648-650 Flashcards
What are two aspects of the BAS program?
Meal cards for those individuals not authorized the BAS; the allowance itself, authorized to those who meet certain eligibility requirements.
What entitles certain members to receive BAS?
DOD and Air Force policy.
What must all AF units do in reference to forms and publications?
They ensure publications and forms are complete, accurate, current, and accessible to Air Force users.
All publications in the directive publications category must carry what statement in the publication header?
What are the two types of Air Force publications?
Directive and non-directive.
What are some directive publications?
(1) Policy directives, (2) Policy memorandums, (3) Mission directives, (4) Instructions, (5) Guidance memorandums, (6) Manuals, (7) Interservice publications, (8) Supplements, (9) Installation publications, and (10) instruction checklists and addenda.
Who approves all AFPMs?
What are the two types of VAs and how are they used?
(1) Permanent is used to explain or instruct. (2) Temporary is to inform or motivate, such as a poster promoting safe driving.
Describe a departmental form.
A form used Air Force-wide or by more than one MAJCOM, FOA, DRU, base or wing. It is prescribed by a departmental publication such as an AFI or manual.
What are publications that extend or add material to publications issued by higher headquarters or agencies?
Air Force personnel use nondirective publications in what manner?
They use these publications as reference aids and “how-to” guides.
What are the two types of changes?
Interim and administrative.
What are the two types of reviews performed?
Two-year reviews and special reviews.
On administrative changes, why is there no coordination required?
Because these types of changes are non-substantive.
How many interim changes can be issued to an Air Force departmental publication?
1 to 5, after the fifth change, the publication must be rewritten.
What is the term referring to the total system that collects, processes, and delivers communications?
Who processes communication received from the P&A office?
Action office.
What is the action office?
The office that uses or responds to a communication. Basically, it’s the person receiving a piece of mail.
What is done with undelivered mail containing the endorsement “DO NOT FORWARD” at the end of the workday?
Must be stored in a classified storage container.
If you are suspicious of a mailing and you are unable to verify the contents with the addressee or sender what should you do?
You should protect yourself and your office by doing the following: (1) Stop. Do not open or handle the article, (2) Isolate the article and evacuate the immediate area, (3) Do not put the article in water or a confined space such as a desk drawer or a filing cabinet, (4) If possible, open windows in the immediate area to assist in venting potentially explosive gases. (5) Do not take any chances or worry about possible embarrassment if the item turns out to be innocent. If there is any reason to believe a letter or parcel is dangerous, contact your supervisor immediately.
Name five ways to identify a suspicious package.
Any of these five will work: (1) Return address, (2) Restrictive markings, (3) Sealed with tape, (4) Misspelled words or badly typed or written, (5) Unknown powder or suspicious substance, (6) Possibly mailed from a foreign country or excessive postage, (7) Oily stains, discolorations, crystallization or wrapper, (8) Strange odor, (9) Incorrect title or addressed to title only, (10) Rigid or bulky, (11) Lopsided or uneven, (12) Protruding wires.
The most secure service the USPS system offers.
Confirmation of delivery including date, time, and location, and you can request to have letter mailed to you with a copy of the recipient’s signature.
Mail sealed against inspections.
Provides a receipt to the sender and a record of delivery.
Fastest service offered by the USPS.
What type of mail class cannot be used to send personal correspondence?
Standard mail.
What are special mail services limited to?
Instances when required by law, by DOD, AF policy, or when mission essential.
What is considered “accountable mail?”
Communications for which accountability must be maintained.
What are the five types of special mail services?
(1) Registered mail, (2) certified mail, (3) certificate of mailing, (4) signature confirmation and (5) insured mail.
What does the Air Force use to help control the communications while in Air Force channels?
Container numbers.
What is the best choice for ensuring accountable mail containers remain in a controlled environment?
Registered mail.
When you receive an accountable mail container, what should you do?
Compare the container number with the number listed on the container receipt to make sure you’re signing for the correct package.
When a response is not received on a receipt for classified information, within what time frame is a tracer action done?
Tracer action is initiated 30 days for material sent within the CONUS or 45 days for material sent OCONUS.