5B : consumer protection Flashcards
why do businesses need production from business exploration
list why consumers need protection from businesses exploration
- profit : businesses over charge to make as much as profit ass possible .
*misleading advertising : businesses make false claims about their products to increase profit .
- reducing costs : product that are unsafe and defective as businesses reduce costs
what are consumer protection laws ?
laws designed to protect consumer from unscrupulous firms covering safety of goods , labelling and untruthful claims about product or service .
what are some examples of consumer laws ?
- trades description act : goods must be as described e.g. leather shoes must be made out of leather
*consumer protection : laws that make sure that businesses act fairly towards their customers
- sale & supply of goods act : goods must be of satisfactory quality e.g. hairdryer must dry hair safely
what are the effects of protection on businesses ?
- increased costs : changing production methods to ensure products are safe will raise costs .
*quality control :legislation will cause businesses to ensure the quality of goods are better and sold in the correct quantities
( cannot sell damaged goods )
*customer complaints : firms set up customer complaint departments . to deal with problems before legal systems get involved .
what happens when one business supplies over 25% of the market ?
- a monopoly is formed. the government regulates these businesses to ensure that they do not exploit customers .
what does the competition & market authority do ?
- investigate any business that restricts fair competition e.g. investigate mergers, enforce consumer protection.