6th - Religion Chapter 15 Flashcards
Who was the first leader of the Israelites?
What are some of the things Moses did for the people?
- Helped organize the tribes
- Spoke to God for the people
- Made decisions based on God’s laws
- Cared for the people’s needs
- Led them through the desert
From whom did Moses receive the authority to lead the people?
When did Moses tell the Israelites he was about to die?
When he (Moses) was 112 years old
Who did Moses tell “Be brave and faithful, because you must bring these people into the land which the Lord swore to their fathers he would give them?”
Joshua, a military leader
Where did Moses go alone to pray and it was here that God showed him the Promised Land?
Mount Nebo
What did God say to Moses as he showed him the Promised Land?
I have let you see it, but you shall not cross over.
After Moses death on Mount Nebo, where was he buried?
In the valley of Moab
What was Moses when he had obeyed God and had taught them how to walk in the way if the Lord?
A true leader
There has never been such a prophet in all of Israel as Moses, the man whom the Lord knew what?
Who became the leader of the Israelites after Moses’ death?
What was Joshua filled with, for Moses had laid his hands upon him?
The spirit of wisdom
What does the name Joshua mean?
Jesus or “the Lord saves”
What did the Lord tell Joshua to do?
To cross the Jordan with all the people
Did the Israelites follow Joshua’s directions?
Yes, they believed that God was with Joshua
What is an ancient way of giving a blessing?
The act of laying on of hands
In what are the baptized anointed on the forehead with chrism as the bishop says “Be sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit” and then lays hands upon the baptized as a sign of conferring the gift of the Holy Spirit?
The Sacrament of Confirmation
What is chrism?
A holy oil
What do we receive in the Sacrament of Confirmation?
The grace you need to assume responsibility in the Church
Joshua directed the priests to take up the Ark of the Covenant and lead the Israelites though the river. What happened as soon as the priests set foot in the Jordan?
It’s waters stopped flowing - as during the Exodus at the Red Sea and after all the people had crossed, the waters of the Jordan again flowed freely
What is this stopped of the river’s waters a sign of?
It was a sign to them and to all who would come after them that God is powerful and always with his people.
What was the first city to be attacked by the Israelites?
Explain how the Israelites attacked Jericho.
For six days, seven priests blowing ram’s horns and carrying the Ark of the Covenant would march around the walled city of Jericho. On the seventh day, they marched around the city seven times. And Joshua commanded the people to shout, for the Lord had given them the city and everything in it. As this was happening, the walls collapsed and the Israelites stormed the city.
Word of Joshua’s success spread throughout the land, but it was no easy job to conquer all of what?
Why wasn’t it easy to conquer the Promised Land?
Because the people living there were strong and experienced in was while the Israelites had poor weapons and no regular army.
Who did Joshua divide the land among?
The tribes that had not yet received a part of except for the tribe of Levi
Who were the tribe of Levi?
The Levites were the priests
What were the Levites given?
They were given cities in the lands of the other tribes, which they would serve. The Lord would be their inheritance.
Before Joshua died, he called all the tribes together where?
At Shechem
What did Joshua remind the tribes?
- All the goodness that God had shown them
- That God had kept his promise
- God had given them the Land of Canaan
Joshua then asked the people to decide which gods they would serve. What do they say?
“We will serve the Lord, our God, and obey only his voice.”
We too have a promised land. What is it?
When we die, we will be what according to our works and faith?
As a result of this particular judgement, what are the possible outcomes?
- Heaven - we are united with God
- Purgatory - we undergo purification before being united with God
- Hell - which is total separation from God due to our choices
What happens if we die without having made up for our sins?
We cannot go directly to heaven. Instead we must first be purified in purgatory
What does purgatory do?
It is an experience that readies us to live with God forever.
What do we receive through God’s representatives on earth?
Guidance and the grace of Christ
Who is the visible leader of the Church?
The Holy Father
Who are the successors of the apostles, who are the Church leaders in the different dioceses?
The bishops
Who are the Church leaders in the parishes of each diocese?
The priests and deacons
Through what do these Church leaders receive their authority from the Church?
The Sacrament of Holy Orders
What happens in the Sacrament of Holy Orders?
The bishop lays hands upon those being ordained, just as Moses laid hands upon Joshua.
What does God show us?
The way to heaven and gives us the means to get there
How did the Israelites finally enter the Promised Land?
Joshua was appointed the new leader by Moses. Joshua directed the priests to carry the Ark of the Covenant and to lead the people into the Jordan River. The waters stopped flowing, allowing the people to cross safely. Joshua led the people to surround Jericho and, after circling the city seven times, he directed the priests to blow the horns and the people to shout. The walls of Jericho fell, allowing the Israelites to enter.
Who leads us to our promised land the way Joshua led the Israelites to Canaan?
Jesus and his representatives in the Church lead us to heaven