7D - The Third Line of Defence Flashcards
third line of defence
A subset of the immune system within vertebrates that in composed of the humoral and cell mediated responses which create a specific immune response and form immunological memory. AKA adaptive immune system or specific immune response.
immunological memory
The ability of the immune system to quickly and aggressively combat a previously encountered pathogen due to the presence of T and B cells.
T lymphocyte
A type of lymphocyte that plays an important role in cell-mediated immunity. It differentiates into cytotoxin T cells, T memory cells and T helper cells.
T helper cell (Th)
A type of differentiated T lymphocyte that supports the functioning of a number of different immune cells, including the cloning and differentiation of selected T and B cells.
A subgroup of phagocytes that display the antigens from consumed pathogens on their surface and interact with the adaptive immune system.
lymphatic system
A large network of vessels and tissues throughout the body tat form an important component of both the circulatory and immune systems.
lymph node
A small secondary lymphoid tissue of the lymphatic system where antigen presenting cells activate the adaptive immune system.
humoral immunity
An adaptive immune response in which extracellular pathogens are targeted by specific antibodies produced by plasma cells. AKA B cell immunity.
B lymphocyte
A type of lymphocyte that plays an important role in humoral immunity and differentiates into plasma cells and B memory cells.
cell-mediated immunity
An adaptive immune response in which infected or abnormal cells are destroyed by cytotoxic T cells. AKA T cell immunity.
A protein produced by plasma cells during the adaptive immune response that is specific to an antigen and combats pathogens in a variety of ways. AKA immunoglobulin.
clonal selection
The process in which B and T cells encounter an antigen that matches their antigen-binding site and then generate many copies of themselves.
The process in which cells develop specialised characteristics, typically transforming them from one cell type to another more specialised cell type.
B memory cell
A differentiated B lymphocyte that is responsible for the generation and secretion of antibodies during the humoral response.
plasma cell
A differentiated B lymphocyte that is responsible for the generation and secretion of antibodies during the humoral response.
The clumping of particles together. In the immune system, antibodies can help clump pathogens together.
antigen-antibody complex
A structure formed by the complementary binding between antigen and antibody molecules.
membrane attack complex (MAC)
A pore formed by complement proteins in the cell membranes of a pathogen, disrupting the membrane and leading to the pathogen’s death.
Rhesus antigen
An antigen on the surface of red blood cells that can cause on immune response if not matched correctly between donor and receiver.