7.2 Cranial nerves Flashcards
What are the modalities of cranial nerves?
General sensory: Perception of pain, temperature, & touch
Special sensory: Vision, smell, hearing, balance, & taste
Visceral sensory: Sensory input from viscera
Skeletal motor: Motor innervation to skeletal muscle
Visceral motor: Motor innervation to smooth muscle, organs, & glands
Describe CN I
olfactory nerve
- Sensory: olefaction
- from olfactory receptor cells of nasal cavity
- Pass through cribriform plate (of ethmoid bone)
- Fibers synapse in olfactory bulbs
- Pathway terminates in primary olfactory cortex
Describe CN II
- Sensory: vision
- Arise from retinas; Pass through optic canals, converge & partially cross at optic chiasma (right visual field in left cortex)
- Optic tracts continue to thalamus (LGN);
Optic radiation run to visual cortex
decribe CN III
- Stomatic: riasing eyelid (levator palpebrae superioris), directing eyeball (4 extrinsic eye muslces)
- PSNS: sphincter pupillae & cilliary muscle (adjsuts pupil size)
- exits through sueprior orbital fissue -> various muslces around/in eye
Describe CN IV
- trochlear nerves
- superior oblique msucle (bends around a trochlea)
- exists throuhg superior orbital fissure
Describe CN VI
- the abducens nerve
- Motor: lateral rectur muscle (when they contract, eyes abduct)
- exit through superior orbital fissure (a lot goes through that)
what nerves contorl different eye muscles
LR6SO4 and rest are 3
Lateral rectus: CN VI (abductens)
Superior oblique: CN IV (trochlear)
medial rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique all by CN III
descrine CN V
trigeminal nerves
- has 3 divisions: opthalamic (V1), maxillary (V2) and mandibular (V3)
describe the divisions of the trigeminal nerves
Ophthalamic (V1): passes throuhg superior orbital fissue, only sensory function
- forhead area, can pick up feeling of cavity in upper tooth,
- Maxillary (V2): passes through foramen rotundum, only sensory
mandicular (V3): passes through foramen ovale, sensory and motor
- muscles of mastication and tensor tympani and tensor veli palatine (ear muscle that dampens sound)
Describe CN VII
facial nerves
- travels through internal acoustic meatus to exit skull via stylomastoid foramina
- muscles of facial expression (opens eyes + mouth very wide, ie lion/lemon face)
- PSNS to glands (lacrimal (tear), nasal (snot), palatine, submandibular and sublingual (saliva)
sensory function
- taste from anterior 2/3 of tongue
- skin external acoustic meatus & auricle
placement of facial nerves
describe CN VIII:
vestibulocochlear nerves (auditory nerve)
- Sensory: hearing (cochlear division) & equilibrium balance (vestibular division)
- afferent fibers pass from inner ear to brainstem through internal acoustic meatuses
Describe CN IX:
Glossopharyngeal nerves
- exit through jugular foramen (goes thru tongue and pharynx)
- PSNS fibers to parotid gland
- stylopharyngeus (elevates pharynx during swallowing)
- taste: posterior 1/3 tongue
- sensory: posterior 1/3 tongue, oropharynx, tympanic membrane, middle ear, auditor tube
- impulses from carotid chemoreceptors and barorecaptors
- helps pick up how blood flow is going to brain
*to check it test gag reflex
describe CN X
vagus never
- exit skull via jugular foramen
- PSNS innervation of heart, lungs & abdominal viscera
- muscles of larynx and pharynx (imp for speech, issues with vagus nerve -> 1st symptom if hoarsness in voice)
- sensory form thoracic/abdominal viscera & posterior ear/external acoustic meatus
- barorecaptors and chemoreceptors (detect changes in blood)
- taste from posterior tongue and pharynx
Describe CN XI
spinal accessory nerves
Motor: trapezius and sternocleidomastoid
- formed from ventral rootlets from C1-C5 region of spinla chord (not of brain)
- exists skull @ superior aspect of spinal chord
- rootlets pass into cranium via foramen magnum
- accessory nerves exit skill via jugular foramina
- formed from ventral rootlets from C1-C5 region of spinla chord (not of brain)
*to test turn head against pressure