6) Conditions: Specific Conditions Flashcards
Module 6
What is Pivotal Response Training?
An ABA principle that is play based and initiated by the child. Teaches fundamental skills, including, motivation, self-management, initiation of social interactions, and responses to multiple cues.
Define the A-B-C Relationship.
A - Antecedent (what precedes the behavior)
B - Behavior (action that occurs)
C - Consequences (stimuli after that follows and strengthens that behavior)
How can you intervene at the Antecedent level of the A-B-C Relationship?
Antecedent Intervention
1) removing or modifying the events in order to change the behavior (context or individual antecedents like clear rules or expectations)
2) environmental modifications (transition cues, changing physical or sensory aspects of the environment)
Research has found which of the following strategies to be the most effect to positively impact a child/youth’s behavior?
a. Providing reinforcements
b. Punishment-aversive consequence
c. Extinction
d. Changing the environment
a. providing reinforcements (has more than 50 years of empirical data)
What type of behavior should you NOT reinforce?
A systematic process to identify the function (reason) for a behavior, is called ___?
Functional Behavior Assessment (used in schools, team based is preferred)
An individualized plan to address a behavior, that is based on the Functional Behavior Assessment, is called ___?
Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP)
Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for chronic pain?
Psychosocial History
Genetic Predisposition
What is the best occupational therapy evaluation assessment for chronic pain in pediatrics?
COPM - how pain is affecting participation in ADLs, productivity, and leisure
Does flexor tone INCREASE or DECREASE as the premature infant gets closer to full term gestation?
You receive a referral for an infant who had APGAR scores of 0/1, 0/5, 2/10, and 5/15. The neonatologist refers to the infant’s birth injury as asphyxia during a difficulty delivery. Which condition will this infant most likely have?
a. bronochopulmonary dysplasia (BPD)
b. hypoxic ischemic encepholopathy (HIE)
c. periventricular leukomalacia (PVL)
d. interventricular hemorrhage (IVH)
Hypoxic Ischemic Encephalopathy - the leading cause of severe, non-progressive neurological deficits
A lesion in the white matter of the brain affecting both hemispheres, causing decreased blood flow to the lateral borders of the ventricles, is called ___?
Periventricular Leukomalacia (PVL)
- can result in CP affecting LEs, vision deficits, and ID
A C5-6 injury to the brachial plexus, will cause deficits to the ___.
Upper Trunk - shoulder girdle muscles and biceps (50% of injuries)
A C7 injury to the brachial plexus, will cause deficits to the ___.
Middle Trunk - triceps and wrist extensors (25% of injuries)
A C8-T1 injury to the brachial plexus, will cause deficits to the ___ and is called ___.
Lower Trunk - small muscles of the hand (25% of injuries)
Klumpke’s Palsy (least common)
Erb’s Palsy typically involves which nerves? How are the deep tendon reflexes with this diagnosis?
C5-C7, DTRs are absent
Rank the following types of brachial plexus injuries, based on severity/prognosis.
Erb’s Palsy (C5-7)
Klumpke’s Palsy (C8-T1)
Erb-Duchenne-Klumpke’s Palsy (C5-T1)
What are the signs and symptoms of the life-threatening emergency, Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD), and what SCI levels does this occur?
- sudden increase in blood pressure
- bradycardia
- pounding heart
- flushing and profuse sweating above lesion level
*occurs in individuals with T6 and above injury