640-642 Flashcards
What must you know to be a successful leave monitor?
Specific unit responsibilities, procedures concerning leave, administrative leave policies, and special conditions affecting leave.
In which instance can a military member carry leave in excess of 60 days into the next fiscal year?
If they are eligible for special leave accrual.
How many days does DFAS automatically carry over if a member serves at least 120 consecutive days in a hostile-fire or imminent-danger area and receives hostile-fire or imminent-danger area pay for at least four consecutive months?
30 days.
When referring to leave, what is defined as “local area”?
The place where members live and from which they commute to the duty station.
Whose responsibility is it to ensure that the dates listed on the leave form are correct?
Unit leave monitor.
How many days can a member sell back upon voluntary retirement, reenlistment, separation, or discharge?
Up to 60 days.
What is convalescent leave?
Period of authorized absence granted to members who are under medical or dental care as part of the treatment prescribed for recuperation and convalescence.
Under which circumstance may losing commanders grant maximum accrued leave as leave en route with any PCS move?
If the delay does not interfere with the reporting date to either a port or a new assignment.
To whom may approval for emergency leave be delegated?
First sergeants.
How many days of PTDY may a losing commander grant when members house-hunt prior to signing out of the unit?
10 days.
When can leave be disapproved?
Due to military necessity or in the best interest of the Air Force.
When does a special pass start and stop?
Special passes start after normal working hours on a given day. They stop at the beginning of normal working hours on either the 4th day for a 3-day special pass or the 5th day for a 4-day special pass.
What establishes the conditions for official travel and transportation at government expense and provides the basis for the traveler’s reimbursement?
Travel order.
What are the two documents you may have to review in DTS?
Authorization and voucher.
What are the benefits of DTS?
No fee for trip cancellation or changes, access to last minute seat availability, and quicker reimbursement times.
What are some DTS functions?
Travel reservation system; audits travel documents for compliance with regulations, interfaces with various DOD accounting systems, pays travel related expenses, and archives documents to comply with IRS requirements.
Who enters the authorization in DTS?
The individual going TDY
How much can the sponsoring agency authorize for lodging?
Up to 125% of the local lodging per diem rates for conferences.
Receipts in excess of what amount, must be uploaded to DTS?
What statement needs to be included on every authorization?
Alternate means such as, SVTC or other web-based communication, are not sufficiently able to accomplish travel objectives.
What are the three types of awards members can earn?
Service awards, unit awards, and achievement awards.
What are the three important purposes of service awards?
Participation in specific or significant military operations, honorable active military service during periods of war or national emergency, and specific types of service by personnel serving on active duty or as a member of Reserve forces.
What makes a person ineligible for a service award?
No service award will be presented or awarded to any person whose entire service for the period covered by the award was not honorable, or to a person whose service for the period covered by the award was terminated under other than honorable conditions.
What is the purpose of unit awards?
To recognize acts or services that place the unit’s performance significantly above that of other units of similar composition and mission responsibility.
What are the requirements for award of an AFOUA?
Awarded to numbered units such as air forces, air divisions, wings, groups, and squadrons. Organizations must have performed meritorious service or outstanding achievements that clearly set the unit above and apart from similar units.
What achievement awards are available?
Air Force Longevity Service Award, Air Force Overseas Ribbon, Air Force Training Ribbon, NCO PME Graduate Ribbon.
What award is given in recognition of an act of bravery, an outstanding achievement, or period of meritorious service?
Special trophies or awards.
What are the determining factors when an individual is being considered for a decoration?
Duty performance, impact of the accomplishment, the level of responsibility and authority.
Why must recommendations for decorations be restricted to the recognition of meritorious service, outstanding achievement, or acts of heroism that clearly place individuals above their peers?
To preserve the integrity of decorations.
What constitutes a decoration submission based on heroism?
The decoration must clearly state that the quality of one or more acts was characterized by courage, gallantry, or intrepidity. In the case of voluntary risk of life, the facts must clearly show that the individual would not have been censured had he or she not voluntarily accomplished the action.
What is the intention of an outstanding achievement decoration?
To recognize a single specific act or achievement that is separate and distinct from regularly assigned duties.
Who may initiate a recommendation for a decoration?
Any person, other than the person being recommended, having first hand knowledge of the act, achievement, or service believed to warrant awarding a decoration might recommend an award.
What are the criteria for nomination for Legion of Merit?
Exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service to the United States.
Who must review and personally endorse each decoration recommendation?
The commander or vice-commander at each headquarters designated to review recommendations must personally review and sign the forwarding endorsement for each recommendation.
How do you process requests for reconsideration?
Forward requests for reconsideration of disapproved or downgraded recommendations through the same official channels as the original recommendation. The justification for reconsideration must be in memorandum format not to exceed one page. There must be a copy of the original recommendation with all endorsements and new citation. Submit requests into official channels within 1 year from the date of the awarding authority’s decision. A one-time reconsideration by the award authority is final.
What is the recognition program reserved for?
Personnel that clearly go above and beyond the rest of their peers
What is the categorical break down for individual awards?
Leadership and job performance in primary duty, significant self-improvement and base or community involvement.