6th - Religion Chapter 14 Flashcards
What did the Israelites have good reason to dislike?
Throughout the Israelites years in the wilderness, God had provided for their needs. But eventually they grew tired of what God had given them. What did they grow tired of?
Manna - tasteless food
The Israelites complained about the tasteless food, Moses and even God. What does the Bible tell us that was their punishment for complaining?
God sent serpents among them. The bites of these snakes caused death. Only after many people had died from the poisonous bites did the Israelites realize their sinfulness.
The Israelites went to Moses and admitted that they had sinned by speaking against him and against God. They asked Moses to intercede for them, so then what happened?
Moses prayed, and God answered his prayer. God told Moses to make a bronze snake and put it on a pole where the people could see it. People who had been bitten by a snake came to see the bronze serpent. They had faith in God’s power to heal them. These people lived and were healed of the terrible snake bites.
Over one thousand years later in which Gospel was the story of the serpent remembered?
The Gospel of John
To what does the Gospel of John compare the lifting up of the serpent in the desert?
The lifting up of the Son of Man
When Jesus is lifted up on the Cross, he is offered as what?
A perfect sacrifice of obedience to the Father.
Why did Jesus die for our sins?
So that we might have salvation
We are called to have what in his sacrifice?
Name some ways that we show our faith in his sacrifice.
- To display cross or a crucifix in our homes
- Being sorry for sin
- Being willing to make up for sin
- Trying to live according to the law of love
- Trying to become more and more like Jesus
Who is the Son of Man?
How was the Son of Man lifted up?
He was on a cross
What happened when people looked at the serpent lifted up?
They were healed of their sickness
What will the Son of Man do for us now that he has been lifted up?
Give us salvation
What is the worst evil in the world?
What is the cause of many other evils?
Sin caused the death of Jesus but it also did what?
By his death Jesus broke the power of sin
Sins do not bring what?
What does sin do?
It damages our relationship with God, with other people and even with ourselves.
Who always loves us and wants to give us his forgiveness?
God in his goodness has given us several ways to be reconciled with him when we have sinned. Name some of these ways.
- The Sacrament of Reconciliation (or confession)
- An act of love
- An act of contrition
- The Eucharist
We have committed a mortal sin if what is present?
- We have done something that is seriously wrong
- We knew it was seriously wrong
- We freely and willingly chose to do it
Is a serious sin always a mortal sin?
No, if one of these three conditions is missing, the sin is not mortal
What is a lesser sin?
Venial sin
In the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a person performs what three actions?
- Repentance which is a desire to change
- Confession of sins to a priest
- Commitment to repair the harm caused by the sin
What should a person who commits a mortal sin do immediately?
Ask God’s forgiveness in his or her heart
Until a person confesses the sin to a priest in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, what can’t the person do?
Until the person confesses, he or she should not receive Holy Communion.
What things do we need to confess to the priests?
- Give enough information to let the priest know how serious the sin is.
- The number of times we have committed each mortal sin.
What are forgiven in the Sacrament of reconciliation?
Mortal and venial sins
Who are we reconciled with in the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
With God and the Church
What is the life giving power of the sacrament of reconciliation which remains with us in our daily life?
What does the Sacrament of Reconciliation help us know?
Ourselves better
Examining our conscience is like what?
Looking in the mirror
What do we see when we examine our conscience?
- The times we have accepted God’s grace
- Our good and bad habits
- Our weaknesses and strengths
What is a habit of doing something good?
How were the Israelites healed of their snake bites?
God told Moses to make a bronze snake and to put it on a pole where the people could see it. People who had been bitten by a snake came to see the bronze serpent. Because of their faith, they were healed of the terrible snakebites.
What are four ways of being reconciled with God?
Four ways of being reconciled with God are:
- Sacrament of Reconciliation
- An act of contrition
- An act of love
- The Eucharist
What conditions must be present for sin to be considered mortal?
The action must be a serious wrong, we must know that it is seriously wrong, and we must have committed it freely and willingly