605-608 Flashcards
What conditions always constitute PDI?
Alcohol and/or drug-related incidents, alcohol and/or drug abuse, alcohol and/or drug dependency, suicide attempt or threat, and subsequent use of alcohol in an individual returned to duty with the diagnosis of alcohol dependence. This also includes all pre-service drug use and use of other substances that alter perceptions or mental faculties.
What are some conditions that require a reliability assessment?
Hypnosis, and medical conditions detrimental to reliable performance of duties to include individuals affected by personal trauma (including family illness/death, violent crimes, sexual assault or accidental injury) who are seeking medical care.
What should happen if two CMAs disagree, or there is doubt concerning PDI?
The commander should have sufficient information to make the final PRP determination.
What are some common places that reviewers miss PDI?
Deployment related documentation, PHAs, and AF Web-based Health Assessment, Mental Health records, and documentation from civilian providers.
When reviewing records, there should not be a gap of how long without any medical entries?
2 years
What do you look for on radiology reports?
Radiology reports can give you clues to head injuries, altercations (e.g., boxer’s fractures).
What information should be printed prior to, and included in the record review?
(1) AHLTA notes,
(2) PIMR deployment documents (e.g., DD 2795, DD 2796, DD 2900),
(3) PEPP, and
(4) AIMWTS documents not already filed in the physical outpatient medical record.
What are some items listed on optometry notes that patients are often asked which could constitute PDI?
Frequent or recurrent headaches.
As a rule, what should you always identify to the CMA as PDI?
Drugs, alcohol, or mental health or behavioral issues regardless of whether or not it was previously adjudicated.
What are the minimum requirements for nomination to PSP?
(1) Member must hold a US citizenship,
(2) Have a high degree of maturity, discretion, and trustworthiness,
(3) Have a unquestionable loyalty to the United States, and
(4) Satisfactory, past and present, duty performance.
What is the purpose of the PDI letter?
To serve as a tool for the MTF to communicate PDI to the commander in a timely and effective manner so that he or she can make a sound judgment on an individual’s reliability and/or ability to perform sensitive duties.
Why should immediate family members who are citizens of another country be identified for appropriate evaluation?
It must be determined that family members are not subject to physical, mental, or other forms of duress by a foreign power and who do not advocate or practice acts of force or violence to prevent others from exercising their rights under the constitution or laws of the US or any state or subdivision thereof.
Since medical information is being sent, what should be included on all correspondence?
Privacy Act statement.
What should you avoid when drafting the PDI letter?
Medical terminology or acronyms.
When should old PDI be included in a new PDI letter?
If the “new” and “old” PDI when pieced together start to take the shape of a larger puzzle and form a clearer “picture” of what’s behind the “blind spot” than the “new” PDI alone, then it needs to be re-addressed.