6.1 bacteria (end lessons) Flashcards
What is the process in which bacteria use to divide?
Binary fission
What is generation time?
The time between bacterial divisions
What factors can limit reproduction of bacteria?
Nutrient availability
Waste production
What is the lag phase in bacterial growth?
this is where bacteria are adapting to their new environment and are not yet reproducing to they maximum rate.
What is the log phase in bacterial growth?
rate of reproduction is close to the maximum.
What is the stationary phase in bacterial growth?
total growth rate is zero as number of new cells formed by binary fission is equal to the number dying.
What is the death phase in bacterial growth?
reproduction are almost stopped and cell death is increasing.
Why does the exponential growth of bacteria not continue?
Reduction of nutrients
Build up of waste products inhibit further growth and even begin to poison cells. In particular, carbon dioxide will build up and change the pH of the culture to the point where growth can’t occur.
What piece of equipment can be used to count individual bacterial cells?
A haemocytometer
What stain can be used before using a haemocyctometer and what does it do that is significant?
Trypan blue
Stain dead cells blue so these can be easily discarded
How is the quantity of fungi in a sample measured?
The area it covers is calculated
What is turbidity?
A measure of how opaque a solution is
How does a colorimeter work when measuring turbidity of a bacterial sample?
A colorimeter is used to shine light through a solution.
There is a sensor on the other side that can detect how much light has passed through the solution and how much has been absorbed.
Cloudier solutions absorb more light and less light reaches the sensor.
Solutions with less solute absorb less light and so more light reaches the sensor.
What does enumerating bacteria mean?
To count bacteria
When doing serial dilutions, how many colonies are ideal to count?