pelvis
What are the branches of the aortic arch?
Brachiocephalic artery
Left common carotid artery
Left Subclavian artery
What are the branches of the Brachiocephalic artery?
Right subclavian artery
Right common carotid artery
What are the branches of the Right subclavian artery?
Right internal thoracic artery
Right vertebral – Basilar artery
Right axillary artery
Right brachial artery – Right deep brachial
Right radial artery
Right ulnar artery
What goes after the Right radial artery and right ulnar artery?
Right superficial palmar arch‐right digits
What branch is after the Right Common Carotid Artery?
Right external carotid artery
What are the branches of the Right external carotid artery?
Right facial artery
Right superficial temporal artery
Right maxillary artery
Right posterior auricular artery
What are the branches of the Right Internal Carotid Artery?
- Right ophthalmic artery
- Right anterior cerebral artery
- Right middle cerebral artery
- Right posterior communicating artery
What’s in the Circle of Willis? (Learn where they are on the actual circle)
- Base of brain stem
- Component vessels
>Internal carotid arteries (2)
>Anterior cerebral arteries (2)
>Posterior communicating arteries (2)
>Posterior cerebral arteries (2)
>Anterior communicating artery (1)
What’s the official name of the Circle of Willis?
Cerebral Arterial Circle
Left common carotid artery
(Branches in same manner as right common
carotid artery)
Left subclavian artery
(Branches in same manner as the right subclavian)
What are the branches of the descending aorta artery?
- Descending thoracic
aorta artery - Pericardial arteries
- Esophageal arteries
- Intercostal arteries
- Subcostal arteries
- Superior phrenic
Trace a drop of blood from the superior vena cava to the right lung
Superior vena cava
Right atrium
Tricuspid valve
Right ventricle
Pulmonary semilunar valve
pulmonary trunk
right pulmonary artery
Right Lung
Trace a drop of blood from the inferior vena cava to the bicuspid valve
Inferior vena cava
Right atrium
Tricuspid valve
Right ventricle
Pulmonary semilunar valve
Pulmonary trunk
Pulmonary artery
Gas exchange (a lung) [arteriole, capillaries, venule]
Pulmonary veins
Left atrium
Bicuspid valve
Trace a drop of blood from the superior vena cava to the ascending aorta
Superior vena cava
Right atrium
Tricuspid valve
Right ventricle
Pulmonary semilunar valve
Pulmonary trunk
Pulmonary artery
Gas exchange (left lung)
Left pulmonary veins
Left atrium
Bicuspid valve
Left Ventricle
Aortic semilunar valve
Ascending aorta
Trace a drop of blood from the inferior vena cava to the right carotid artery
Inferior vena cava
Right atrium
Tricuspid valve
Right ventricle
Pulmonary semilunar valve
Pulmonary trunk
Right pulmonary artery
Right lung (gas exchange) [arteriole, capillaries, venule]
Right pulmonary vein
Left atrium
Bicuspid valve
Left ventricle
Aortic semilunar valve
Ascending aorta
Aortic arch
Brachiocephalic artery
Right common carotid artery
Right internal carotid artery