17B : Workforce Planning Flashcards
What is meant by workforce planning?
I ensure that the business has the right number of staff with the right skills to meet the needs of the company
What are components of a workforce plan
• Number of workers needed in the future
• estimated cost of employing workforce
• skills required
• where worker will need no be placed (in which sites)
What are the stages of workforce planning
• How many : need to plan how many staff they require
• skills : what skills are required for each staff member
• when needed : business must decide when new workers will be needed
• where needed : for larger businesses there may be many sites where employees are based
How will businesses achieve the target to increase staff ?
•Training : Existing staff might have to be trained to increase their kills to cope with demands in their job.
• redeployed : Changs then, this also ikely to mean staff will neec
will need to be trained and learn
new skills.
• Recruitment : New staff may need to be recruited outside of the business.
How will businesses active there target to need of staff to fall
• Natural Wastage:
Employees who leave voluntarily (e.g., retirement, childcare, or better job opportunities) are not replaced.
• Voluntary Redundancy:
Workers are invited to resign voluntarily, often with incentives like generous redundancy payments.
• Retirement:
Employees nearing retirement age may be offered early retirement packages, allowing them to access pensions sooner.
• Compulsory Redundancies:
As a last resort, employees are selected and required to leave their jobs.