7.3 Spinal nerves Flashcards
how many spinal nerves are there
31 pairs of mixed nerves
what is dermatome
- area of skin innervated by cutaneous branches of a single spinal nerve
*all spinal nerves except C1 innervate skin
- most dermatomes overlap
- way of determining site of spinal cord damage (see what they feel above and below site)

Describe spinal nerve innervation of joints
hiltons law
- any nerve serving a nuslce that produces movement at a joint also innervates the joint and the skin over the joint
(also provides sensroy)
describe roots of the spinal nerve
Spinal chord -> Rootlets -> root -> spinal nerve -> rami
- doral and ventral rootlets: come together to foem a root
- dorsal root and ventral root
*roots/rootlets and only be motor or sensory

Describe the rami of spinal nervess
each spinal nerve branches into 4 mixed rami:
- meningeal branch: to spinal meninges & blood vessels
- dorsal ramus: to posterior bdoy trunk (deep muscles of back)
- ventral ramus: form plexuses (except T2-T12: act as itnercostal nerves -> muscles of ribs, anterolateral thorax & abdonimal wall
*intercostal nerves that run beteen ribs
- rami communicantes: autonomic pathways (join to ventral remi in thoacic region)

Why do we have a plexus of ventral rami
*looks like mesh
- fibers from various ventral rami crisscross & become redistributed so:
- > each resulting branch has fibers from several spinal nerves
- > fibers from each ventral ramus travel to target via seveeral routes
result: each muscle in limb receives nerve suply from more than one spinal nerve
benefit: demaging one spinal segment/root will not completely paralyze any limb muscle
*plexus gives lots of back up
Describe the cervial plexus
ventral rami: C1-C5
- innervates skin & muscles of neck, ear, back of head and shoulders
*C345 keeps diaphragm alive -> forms Phrenic nerve that innervates diaphragm
describe brachial plexus
- formed by ventral rami of C5-C8, and T1
- gives rise to nerves that innervate upper limb & pectoral girdle (motor and sensory)

what are the major branches of the brachial plexus
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- Roots (ventral rami)
- C5, C6, C7, C8, T1
- Trunks
- upper, middle, lower
- Divisions
- Anterior or posteriro
- Chords
- Lateral, medial, posterior
- Bracnches (major termial branches -> peripheral nerves)
- musculocutaneous, medial, ulnar, radial and axillary

How to draw brachial plexus

General function of brachial plexus:
Radial nerve

Motor: most posterior muscles of limb
Sensory: posterior skin of limb
*goes down posterior aspect of upper limb (extensors)
*allows to extend wrist against gravity
*C5-8 and T1

brachial plexus: General functions
Axillary nerve
*arm pit
Motor: deltoid, teres minor (shoulder abduction)
sensory: skin & joint capsule of shoulder
*innercation from C5&6

General function of brachial plexus:
elbow flex and bicep flex
- Motor: anterior arm muscles (musculo)
sensory: skin of lateral forarm (cutaneous)
*innervation from C5,6 and 7

General function of brachial plexus:
nedian nerve
*nothing in arm, just forarm and hand
motor: lateral flexors & pronators in forarm + some lateral intrinsic muscles of hand
sensory: skin of lateral aspect of hand
*innervation from C5,6,7,8 and T1

General function of brachial plexus:
Ulnar nerve
*forarem -> ulnar bone is medial so this does the medial forarm msucles
Motor: anterior medial forearm msucles + most medial intrinsic muscles of hand
Sensory: skin of medial aspect of hand
*innerved by nerves C8 and T1

what would happen if lateral chord of the left brachial plexus was completely severed

describe lumbar plexus, what nerves are part of it
- innervate thigh, abdominal wall and psoas muscles
- obturator nerve: passes through obturator foramen to innervate adductor muscles
*into medial thigh
femorla nerve: innervates anterior thigh muscles of skin of anteiror/medial tigh and medial leg (goes in front)

Describe Sacral plexus and assocaited nerves
*comes off sacral aspect of spinal chord
- serves buttock, lower limb, pelvic structures and perineum
- Pudendal nerve: skin/muscles of perineum
-Sciatic nerve: longest/thickest nerve of body
- > runs posteriorly
- > innervates hamstrings, adductor magnus and most muslces in leg and foot
- > composed of tibial and common fibular nerves

a tight ____ can impact siactic muscle
piri formis
where to give gluteal nijection
- aim for superior lateral quad