70.5 Flashcards
- GENERAL. The Explorer Program simultaneously operates in four different modes. They are the
operational support,
fundraising, and
social modes.
c. Income. Donations received by the explorer post shall be deposited into the post’s account within ____ from receipt of the donations.
72 hours
e. Post Advisor. Each command sponsoring an explorer post shall appoint a sworn departmental employee at least ___ below the post coordinator to act as the post advisor. There shall be only one post advisor for each explorer post.
one rank
Associate post advisors may be anyone approved by the Area commander, who is ____ years of age and registered with Learning for Life as an adult advisor. The associate post advisors shall assist the post advisor with explorer-related activities and assume the role of the post advisor in their absence.
at least 21
Associate post advisors shall be divided into two classifications:
(1) Departmental employees shall be classified as associate advisors.
(2) Retired departmental employees and other adult volunteers shall be
classified as nondepartmental associate advisors.
(2) Retired departmental employees and other adult volunteers shall be
classified as nondepartmental associate advisors.
E S P ; B S
(a) Nondepartmental associate advisors shall not be placed in a position of authority where they are the sole* representative(s) of the Department. These advisors should be accompanied by an associate advisor; however, they may address explorer-related issues with Learning for Life in the absence of the associate advisor, if necessary.
(b) Background* investigations shall be conducted on nondepartmental associate advisors to ensure that they will not bring discredit to the Department or the Explorer Program.
(c) California Highway Patrol explorers* who have reached the age of 21 may become nondepartmental associate advisors and volunteer in the Explorer Program as a nondepartmental associate advisor at the decretion of the commander.
(d) Members of the Senior* Volunteer Program may become non- departmental associate advisors.
(e) Parents* of the explorers may become nondepartmental associate advisors.
c. Explorer Post Chartering Requirements.
(1) A new explorer post must first charter with Learning for Life. To charter a post, there must be a minimum of ____ adult advisors and ___ explorers.
Five, five
a. Requirements for Membership. All Explorer Program applicants must meet the following requirements, which should be verified on a ____ basis:
15-20, F, GPA 2.0, G
(1) The online Learning for Life New-Post Application (www.exploring.org) states explorers must have completed the 6th grade through 20 years old. The Department requires explorers to be between 15 and 20 years old. Explorers who reach 21 years of age may continue their explorer membership for the remainder of the chartered year.
(2) Have no felony arrests or convictions.
(3) Maintain a minimum of a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or
(4) Be in good standing with their school, work, and family.
The following is an outline of five progressive disciplinary action steps which may be taken against explorers as deemed necessary by the explorer post advisor, with the concurrence of the Area commander. In all cases, the explorer shall be notified of the disciplinary action taken.
(1) Reprimand. A verbal notice of the violation.
(2) Written Reprimand. A CHP 51 or a CHP 2, Incident Report, describing
the violation, will be filed in the personnel file of the explorer.
(3) Removal of Rank. Demotions may be made by the explorer post advisor with concurrence of the Area commander. A CHP 51 explaining the reason(s) for the demotion shall be provided to the explorer. A copy of the CHP 51 shall be maintained in the explorer’s personnel file.
(4) Suspension. A suspension is the removal of an explorer from the explorer post for a period of time determined by the explorer post advisor with concurrence of the Area commander. A CHP 51 explaining the reason(s) for the suspension shall be provided to the explorer, and a copy of the CHP 51 shall be maintained in the explorer’s personnel file. The suspension shall not exceed six months. All explorer post-issued equipment shall be maintained by the explorer post during the suspension period, including the ID card.
(5) Dismissal. A permanent dismissal from the explorer post may be made by the explorer post advisor with the concurrence of the Area commander.
NOTE: A CHP explorer is a not a peace officer, nor is the explorer an employee of the CHP; therefore, explorers are not protected under the Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights. Any documentation regarding disciplinary action should contain only the necessary information to address the alleged misconduct.
b. Documentation. All reports of accidents and personal injuries involving departmental explorers shall be thoroughly documented by the post coordinator on a ____. If applicable, the ____ shall be completed in accordance with HPM 100.86.
The word ____ shall be printed after the explorer’s name to identify the explorer from a departmental employee. All reports of accidents or personal injuries shall be maintained in the explorer’s personnel file and copies should be forwarded to the Division and statewide explorer coordinators.
CHP 51,
CHP 268, Risk Management Potential Civil Litigation Report,
(4) Submission of completed background investigations to the explorer post coordinator within ____ from the time that the investigation case was assigned.
30 working days
d. Equipment Procedures. All property, equipment, and materials possessed or acquired by an explorer post shall be inventoried _____ and documented on the CHP 400U, Explorer Property Inventory. Inventories ____ also be conducted when a loss of equipment is suspected.
Each _____, a designated explorer member shall be responsible for completing and submitting a CHP 400V, Explorer Quarterly Report; a CHP 400U; and a current explorer post roster, including all post advisors, to the post advisor. The post advisor shall review the CHP 400V and CHP 400U to ensure the information is accurate and forward the forms to the Area commander for approval. A copy of the signed and approved reports shall be forwarded to the Division explorer coordinator within ____ of the quarter ending.
15 days
a. On a ____ basis, the explorer post advisor shall prepare the CHP 400T, Explorer Financial Statement, covering outgoing funds, incoming funds, cash on hand, and monthly cash balances.
d. A summary of the cash receipts and disbursements ____ be recorded each _____. The CHP 400T, Monthly Cash Balance Statement, provides an overview of all fiscal transactions.
e. A summary of the cash on hand ____ be recorded each _____. The CHP 400T, Cash on Hand, provides an overview of cash on hand.
f. The CHP 400T ____ be completed by the explorer post advisor on a _____ basis. The monthly CHP 400Ts shall be reviewed and approved by the Area commander quarterly.
shall, month
shall, month,
should, monthly
h. Explorer posts that have receipts totaling $49,999 or less shall prepare and file electronically the _____. If explorer post receipts are in excess of $50,000, the _______, shall be completed and filed with the IRS.
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Form 990-N, Electronic Notice (e-Postcard),
IRS Form 990- EZ, Return of Organization Exempt from Income Tax
i. Explorer posts are required to file with the Franchise Tax Board (FTB) _____. If explorer post receipts total less than $25,000 for the year, the ______, shall be electronically filed with the FTB. The California e-Postcard is due every year by the 15th day of the 5th month after the close of the tax year. If the tax year ends on December 31st, the California e- Postcard is due ____ of the following year.
FTB Form 199N, California e-Postcard,
May 15th
c. All checks received (donations, etc.) ____ be made out to the explorer post without reference to the Department (e.g., Explorer Post 535, not California Highway Patrol Explorer Post 535).
NOTE: Funds from the explorer post checking account shall only be disbursed if the expense will further the purpose and mission of the Explorer Program. The authorization to disburse funds in excess of $1,000 shall be recorded on a _____ and maintained with the copy of the disbursed check.
CHP 51, Memorandum
a. Leadership Requirements for Trips and Outings. ____ leaders, at least 21 years of age, are required on all trips and outings. If male and female youth are present, 21 year old leaders of both sexes shall be required on overnight trips. There ____ be no one-on-one contact with the youths. Separate (male/female) adult and youth bathrooms and showers shall be available.
b. Fraternization. Departmental employees, whether explorer advisory staff members or not, in addition to nondepartmental associate advisors, ___ fraternize with explorers on an individual basis. Maintaining a close relationship, such as dating, between adult leaders and explorer participants in not permitted.
shall not
c. Relationships. Departmental employees, and nondepartmental associate advisors, regardless of rank or Explorer Program position, _____ foster any type of personal or social relationship with a member of the Explorer Program.
shall not
d. Meetings. All Learning for Life meetings shall be conducted at the area office. Any meetings away from the area office shall follow the Leadership Requirements for Trips and Outings requirements outlined above. No secret meetings ____ be conducted at any time, and parents ____ always be welcome.
- PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES. Explorers are prohibited from performing or engaging in any of the following activities:
Explorers shall not participate in making on-duty arrests.
Explorers under the age of 18 shall not enter any adult jail facility.
Explorers shall not handle evidence.
Explorers shall not have access to confidential departmental files.
Explorers shall not have access to nonconfidential departmental files unless specifically directed to do so by departmental personnel.
Explorers shall not be used for surveillance of criminal activity in undercover vehicles, or to purchase illegal drugs, firearms, alcohol, car parts, or illegal/stolen merchandise.
Explorers are not allowed to engage in activities which involve operating a Management Information System (MIS)/Mobile Digital Computer (MDC) terminal without the required California Law Enforcement Telecommunications Systems (CLETS)/Criminal Justice Information System training and prior approval of the Area commander.