3.2 Skeletons: Vertebral Column & thoracic cage Flashcards
what is the vertebral column?
extends form skull to pulvis
- commonly called spine/spinal column
- transmites eight of trunk to lower limbs
- srrounds and protects spinal chord
- formed from 26 bones (in adult)
- attcahemnt sites for nuscles of necka nd back
- held in place by ligaments
What is the general struture of Vertebrae?

Body: Disc shaped, weight bearing region
Vertebral arch: composed of pedicles and laminae
Vertebral foramina: makes up vertebral canal for spinal chord

what are the processes and foramina on vertebrae

Spinous processes: project posterorly (part u can feel)
transverse processes: project laterally
Superior and inferior articular processes (with factets): protude superiorly and inferorly form the pedicle-lamina junctions
Intervertebral Foramina: lateral openings for passage of spinal nerves
* processes are projectons, formaina are openeings

what are the parts of intervertebral discs?
where is it not present
Nucleous pulposes: inner gelatinous nucleus that gives disc its elasticity and compressibility
Annulus fibrosis: surrounds nucleus pulporsus with a collar composed of collagen and fibrocartilage
*thickest in lumber region and thinnest in superiorthoracic region
NO innervertebral disc between C1 and C2
*like jelly donut, nucelous is the jelly and annulus is the donut

composition of the vertebral column?
- 26 irregular bones
- Cervical vertebrae: 7 (neck)
- Thoracic vertebrae: 12 bones (torso)
lumbar vertebrae: 5 bones (lower back)
Sacrum: 5 fused vertebrea (posterior pelvis)
Coccyx: 3-5 fused vertebrae (tail bone)
*remeber by times you eat 7-12-5
CTLSM Cats Think Like Some Men

what ist eh prupose for curvatures in the vertebral column?
what curvatures do we have?
- increase resilience and flexibility of spine
- two posteriorly conves curavtures (primary curvatures): thoracic and sacral
- Two posteriorly concave curates (secondary): Cervical and lumbar
*fetus is c shaped bc just the sacruma dn thorax curves
3 abnormal spine curves
- Scoliosis: lateral curve
- Kyphosis: atpyical thoracic curvature
- Lordosis: extende curvature in lumbar region

describe the cervical vertebrae

- smallest and liglhtest
- C3- C7 have an
- oval body
- bifid spinour process (divided by a deep cleft into two parts, hard to see)
transverse foramen (in transverse process)
- superior facets directed superopposteriorly
- C7 = vertebra promines: large and palpable

describe atlas C1
- no body or spinous process
- consists of anterior and posterior arches, 2 lateral masses
- superior articular facets articulate with occipital condules
*facets are smooth falt part on articular surface, condyle is rounded articular projection

describe Atlas C2
- Dens (odontoid process)
*odontoid means tooth like
- projects superiorly into anterior arch of atlas (c1) (pivot point for rotation

describe the thoracic vertebrae
* what facets are unique to it
- articulates with ribs
*looks liek giraff bc of long spinous process
- major markings:
- heart shaped body,
- long spinous process
- superior facets directe posteriorly (push away from body)
- demifacets (superior and inferior costal facets
- transverse costal facets
*facet = smooth flat part

Describe features of lumbar vertebrae

short thick pedicles and laminae
- flat hatchet shaped spinous process
- large kidney shaped body
- superior facets directed medically
*cupping medially an help tell lumbar from thoracic bc it pushes straight flat awat from the body
*kinda looks moose like from side

describe the vertebrae of the sacrum and coccyx
- 5 fused vertebrea
- from posterior walls of pelvis
- aritclates with L5 superiorl and with auricular surfaced of iliul laterally
- Made of 3-5 ~4 fused vertebrae
- articulars superiorly with sacrum
- serves little function (slight support to pelvic organ)

describe the thoracic cage, function and composition
- protection of organs and thoracic cavity
- suports shoulder girdle and upper limbs
- provides attachemnt sites for muscles
- Thoracic vertebae
- sternum
- ribs and theri costal cartilages
strucure of Sternum

aka breast bone
- dagger saped flat bone lies anterior midline of thorax
3 fused bones:
- Manubrium: articulates w/ clavicles and cosal cartilages of ribs 1&2)
*manubrium = handle like process
- Body: articulates w/ costal cartilages of ribs 2-7
- Xiphoid process: not osiified until ~40

what are the anatomical landmarks of the sternum

- Jugular (suprasternal) notch
- Sternal angle (level of T4/5)
Xiphisternal joint

Describe the ribs

12 pairs from flaring sides of thoracic cage
- all ribs attach posteriorly to thoracic vertebrae
True ribs (vertebrosternal) ribs (1-7): attach directly to sternum via costal cartilages
False (vertebrochondral) ribs (8-10): attach indirectly to sternum via costal cartilage of rib 8
FLoating (vertebral) ribs (11,12): no anterior attachment

what is the structure of a typical true rib

NOTE : first pair of ribs is atypical

Vertebral and sternal articlaarions of a typical true rib

* costal facet is a site of connection between a rib and a vertebra
*tubercle = small rounded projection or porcess