70.55, 100.70, 110.1 Flashcards
a. Minimum Qualifications for Participation. All SVP applicants must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements.
(1) No felony convictions.
(5) At least 50 years of age.
(2) Available to volunteer during office hours.
(3) Willing to perform various duties, as assigned.
(4) Able to work with minimal supervision in an office-type setting.
c. Termination. If a volunteer’s actions warrant termination, the Area coordinator shall thoroughly document the circumstances on ___ and provide a copy to the volunteer.
a memorandum
If a volunteer is between the ages of 50 and 64 and does not fall under any of the above listed programs, the individual will have to provide their own medical coverage (e.g., Blue Cross or Kaiser). Additionally, any injuries or accidents sustained by a volunteer in the course of volunteering _____ be counted against an Area’s occupational safety goals.
shall not
c. Documentation. All accidents and personal injuries involving volunteers ____ be documented by the Area coordinator in accordance with regular departmental reporting procedures (see HPM 10.3, Personnel Transactions Manual, and General Order 100.80, Report of Unusual Occurrences). The words ______ shall be printed after the volunteer’s name to identify him or her from regular departmental employees. All reports of accidents or personal injuries shall be maintained in the volunteer’s personnel folder and copies shall be forwarded to the Division and statewide coordinators. Refer to HPM 10.7, Injury and Illness Case Management, for additional information.
“Senior Volunteer”,
- COMPLAINT PROCESS. Complaints against the actions or inactions of a volunteer by members of the public shall be handled in the same manner as complaints against ___________.
other CHP employees (see HPM 10.4, Citizen’s Complaint Investigation Manual).
The following describes four disciplinary actions that may be taken against a volunteer as deemed appropriate by the Area commander. In all cases, the volunteer is to be notified of the disciplinary action taken. The decision of the commander, however, is final and not subject to appeal.
(1) Verbal Admonishment. A verbal notice of the violation along with verbal direction to correct the violation.
(2) Written Reprimand. A memorandum of direction or censurable incident report filed in the personnel folder of the volunteer that describes the incident in question.
(3) Suspension. The removal of a volunteer from duty for a period of time determined by the Area commander. A memorandum explaining the reason(s) for the suspension shall be provided to the volunteer, and a copy shall be maintained in the volunteer’s personnel folder. The suspension shall not exceed ten scheduled work days.
(4) Dismissal. Termination from the SVP by the Area commander.
c. Carrying of Weapons. Volunteers ____ carry weapons of any type while on duty. This includes, but is not limited to:
shall not,
knives (other than a pocket knife), and
pepper spray or mace. Although properly trained private citizens may carry pepper spray, volunteers shall not carry it while representing the Department.
a. Volunteers are restricted from engaging in the following activities while acting in their SVP capacity:
(1) Volunteers shall not handle any weapon or firearm.
(2) Volunteers shall not stop for disabled vehicles or other observed incidents
unless instructed to do so by a supervisor. Instead, they shall notify the communications center of the location and description of the vehicle or incident and request a beat unit respond to the incident.
(3) Volunteers shall not activate an enforcement vehicle’s emergency lights while the vehicle is in motion. Volunteers assigned to a fixed-post, while under the direct supervision of an officer, may activate the emergency lights on a parked enforcement vehicle for traffic control purposes only.
(4) Volunteers shall not provide transportation to any member of the public while driving a state vehicle. This does not include traveling with other members of the department. Volunteers shall only transport other volunteers or non-uniformed employees after obtaining the approval of a supervisor.
g. Prohibited Items. While representing the Department, volunteers shall not wear
any of the following items even if the volunteer is otherwise authorized to do so (e.g.,
a retired law enforcement officer). If the volunteer has a question regarding an item
not listed below, the Area commander or coordinator shall determine whether or not
the item is authorized to be worn. The following list is not all inclusive:
(1) Firearm, firearm holster, or ammunition case.
(2) Sam Browne belt.
(3) PR-24 baton or PR-24 baton ring.
(4) Handcuffs or handcuff case.
(5) Leather billy, police club, or any other similar item.
(6) Any type of badge or emblem other than that allowed by this manual.
(7) Knife or knife case.
(8) Pepper spray, mace, or any similar item and its corresponding case.
(9) Stun gun
- POLICY. The Department will conduct, with the appropriate Division commander’s approval, in-depth investigations of designated crashes through the use of Multidisciplinary Accident Investigation Teams (MAIT). These MAIT will conduct investigations only within California Highway Patrol (CHP) jurisdictions except as follows:
a. Any fatal or suspected serious injury crash involving on-duty CHP or California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) employees will be investigated by a MAIT in conjunction with the local jurisdiction. The fatal or suspected serious injury pertains to any involved party, and not specifically to on-duty CHP or Caltrans employees. This includes Caltrans subcontractors working in a Caltrans-directed work or maintenance zone.
b. Any aircraft accident, as defined in Highway Patrol Manual (HPM) 100.7, Air Operations Manual, Chapter 9, Aircraft Accidents, Incidents, and Occurrences, or when specifically requested by the Office of Air Operations (OAO) to assist with an aircraft-incident investigation.
c. Any other incident of unusual significance, subject to the prior approval of the MAIT’s respective Division commander.
a. Each Division commander shall establish standard operating procedures for MAIT utilization.
b. The appropriate Division commander shall utilize MAIT for the following types of incidents:
(1) A fatal or suspected serious injury crash occurs involving an on-duty CHP or Caltrans employee, including subcontractors working on a Caltrans work project. The fatal or suspected serious injury pertains to any involved party, and not specifically to the on-duty CHP or Caltrans employee.
(2) Any aircraft crash involving a departmental aircraft in which any person suffers death or serious injury, or in which the aircraft receives substantial damage, or when specifically requested by the OAO to assist with an aircraft- incident investigation. A qualified member of the OAO will be assigned as a member of the MAIT conducting the investigation of any departmental aircraft crash or incident.
(3) Any crash in which the Department has been notified that investigators from the National Transportation Safety Board will be responding to conduct a parallel investigation.
c. The following list is representative of the type of incidents when, at the discretion of the Division commander, a MAIT may be utilized:
(1) Any crash or incident which, in the judgment of the Area commander or a higher command authority, MAIT involvement would be appropriate. An example of this would be a crash involving a law enforcement agency* during which a fatal or suspected serious injury occurred.
(a) Any significant crash in which a fatality or fatalities occurred which could lead to prosecution for murder* or manslaughter.
(b) Any crash in which a fatality or fatalities occurred involving any vehicle or combination* of vehicles described in Section 34500 of the California Vehicle Code.
(c) Any crash which results in the spillage* or leakage of a significant amount of a hazardous material which seriously threatens life or property.
(d) Any fatal or suspected serious injury crash involving a possible roadway* defect as a primary cause or contributing factor.
(e) Any crash where there is an indication that an involved vehicle has a manufacturing* defect which was the primary cause or contributing factor.
(f) Any crash where there is a need for an in-depth speed analysis*.
(2) A fatal or suspected serious injury crash occurs in which the investigating officer suspects a safety* restraint system failed to operate as designed. With appropriate Division approval, in cases where the only issue is the possible failure, a consultation with the team leader may be conducted. After consultation, the team leader will determine if a failure analysis should be conducted, and whether or not sufficient physical evidence is available to complete the investigation. If enough physical evidence is documented, a failure analysis will be conducted. If enough physical evidence is not available, the Area will document the condition of the safety restraint system with MAIT assistance/consultation.
(1) In the event CHP assumes jurisdictional responsibility for a crime committed on state property, the CHP ____ handle all incidents to conclusion. In cases requiring extensive follow up, Area Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) may allow officers to gather preliminary investigative information. These preliminary reports shall be forwarded to Area or Division investigators for final disposition.
(3) In instances where no immediate threat exists to the safety of state employees, property, or occupants of a state property and the CHP determines a response is not necessary, the on-duty supervisor ____ advise the client agency to complete the _________.
STD. 99, Report of Crime or Criminally Caused Property Damage on State Property.
State Facilities with Existing Law Enforcement Personnel. With certain exceptions, the CHP will not provide nonreimbursable SSP services to the following state agencies that employ their own law enforcement personnel responsible for police services and/or facility security: University of California, California State University, Hastings College of the Law, State Hospitals of the Department of Mental Health and Developmental Services, institutions and camps of the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation and Youth Authority, and parks and beaches of the Department of Parks and Recreation. Exceptions include the following:
(1) Emergency* situations.
(2) When it is determined to be in the best* interest of the Department to
provide the requested services.
(3) The requested services fall outside* of the training and capabilities of on- site law enforcement personnel.
(4) An MOU* for the requested service exists between the CHP Area office and the requesting agency.
(5) When providing mutual* aid according to state mutual aid guidelines.
(2) State facility managers shall be made aware that if a CHP officer does not respond to investigate, the facility manger must report the occurrence of the crimes and criminally-caused property damage to the CHP on the ____, as required by Section 14613.7(a) GC. The ____ shall be forwarded to the local CHP Area office with jurisdiction where the crime/incident occurred.
NOTE: When a local law enforcement agency responds to an incident at the state-owned or state-leased property, it is still the responsibility of the facility manager to complete and forward the _____.
STD. 99, STD. 99, STD. 99
____ shall be prepared for all reported crimes and criminally caused property damage occurring on state-owned or state-leased property.
The STD. 99
(a) Whenever CHP personnel respond to a crime or when criminally caused property damage has occurred, the ____ shall be prepared for entry into the State Crimes Automated Reporting System (SCARS). The _____ is completed in addition to a ____ when an arrest is made or an investigation is conducted. All applicable forms shall be forwarded to the Area or Division SCARS data entry personnel to be entered within ____ of the date of incident. (Refer to Annex B for applicable codes to be used when completing the STD. 99.)
STD. 99,
STD 99,
CHP 216 or CHP 202,
ten days
(b) For incidents on state-owned or state-leased property resulting in no law enforcement contact, or if a law enforcement agency other than the CHP responds, the STD. 99 ____ be completed by the reporting state facility representative and forwarded to the local CHP Area office having jurisdiction where the incident occurred. The form should be forwarded within _____of the date of the incident.
ten days
(d) The STD. 99 is ____ for lost, stolen, or damaged property that was lost, stolen, or damaged at a location not owned or leased by the state.
not required
a. California Division of Occupational Safety and Health Administration Reporting. The LC and Title 8, 8 CCR, require certain reporting requirements on emergency response agencies when called to an accident involving serious injury, illness, or death of an employee of any employer in connection with her/his employment (industrial accident). This includes violations of Penal Code (PC) Section 385, which prohibits the operation of specified equipment capable of motion within six feet of high voltage overhead conductor. Exemptions to the LC include any injury, illness, or death caused by ________________________. Sections 6409.2 LC and 8 CCR 342 state that the nearest office of Cal OSHA ____ immediately be notified of such incidents by telephone.
the commission of a PC violation or accident on a public street or highway,
(2) A serious injury or illness would be one requiring ___________________________
This determination will have to be made at the accident scene by the responding officer. The officer will then request the communications center to notify the local office of Cal OSHA by telephone.
hospitalization other than for observation, for a period in excess of 24 hours,
loss of a body member, or
any serious degree of permanent disfigurement.
c. Elements of the Crime Prevention and Security Program. The CHP CPS Program consists of the following elements:
(1) Security Inspection.
(2) Crime Prevention Plan.
(3) Site Vulnerability Assessment Memorandum.
(4) Crime Prevention and Security Program Training.
_______ is a self-assessment tool completed by the client state agency or Area SSP personnel. The ___ is intended to provide an evaluation of a site’s existing crime prevention and site security capabilities. The ____ is completed using the ___ checklist contained in Highway Patrol Handbook (HPH) 100.2, State Agency Crime Prevention and Security Handbook. Other than basic facility information and remarks that may be entered on the inspection checklist, the ___ does not include a narrative report or any formal written findings or recommendations.
The Security Inspection (SI), SI, SI, SI,