638 second shifting Flashcards
Outcome based education means clearly focusing and
organizing everything in an educational system around what?
what is essential for all students to be able to do
successfully at the end of their learning experiences
OBE is a process that involves what?
the restructuring of curriculum, assessment and reporting practices in education to reflect the achievement of higher order learning and mastery rather than accumulation of course credits
What are outcomes?
clear learning results that we want students to
demonstrate at the end
sets of learning competencies that enable learners to
perform complex tasks/functions/roles
What is the OBE philosophy?
All learners can learn and succeed; success breeds
success and “teaching institutions control the conditions
of success.
OBE pyramid?
What is paradigm?
WHAT and WHETHER students learn
successfully is more important than
WHEN and HOW they learn something.
What are the purposes of OBE?
Ensuring that all students are equipped
with the knowledge, competence, and
qualities needed to be successful after
they exit the educational system.
Structuring and operating schools so
that those outcomes can be achieved
and maximized for all students.
What are the premises of OBE?
All students can learn and succeed,
but not on the same day in the same
Successful learning promotes even
more successful learning.
Schools control the conditions that
directly affect successful school
Principles of OBE?
Clarity of focus on: culminating exit outcomes of
Expanded opportunity: support for learning success
High expectations: for all to succeed
Design down: from culminating outcomes
Focus on what learners will be able to do successfully
Clarity of Focus
Do not learn the same thing in the same way at the same time
Expanded Opportunity
Establish high challenging performance standards
High Expectations
Begin curriculum design with a clear definition of
the significant learning that learners are to achieve by the end of their formal education
Design Down
What composes practices?
- Define outcomes
2.Design the curriculum
3.Deliver instruction
4.Document results
5.Determine advancement
For the HEIs, OBE means?
describing the attributes of their ideal graduates based on their visions and missions as part of their institutional goals or outcomes, and using these as bases for developing specific program outcomes
Program outcomes are the _________that all learners are expected to demonstrate. Institutional or program outcomes may also emphasize _________.
sets of competencies, lifelong learning.
What are learning outcomes?
Outcomes that are expected from a certain course that are assessed and evaluated through various measurement tools
Sets of competencies, expressing what the student will know, understand or be able to do
Statements that describe significant and essential
learning that learners have achieved, and can reliably
What is a teaching strategy?
a generalized plan for a lesson which includes structure, instructional objectives and an outline of planned tactics, necessary to implement the strategies
are the overall plan for a teaching learning experience that involves the use of one or several methods of instruction to achieve learning outcomes
Instructional strategies can?
motivate students and help them focus attention
organize information for understanding and
monitor and assess learning
Five Categories of Instructional Strategies?
Direct Instruction
Indirect Instruction
Interactive Instruction
Experiential Learning
Independent Study
highly teacher directed
most commonly used
effective for providing information or developing step by step skills
Direct Instruction
What is under Direct Instruction?
Purposes of Lecture?
Develop the act of listening
Effective way of presenting new topic
Develop creative thinking and reasoning
Stimulates learner’s interest
Supplement of the textbook, discussion, and student report
Integrate and synthesize a vast body of knowledge
Advantages of Lecture?
Current information
Active listening and note-taking skills
Inspires learners
Summary/ synthesis of information
Disadvantages of lecture?
Passive listeners
Relies on listening skills
Attention span
Do not learn at the same pace
Focuses on teaching of facts
2 Types of Lecture?
Formal, Informal
Parts of a Lecture?
Intro, Body, Conclu
Establish a relationship with the audience.
Encourage questions from students.
Relate content to previous and subsequent topics.
educator can enhance the effectiveness of the presentation by combining it with other instructional methods
careful preparation is needed
Repeat and emphasize main points.
The lecturer needs to make a connection with the overall subject and the topic being presented as well as explicate its relationship to previous topics covered and both prior lectures and those that will follow
learner driven
includes a high level of learner involvement in observing, investigating, drawing inferences or forming hypotheses
takes advantage of learners’ interests and curiosity and encourages learners to generate alternatives or solve problems
Indirect instruction
What forms of learning are under indirect instruction?
Problem Solving
Case Studies
Reflection Discussion
Concept Mapping
to challenge students’ thinking by inviting them to interpret, infer, summarize, form conclusions and evaluate selections
to extend personal responses by considering the views of others
Purposes of Reflection Discussion
concepts are represented in a hierarchical manner; the most general are positioned in the ______part of the map, while the specific concepts, less general ones are positioned in the ______part of themap.
superior, lower
establishes a bridge between how people learn knowledge and sensible learning
Concept Mapping
relies heavily on discussion and sharing and helps develop social skills and the ability to organize thoughts and develop rational arguments
Interactive Instruction
free flow of ideas
generate as many ideas as possible within the specified time frame given in the classroom
provide very powerful learning experiences for
students by immersing them in simulated real world
situations in which students act out a particular
role/character in a safe environment
Role Playing
develop critical thinking and public speaking
articulate and defend positions, consider different points of view, and enlist and evaluate evidence