8: Accessory Organ Histology Flashcards
Ep type salivary gland intercalated duct, striated duct, and excretory duct
Intercalated: low cuboidal
Striated: simple cuboidal to columnar
Excretory duct: simple cuboidal to psuedostratified columnar to stratified cuboidal
What gland is the pancreas most likely confused for in histo?
Parotid gland (use islets to ID)
Function of exocrine pancreas
Secrete enzymes and alkaline solution into duodenum for digestion
Enzymes released from exocrine pancreas with high protein meal or high carb meal
High protein: increase trypsinogen/chymotrypsinogen
High carb: increase amylase synthesis
Capsules in pancreas
Outer capsule made of loose Ct and neurovasculature + thin reticular capsules around islets of langerhans
Embryology of islets of langerhans
Endodermal outgrowths
Is liver endocrine or exocrine?
Capsule around liver
Thin CT capsule lined with mesothelium of visceral peritoneum
Arrangement of hepatocytes in lieu of acini
In cellular cords
Hepatocyte histo
Large, polygonal cells, eosinophilic cyto, microvilli, large nuclei (most are tetraploid)
Lining of biliary tree
Mucous membrane with simple columnar ep of cholangiocytes
Which part of the biliary tree has some areas of mucous glands?
Cystic duct
Where does the muscularis layer thicken in the biliary tree?
Near duodenum to form a sphincter of Oddi to regulate bile flow into duodenum
Three things present in hepatic sinusoids
Anastomosing capillaries to perfuse hepatocytes with blood, Kupffer cells, hepatic stellate cells
Perisinusoidal space in liver
Between hepatocytes and sinusoidal endothelium