2) Evaluation of Performance Skills Flashcards
Module 2
watches you as you move, looks at a toy for several seconds
At what age do these occur?
2 months
if hungry, opens mouth when seeing breast or bottle, looks at hands with interest
At what age do these occur?
4 months
puts things in mouth to explore, reaches to grab toy, closes lips to show they don’t want anymore food
At what age do these occur?
6 months
looks for object when dropped out of sight, bangs two things together, will try alternative methods to obtain items out of reach (cognitive flexibility)
At what age do these occur?
9 months
puts something in container, looks for things they see you hide
At what age do these occur?
12 months
tries to use things appropriately, stacks at least two small objects, like blocks
At what age do these occur?
15 months
copies you doing chores, plays with toys in simple ways, like pushing cars
At what age do these occur?
18 months
holds something in one hand while using the other, tries to use switches, knobs, or buttons, plays with more than one toy at the same time
At what age do these occur?
2 years
uses things to pretend, shows simple problem solving skills, follows two-step directions, knows at least one color
At what age do these occur?
30 months
imitates drawing a circle, avoids touching hot objects after you warn them
At what age do these occur?
3 years
names a few colors of items, tells what comes next in a well-known story, draws a person with 3+ body parts, can delay action for 5 minutes (inhibitory control emerging)
At what age do these occur?
4 years
counts to 10, names a few numbers, uses time of day phrases, attends for 5-10 minutes during activities, writes some letters in their name, names a few letters
At what age do these occur?
5 years
can ignore peripheral stimuli, follows 3-step directions
At what age do these occur?
7 years
can adapt to changes in rule, goal setting is developing
At what age do these occur? (two year span)
10-12 years
Bayley, DAY-C 2, HELP, BRIEF, Movement ABC, Early Learning Achievement Profile, Carolina Curriculum. These assessments all have a test for which of the following skills?
Movement/Physical Development
By what age is brain development almost 90% complete?
5 years
This condition occurs when the sex glands produce few or no hormones, and is common with girls who have Turner Syndrome.
holds head up when on tummy, moves both arms and legs, opens hands briefly
At what age do these occur?
2 months
holds head steady without support when held, holds onto a toy placed in hand, brings hands to mouth, uses arm to swing at toys, pushes up onto elbows or forearms on tummy
At what age do these occur?
4 months
rolls from tummy to back, pushes up with straight arms on tummy, leans on hands to support self in sitting, follows objects with eyes in all directions
At what age do these occur?
6 months
gets to sitting independently, transfers objects between hands, rakes food toward self with fingers, sits without support, voluntary release emerging
At what age do these occur?
9 months
pulls up to stand, walks holding furniture, drinks from open cup when you hold it, pincer grasp emerging, starts to point
At what age do these occur?
12 months
takes a few steps on their own, finger feeds self
At what age do these occur?
15 months
walks independently, scribbles, minimal spillage with open cup, tries to use a spoon, climbs on and off a couch or chair independently
At what age do these occur?
18 months
kicks a ball, runs, walks up a few stairs with or without help, eats with a spoon, builds tower of 4 blocks
At what age do these occur?
2 years
uses hands to twist things, like door knobs, takes some clothes off independently, jumps with two feet off the ground, turns single book pages
At what age do these occur?
30 months
strings items together, dons some clothes independently, uses a fork, climbs well, runs easily, pedals tricycle, climbs stairs with one foot on each step, emerging tripod grasp or quadruped grasp
At what age do these occur?
3 years
catches a large ball most of the time, serves self food or pours water with supervision, unbuttons, holds crayon or pencil with fingers and thumb, hops or stands on one foot for 2 seconds, cuts with supervision, static tripod grasp
At what age do these occur?
4 years
buttons some buttons, hops on one foot, dynamic tripod grasp, colors in lines, draws shapes, may be able to skip, swings/climbs
At what age do these occur?
5 years
hand dominance, forms letters, manipulates containers, ties shoes, runs smoothly, kicks with accuracy, rides bike
At what age do these occur?
6-7 years
dexterity is significant (can start typing), walks backwards, hops on one foot, jumps over an object with two feet, uses jump rope
At what age do these occur?
7-8 years
play music, sew and paint, interest in team sports, more endurance, some coordination with growth
At what age do these occur?
9-12 years
BOT-2, DAYC-2, PDMS-3, HELP, M-FUN. These assessments all have a test for which of the following skills?
Movement/Physical Development
Movement/Physical Development
Name the 5 Domains for the Social Determinants of Health, according to Healthy People 2030.
1) Education Access and Quality
2) Economic Stability
3) Social and Community Context
4) Neighborhood and Built Environment
5) Health Care Access and Quality
The conditions in the environments where people are born, live, learn, work, play, worship, and age that affect a wide range of health, functioning, and quality of life outcome and risks, is called ___?
Social Determinants of Health
begins to smile, brief calming techniques, eye contact with parent
At what age do these occur? (range)
0-3 months
smiles spontaneously, likes to play, copies some movements and expressions, aware of surroundings, looks at self in mirror
At what age do these occur? (range)
4-6 months
stranger anxiety, social games like peek-a-boo, clingy with familiar adults, has favorite toys
At what age do these occur? (range)
7-9 months
attempts to display independence, uses sounds or gestures to gain attention, imitates in play, hands items to a parent
At what age do these occur? (range)
10-12 months
increase in defiant behaviors, enjoys other children but does not share, plays independently for brief periods of time, points to items of interest
At what age do these occur? (range)
1-2 years
copies complex tasks, affection towards friends, increased emotions, parallel play
At what age do these occur? (range)
2-3 years
sharing toy, taking turns, independence in some self-care, shows empathy, likes routines, separates from caregivers
At what age do these occur? (range)
3-4 years
closer friendships, cooperation in play, understands “real life” and “make believe”, talks about interests
At what age do these occur? (range)
4-5 years
CAPE, SFA, COSA, Participation and Environment Measure for Children and Youth, Social Responsiveness Scale, Denver II, ABAS, BABES. These assessments all have a test for which of the following skills?
Movement/Physical Development
Ages 4-8.11 yrs, 17 tests for sensory processing and praxis function. Which SENSORY ASSESSMENT does this describe?
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test
Clinical Observation of Proprioception
Test of Ideational Praxis
Sensory Processing Measure
Sensory Profile 2
Sensory Experiences Questionnaire
Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills
Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration
Sensory Environment and Participation Questionnaire
Sensory Processing Three Dimensions Scale
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test (now called the EASI)
Ages 2-8.11 yrs, tests for behavior and sensory motor abilities. Which SENSORY ASSESSMENT does this describe?
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test
Clinical Observation of Proprioception
Test of Ideational Praxis
Sensory Processing Measure
Sensory Profile 2
Sensory Experiences Questionnaire
Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills
Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration
Sensory Environment and Participation Questionnaire
Sensory Processing Three Dimensions Scale
Clinical Observation of Proprioception
Ages 3-8 yrs, tests ideational skills based on ability to recognize object affordances. Which SENSORY ASSESSMENT does this describe?
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test
Clinical Observation of Proprioception
Test of Ideational Praxis
Sensory Processing Measure
Sensory Profile 2
Sensory Experiences Questionnaire
Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills
Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration
Sensory Environment and Participation Questionnaire
Sensory Processing Three Dimensions Scale
Test of Ideational Praxis
Ages 5-12 yrs, rating scale testing processing, praxis, and social participation. Which SENSORY ASSESSMENT does this describe?
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test
Clinical Observation of Proprioception
Test of Ideational Praxis
Sensory Processing Measure
Sensory Profile 2
Sensory Experiences Questionnaire
Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills
Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration
Sensory Environment and Participation Questionnaire
Sensory Processing Three Dimensions Scale
Sensory Processing Measure
Birth-14.11 yrs, rating form that tests sensory processing patterns. Which SENSORY ASSESSMENT does this describe?
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test
Clinical Observation of Proprioception
Test of Ideational Praxis
Sensory Processing Measure
Sensory Profile 2
Sensory Experiences Questionnaire
Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills
Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration
Sensory Environment and Participation Questionnaire
Sensory Processing Three Dimensions Scale
Sensory Profile 2
2-12yrs, caregiver report that characterizes sensory features in children with autism and/or developmental disabilities. Which SENSORY ASSESSMENT does this describe?
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test
Clinical Observation of Proprioception
Test of Ideational Praxis
Sensory Processing Measure
Sensory Profile 2
Sensory Experiences Questionnaire
Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills
Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration
Sensory Environment and Participation Questionnaire
Sensory Processing Three Dimensions Scale
Sensory Experiences Questionnaire
7-17 yrs, tests functional motor abilities needed for ADLs. Which SENSORY ASSESSMENT does this describe?
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test
Clinical Observation of Proprioception
Test of Ideational Praxis
Sensory Processing Measure
Sensory Profile 2
Sensory Experiences Questionnaire
Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills
Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration
Sensory Environment and Participation Questionnaire
Sensory Processing Three Dimensions Scale
Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills
3-12 yrs, tests sensory perception, responsiveness, postural/ocular/bilateral integration, and praxis. Which SENSORY ASSESSMENT does this describe?
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test
Clinical Observation of Proprioception
Test of Ideational Praxis
Sensory Processing Measure
Sensory Profile 2
Sensory Experiences Questionnaire
Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills
Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration
Sensory Environment and Participation Questionnaire
Sensory Processing Three Dimensions Scale
Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration
3-5 yrs, caregiver rating, tests the effect of sensory environment on participation in daily activities. Which SENSORY ASSESSMENT does this describe?
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test
Clinical Observation of Proprioception
Test of Ideational Praxis
Sensory Processing Measure
Sensory Profile 2
Sensory Experiences Questionnaire
Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills
Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration
Sensory Environment and Participation Questionnaire
Sensory Processing Three Dimensions Scale
Sensory Environment and Participation Questionnaire
3-12 yrs, performance assessment and inventory that evaluates sensory processing abilities measuring modulation, discrimination, and sensory-based motor abilities. Which SENSORY ASSESSMENT does this describe?
Sensory Integration and Praxis Test
Clinical Observation of Proprioception
Test of Ideational Praxis
Sensory Processing Measure
Sensory Profile 2
Sensory Experiences Questionnaire
Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills
Evaluation of Ayres Sensory Integration
Sensory Environment and Participation Questionnaire
Sensory Processing Three Dimensions Scale
Sensory Processing Three Dimensions Scale
low neurological threshold, hyperresponsive, passive self-regulation strategy, poor habituation
Which of these Dunn Classification of Sensory Processing Disorders (in SP-2) does this describe?
Sensory Sensitivity/Defensive
Sensory Avoiding
Poor Registration
Sensory Seeking
Sensory Sensitivity/Defensive
low neurological threshold, disruptive or aggressive with noxious stimuli, active self regulation of avoiding noxious experiences, sets up rituals or routine, resistant to change
Which of these Dunn Classification of Sensory Processing Disorders (in SP-2) does this describe?
Sensory Sensitivity/Defensive
Sensory Avoiding
Poor Registration
Sensory Seeking
Sensory Avoiding
high neurological threshold, hypo-responsive, generates extra sensory experiences, active strategy to meet high threshold needs, difficulty modulating behavior and arousal
Which of these Dunn Classification of Sensory Processing Disorders (in SP-2) does this describe?
Sensory Sensitivity/Defensive
Sensory Avoiding
Poor Registration
Sensory Seeking
Sensory Seeking
high neurological threshold, hypo-responsive, appears uninterested in activity or have little response to sensory input, passive strategy and gives up before reaching threshold, does not seek out experiences
Which of these Dunn Classification of Sensory Processing Disorders (in SP-2) does this describe?
Sensory Sensitivity/Defensive
Sensory Avoiding
Poor Registration
Sensory Seeking
Poor Registration
Describe the sensory integration diagnostic taxonomy behind the Sensory Processing Measure.
Sensory Processing Disorder (3 Patterns)
1) Modulation Disorder (SMD)
Subtype 1 (SOR) - over responsive
Subtype 2 (SUR) - under responsive
Subtype 3 (SS) - sensory seeking or craving
2) Discrimination Disorder (SDD) - know stimuli is present but cannot detect precisely what or where the stimuli is (require extra time)
3) Sensory Based Motor Disorder (postural disorder or dyspraxia)
Subtype 1 Postural Disorder
Subtype 2 Dyspraxia
Dyspraxia most commonly occurs in the presence of ___.
Sensory Under-responsiveness or Sensory Discrimination Disorder
How long are the following reflexes present?
Moro, Walking/Stepping, Rooting, Palmar, Plantar
Moro is Birth-2 months
Walking/Stepping is Birth-2 months
Rooting/Sucking is Birth-4 months
Palmar Grasp is Birth- 4-5 months
Plantar Grasp is Birth- 9-12 months
Which reflex is elicited by turning the infant’s head to the side, resulting in extension of UE/LE on the chin side and flexion of UE/LE on the skull side?
Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (1 month to 5-6 months)
Which reflex is elicited by flexing and extending the neck in prone, resulting in the pattern below?
Neck Flexion > UE Flexion, LE Extension
Neck Extension > UE Extension, LE Flexion
Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (5-6 months to 7-8 months)
Which primitive reflex is elicited by changing the orientation of the head in space (forward/backward), resulting in the pattern below?
Prone > flexor tone
Supine > extensor tone
Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (Birth to 6 months)
Which reflex is elicited by the baby being in a prone position and extending the extremities in a “swimmer posture” in response to lifting the head?
Landau Reflex (4 months to 12-24 months)