7 Cardiovascular Disorders (Unit 2) Flashcards
refers to listening
How we listen to the electrical activity of the heart’s actions
Useful in evaluating heart attack
Ultrasound showing how heart muscle, valve, and blood flow are working
Stress test
Evaluating heart’s response to activity, then how it returns to normal
Cardiac catheterization
Procedure in which a long thin tube is inserted into artery or vein in groin, neck or arm and threaded through BLOOD VESSELS to heart
Can be done after heart attack or during suspected heart attack
Person’s injected with radiopaque substance then X-Ray. Dye helps make vessels more clear
Coronary Arteriography
Procedure in which catheter with contract dye is threaded through artery from groin, neck or arm to CORONARY ARTERIES
Normal Heart Rate
heart rate over 100 bpm; a type of Cardiac Arrhythmia
heart rate under 60 bpm; a type of Cardiac Arrhythmia
What can EKG patterns reveal?
Heart attack Lack of blood flow to heart Heart failure Arrhythmia Cardiomyopathy
Problem with rate or rhythm of heartbeat
Disease of heart muscle that makes it harder for heart to pump blood to body
Waxy substance found in all cell membranes that’s transported throughout the body via lipoprotein
sometimes we have too much especially of the bad kind
Abnormal high concentration of fats/lipids in blood
High-density lipoprotein (HDL)
“healthy cholesterol”
Ideal amount: more than 50 mg/dl
Low-density lipoprotein (LDL)
“lousy cholesterol” which causes formation of plaque
Ideal amount: 70-130 mg/dl
Fat we see in arteries
Related to dietary consumption of fat
Ideal amount: 10-150 mg/dl
When artery walls become thick, hard, inflexible
- Partially due to calcium deposits
- Goes hand-and-hand with atherosclerosis
- Leads to high BP
- Major risk is smoking
The thickening, narrowing, hardening of arteries due to fatty streaks and plaque formation
Risk factors, Signs/Symps, Treatment on 10/7 (3)
Accumulation of lipids and formation of scan tissue in vessel
As increases, artery narrows, blood flow is reduced
High BP
Signs/Symps, Risk factors, Treatment on 10/7 (3)