4.4 Muscles of breathing/abdominal cavity Flashcards
What are the deep muscles of the thorax involved in breathing
- involved in breathing
- two phases of breathing: inspiration and expiration
Inspiration muscles: diaphragm and external intercostals
*contraction enlarges rib cage
*diaphragm divides thoracic and abdominal cavities
Expiration: bough on by relatation of inspiratory muscles and contraction of intercostals, decreases size of rib cage
external intercostal muscles
*inter = between, cost = rib
- 11 piars lie between rib fibers, run obliquely from rib to below rib
O: rib
action: pulls ribs towards one another to elevate rib cage

internal intercostals
11 pairs lie between ribs, ribers run deep and at right angles to external intercostals
- O: rib
- daw ribs together and depress rib cage

- broad muscle, pierced by aorta, inferior vena cava, esophagus
- forms floor of abdominal cavity
O: rib cage and sternum, costal cartilages
I: central tendon
*PRIME MOVER of inspiration, flattens on contraction (when contracted dramatically inc intra abdominal pressure)

What are the muscles of the Abdominal Waal involved in tunk movements and compression of Abdominal Viscera
Four paired muscles: Rectus abdominis, external obliques, internal obliques, transverse abdominis
*fascicles run at angles to one another to provide extra strength
what are the actions of the muscles of the abdominal wall involevd in trunk movements and compression of abdominal viscera
Lateral flexion and rotation of trunk
help promote: urination, defection, childbirth, vomiting, coughing and screaming
Rectus abdominis
*muscle of anterior and lateral abdominal wall
*rectus = straight, adbom = abdomen
- medial superficial muscle
O: pubic crest
I: xiphoid process and ribs
*flex and rotate lumbar region of vertebal column: fix and depress ribs, stbalize pelvis during walking, inc intra-abdominal pressure *use in sit ups, curls

Externla oblique
*muscle of anteiror lateral abdominal wall
- largest and most superficial of three lateral muscles
0 fibers run downwards and medially
*forms inguinal ligament
O: ribs
I: linea alba and iliac crest
*flex vertebral column and compress abdominal wall
*rotating trunk and flexing laterally

internal oblique
*muscle of anterior and lateral abdominal wall
- fibers run up and medially
O: lumbar, iliac crest
I: linae alba, pubic crest, ribs
*same as external oblique, flexes vertebal column and compresses abdominal wall, rotates trunk and flexes laterally

Transversus abdominus
- deepest (innermost) muscle of abdominal wall - fibers run horizontally
O: lumbar
I: linae alba, pubic crest
*compresses abdominal contents

What are the muscles of the Pelvic Floor and Perineum and their funtions
Muscles of pelvic diaphragm: levator ani (inferior) and coccygeus (superior)
- Seals inferior outlet of pelvis
- Supports Pelvis organs
- Lifts pelvic floor to help release feces
- Resists increased intra-abdominal pressure

Levator ani
*levator = raises, ani = anus
- has pobococcygeus, puborectalid and iliococcygeus
- forms a “sling” around male prostate ro female vagina, urethra, and anorectal junction
O: inside pelvis
*supports and maintains postion of pelvic organs
*resists downwards thrusts (coughing, vomiting)

small triangular muscle that supports pevlic organs

Deep transverse perineal muscle
- in urogential diaphagm
*parine = near anus
- supports pelvic organs

External urethral spincter
- muscle of urogenital diaphragm
*sphin = squeeze
- constricts urethra
what are the muscles of the superficial perineal space?
- Ischiocavernosus
- *ischi = hip, caverna = hollow chamber
- retands venous drainage and maintains erection of penis/clit
- Bulbospongiosus
- Empties male urethra
- Superificial transverse perineal muscles
- stabilizes and strengthens central tendon of perinum

what are the muscles of the urogenital diaphragm?
- anterior half of perineum, inferior to pelvic floor
- Deep transverse perineal muscle
- contrains external urethral sphinter (oluntary control of urination)
- External anal sphincter

what do the Superficial muscles of the anterior and posterior thorax do?
- most extrinsic shoulder muscles
- act in combination to fix shoulder girdle - move to increase range of arm movements
- shoulder girdle or pectoral gridle is set of bones (clavicle and scapula) that connects arm to appendicular skeleton
Actions: elevation, depression, rotation, lateral and medial movements, protraction and retraction
Teo groups of shoulder girdle muscles: anterior thorax and posterior thorax
Pectoralis minor
O: ribs 305
I: scapula
*with ribs fixed, drawls scpula foward and downwards

Serratus anterior
*serratus = saw
- fan shaped muscle lies deep to scapula, deep and inferior to pectial muscles on lateral rib
O: ribs 1-8
I: scapula
*rotates scapula so its inferior angles move

*subclavious = under clavical
- O: costal cartilage
I: clavical
*helps to stablize and depress pectoral girdle

- most superficial of posterior thorax, run inferiorly to scapula
- middle fibers run horizontally to scapula, lower superiorly, upper inferiorly (to scapula)
- O: occipital bone, C2, thoracic vertebrae
- I: scapula and calvical
*stabilzes, elevates, retracts and rotates scapula

lavator scapulae
- back and side of neck, deep to trapezius
O: C1- C4
I: scapula
*elevates/adducts scapula (in synergy w/ superior fibers of trapezius

*has a major and minor
*rhomboid - diamond shaped
- ies deep to trapezius and inferior to levator scapulae
O: C7- T1 (minor) and T2-T5 (major)
I: scapula
*stablizies scapula acting w/ middle fibers of trapezius to adduct scapula