6th - SS Chapter 23 Key Terms Flashcards
Unplanted land
Practice of changing the use of fields overtime
Crop rotating
System of planting invented in the high Middle Ages which increase the amount of land that could be planted each year
Three-field system
Association of people who have a common interest
Order founded to fight heresy and to preach to ordinary people
Mendicant order
School or group of schools that train scholars at the highest levels
Idea that there are laws in nature that are basic to both the natural world and human world
Natural law
Destructive war between France and England that lasted from 1337 to 1453.
Hundred Years’ War
An successful revolt by peasants against feudal lords England in 1381
Peasants revolt
Deadly infection spread by fleas that live on rats
Bubonic plages
Epidemic of the bubonic plague killed as many as one third of all Europeans between 1347 and 1352
Black Death
Italian philosopher and theologian
St. Thomas Aquinas
During the 1200s a group of monks who helped farming
Patron saint of animals
St. Francis of Assisi
Patroness of Assisi
A saint fighting for France that was captured and killed
Joan of Arc
A period Where religion was very important in the Middle Ages
Age of faith
A revolutionary new architecture that combines religious symbolism with engineering advances
Code of conduct in medieval Europe the required nights to be brave loyal and honest
A bow that couldshoot really far