5.2 Central Motor Systems-Descending Flashcards
location of lesion?
- severe atrophy
- hypoactive reflexes
- hypotonic
- no movement
muscle (myopathy)
location of lesion?
- weak, paretic or paralyzed
- atrophy may be present
- hypoactive or absent reflexes
- hypotonic (flaccid)
- fasciculations
LMN lesion
location of lesion?
- weak or paralyzed
- mild atrophy from disuse
- hyperactive (spastic), sometimes flaccid at first
- hypertonic (claspknife or spastic)
- withdrawal spasms, abnormal reflexes (babinksi)
UMN (corticospinal, corticobulbar)
________ tract terminates on cranial nerve nuclei
in extrapyramidal tracts, muscle tone is ________, equal throughout passive movement (rigidity) or intermittent (cogwheel)
in extrapyramidal tracts, hypertonus is generalized bu predominates in _________ of limbs and trunks
in extrapyramidal tracts, , tendon reflexes are ________ or ________
normal or slightly increased
in extrapyramidal tracts, babinksi sign is ________
the rubrospinal tract originates in the ________, travels in the lateral column, terminates on _______ in the spinal cord
red nucleus, interneurons
the rubrospinal tract controls _______, stimulates ________ and inhibits ________
distal limb muscles, flexors, extensors
the reticulospinal tracts originate from ____________ of medulla and pons
reticular formation
fibers from pontine reticular formation travel in ________
ventral column
fibers from medullary reticular formation travel in ________
lateral column
pontine tract ________ muscles, primarily extensors
medullary tract __________ muscles, primarily extensors