6 - Ayurveda Medicine Flashcards
What is ayurvedic medicine?
- originated in India
- considered a type of CAM
- defined as “complete systems of theory and practice that have evolved over time in different cultures and apart from conventional or western medicine”
Ayur = ____
Veda = ____
knowledge or science
What does Ayurveda mean?
- the knowledge of life
- the science of life
Aims to integrate and balance what?
the mind, body and spirit
Many ayurvedic therapies are used individually and gaining in popularity. Give some examples
- yoga
- meditation
- massage
- herbs
What are the 2 main ayurvedic texts?
- Caraka Samhita
- Susruta Samhita
Are there licensing boards/exams for ayurveda in canada?
How do you become a RAP (registered ayurveda practitioner) in Canada?
completed diploma program of at least 2000 hrs from an accredited Ayurveda Educational Institution
What is the ayurvedic philosophy?
Health is not the absence of disease, but state of balance between body, mind and spirit
Health consists of a balanced state of ?
- 3 doshas
- 7 tissues
- 3 wastes
- Gastric fire
What are the 3 doshas and what do they do?
- Vata, Pitta, Kapha
- govern all body’s activities
What are the 7 tissues and what are they responsible for?
- Dhatus
- responsible for structure of body and functioning of organs
What are the 3 wastes and what do they do?
- Malas
- feces, urine, sweat
What is gastric fire?
- Agni
- biological fire/heat energy that governs metabolism
What is involved in ayurvedic philosophy?
- universal interconnectedness
- five elements
- life forces (dosas)
- body’s constitution (prakruti)
What is interconnectedness?
- All things in the universe (living and non-living) are connected
- Health problems can result when a person is out of harmony with the universe
- Disruptions to this balance can be physical, emotional, spiritual, or a combination
What are the 5 elements?
- space
- air
- fire
- water
- earth
Doshas are ____ _____
life forces or life energies
The 3 ______ are Vata, Pitta, Kapha
What is Vata composed of?
space and air
What is Pitta composed of?
fire and water
What is Kapha composed of?
earth and water
Everyone is born with a unique proportion of doshas which is derived from the union of your parent’s doshas at the time of conception = ______
*this does not change with time (like DNA)
Are people usually just one dosha?
No - Usually one dosa predominates and a second dosa has a strong influence
*dual-doshic constitution
Describe Vata
Remember = space and air
- quick thinking, thin, fast-moving
- energy of movement
- “king of doshas”
List characteristics of Vata
- dry
- light (skinny)
- cold
- rough
- subtle
- clear
- astringent
- mobile
*slide 22
If Vata is balanced - ?
Active, creative, gifted with a natural ability to express and communicate
If Vata is unbalanced - ?
Anxiety, bodily disorders related to dryness - dry skin and constipation
List 3 common Vata disorders? (so if Vata is unbalanced, what can it cause?)
- low energy
- high/low BP
- dry, scaly skin
*more on slide 25
Describe Pitta
Remember = fire and water
- energy of digestion and metabolism
- fiery personality, reddish complexion
List characteristics of Pitta
-light body frame
-spreading (pitta spreads as rash, acne, inflammation)
(pitta subjects want to spread their name and fame all over the country)
-fleshy smell
If Pitta is balanced = ?
Joyful disposition, sharp intellect, courage and drive
If Pitta is unbalanced = ?
the fire of the body and mind becomes “unruly”
- anger, rage and ego
- infection, inflammation, rashes, ulcers, heartburn and fever
List 3 common pitta disorders?
- heartburn
- diarrhea
- infections
*more on slide 30
Describe Kapha
Remember = earth and water
(these people are grounded)
- energy of lubrication and structure
- solid body frame, soft temperament
Characteristics of Kapha?
- heavy
- slow
- cold
- oily
- damp
- smooth
- soft
- static
- viscous
- cloudy
If Kapha is balanced = ?
naturally good health, rugged bodies, mental peace
If Kapha is unbalanced = ?
obesity, nasal congestion, mucous, lethargy, depression
List 3 common kapha disorders
- obesity
- diabetes
- hypothyroidism
*more on slide 35
______ results when there is an imbalance of one or more of the 3 doshas
What can cause an imbalance in a dosha?
- an unhealthy diet or lifestyle
- too much or too little mental/physical activity
- not being protected from environmental factors
- weather, chemicals or germs
First step in diagnosis?
Determine the persons’ constitution - prakruti
- Figure out their primary dosha
- Relative balance of the 3 doshas
- Determine their current state of the doshas - vikruti
What are the 3 doshic states?
- Balanced
- Increased
- Decreased
3 doshic states:
______ = all 3 doshas are present in their natural proportions - equilibrium
3 doshic states:
______ = a particular dosha is present in a greater than normal proportion - aggravated or excess state
3 doshic states:
______ = a particular dosha is present in a less than normal proportion - reduced or depleted state
In a person with excellent health, the proportions of their current state (______) will be the same as their constitution (______)
What will an imbalance in a dosha cause?
it will produce symptoms that are related to that dosha
How do you determine someones dosha (apart from the quiz)?
- Ask questions about diet, lifestyle and symptoms
- Observe physical characteristics (teeth, skin, eyes, nails, tongue, weight)
- Taking the pulse (each dosha is though to make a particular kind of pulse)
- Examining stool and urine
Goals of Ayurvedic Tx’s?
- Eliminate cause of disease
- Reduce symptoms
- Correct and prevent doshic imbalances
- Rebuild and support the body
What are some types of treatment options for imbalanced doshas?
- yoga
- stretching
- breathing exercises
- meditation
- herbs
- specific foods and diets
- tiny amounts of metal and/or mineral preparations
- hands-on therapy (massage of vital points)
What is Panchakarma?
Cleansing - to eliminate impurities
Combination of treatments including - fasting, herbs, special diets, enemas, sweating, other therapies
What is Yoga good for?
- Asanas (yoga poses and exercises) used for health reasons
- Used to balance the doshas
- Effective in treating depression, anxiety, low back pain, HTN, obesity, increasing immune response
Be aware that some herbs may be mixed with _____
Examples of grounding foods
- Root vegetables - carrots, potatoes
- Soup
What are some common ayurvedic herbs?
- ginger
- turmeric
- guggul
- ashwaganda
What is Ginger used for?
-nausea/vomiting, anti-inflammatory, digestive aid, diaphoretic and warming agent
Ginger is traditionally used for _____
How does ginger work?
Increases pancreatic lipase and amylase activity, as well as bile acid volume and secretion
-Improves digestion of fats and CHO
Increases pancreatic trypsin
-Improves digestion of protein
Ginger can also help with _______
Preparation and dose ?
dried ginger - 1-4g/day
*most trials for N/V of pregnancy used 1g/day
What does ginger interact with?
- High doses of ginger (10g) may decrease platelet aggregation
- Typical doses (2-4g/day) have little effect on platelets
What is ginger “possibly effective” in?
OA, morning sickness, post-op N/V, dysmenorrhea
What is Turmeric?
- A flowering plant in the ginger family
- Flavorful spice and used as a colouring agent for both food and fabric
What are the active agents in turmeric?
The curcuminoids (ex. circumin)
What can Turmeric be used for?
Arthritis (anti-inflammatory effects) *circumin inhibits 5 and 12 lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase
Digestive aid
- salivary and gastric secretions are stimulated by the aroma and pungent taste of spices
- Circumin induces gallbladder contractions
-possible correlation between low levels of Alzheimer’s dementia in elder Indian populations and the consumption of turmeric (curry)
What types of cancers may turmeric prevent?
May decrease the risk of colorectal, prostate, and gastric cancers
Turmeric is bactericidal to _______ and decreases adhesion to stomach mucosa
H. Pylori
Clinically used doses of Turmeric?
400-600mg TID standardized extracts
Adverse effects of turmeric?
- GI upset, contact dermatitis
- CI in pregnancy at therapeutic doses - uterine stimulant effects (ok to use as a spice in pregnancy)
- Circumin inhibits platelet aggregation (caution in patients on anticoagulants/antiplatelets)
What is the Guggul tree?
- Guggul tree grows in dry areas of India and Pakistan
- Sap from the guggul tree has long history of use in Ayurvedic medicine (Obesity, Arthritis, Lowering cholesterol, Atherosclerosis)
Guggul: Preparation and dose?
Most extracts standardized to give 75-100mg of guggulsterones per day (taken in 3 divided doses)
Adverse effects of guggul?
- generally safe, GI upset, diarrhea most common
- CI in pregnancy
What can interact with Guggul?
- Guggul decreases effectiveness of propranolol and diltiazem
- May have anticoagulant/antiplatelet effects
The root of Ashwaganda used for?
as a rejuvenating tonic
used as a treatment of premature aging and debility
What is rasayana?
a herb that enhances longevity, youth, memory, intellect, immunity and physical endurance
What is adaptogen?
increase resistance to stress, general “tonic”
What is the dose of Ashwaganda?
3-6 g/day
Adverse effects of Ashwaganda?
avoid in pregnancy - could be an abortificant
Drug interactions with Ashwaganda?
- may potentiate effects of barbiturates
- large doses may increase thyroid function (T4)
- some hypoglycaemic effects in diabetic patients
What are “rasa shastra”?
when herbs contain metals (mercury, lead or arsenic)