5.1 the kingdom of God in Luke Flashcards
What are the main differing views about the arrival of the kingdom of God?
- past
- present
- future
- both present and future
What is the argument of a past arrival of the kingdom?
- the kingdom was established before Jesus and continues on into the present and future
Who argues for a past arrival?
- Hans Conzelmann
What does Conzelmann argue?
- salvation history is divided into 3 stages:
- the age of Israel
- Jesus’ ministry
- Jesus’ ascension
What is meant by a present arrival of the kingdom?
- it is made known to people through the life and teachings of Jesus
Who argues for a present eschatology?
- C H Dodd
What does Dodd argue?
- realised eschatology is a present kingdom, that is available to all (13:30) and with people now (17:21)
What is meant by a future arrival of the knigdom?
- it’s an eschatological happening; the second coming of Christ, the parousia
Who argues for a future kingdom?
- Albert Schweitzer
What does Schweitzer argue?
- imminent eschatology = all Jesus’ teachings were pointing to one time, and imminent future
What is the argument that the arrival of the kingdom is both in the present and the future?
- the kingdom came into being through Jesus’ life BUT will be completed in the future
Who argues for both a present and future arrival of the kingdom?
- Ian Marshall
What does Marshall argue?
- an inaugurated eschatology, the kingdom was present in the ministry of Jesus; Jesus offers salvation to all and Jesus speaks of the future parousia that will arrive when least expected (12:40)
What is a criticism of Conzelmann’s argument?
- it ignores the apocalyptic nature of Luke 21
What is a criticism of Dodd’s argument?
- all interpretations assume realised eschatology is correct
What is a criticism of Schweitzer’s argument?
- it ignores the early Church’s view that God intervened through the resurrection and Jesus’ death made salvation possible
Was Luke an Historian or Theologian?
- Lk wasn’t writing as a ‘historian’ in the conventional sense
- his theology isn’t created according to some theological aim, but in an important sense matches the historical sources he employed
- Marshall = previous analysis of Lk overlooked the important historical elements of his Gospel and that it was necessary to re-evaluate how scholars judged his authorship and the composition of Lk/Acts
What is the message of the Parable of the Sower?
- the KofG isn’t another kind of world, but something instilled in every present human being which grows as the become more spiritually mature
- OR that it’s important that human beings maintain the correct recption to the word of God and more importantly the arrival of a future KofG which has yet to be inaugurated
What is the message of the Parable of the Great Banquet?
- the importance of the audience being ready to accept/be receptive to the ‘invitation’ to the KofG, regardless of their own affairs
- Jesus stresses that there will be many who won’t accept this invitation, stressing that those who are wealthy won’t accept and the invitation is extended to ‘the poor, the crippled, the blind, and the lame’
- key idea of reversal is expressed here
What is the message of the parable of the ten minas?
- emphasis is still upon recieving Jesus’ message the right way but in v11, it details that Jesus was speaking to people who were of the view that the KofG was to be arriving soon - suggesting he was writing to an audience who are disillusioned about the lack of a second coming
- Jesus’ teachings carry weight and its arrival will have consequences for those who didn’t have faith
What is the main message of Jesus and Beelzebub and the sign of Jonah?
- realised eschatology is seen = ‘the kingdom of God has come upon you’ (11:20)
- the people are challenged to see the signs of the kingdom in Jesus
- just as Jonah was a sign to the Ninevites, so Jesus, the Son of Man is to them
What is the main message of the Narrow Door?
- it’s a basic metaphor to highlight the difficulty of genuine repentance and there’s no direct mention of a time, place or who will be saved
- no one has the automatic right to enter
What is the main message of The Rich and the Kingdom of God?
- In response to ‘what must I do to inherit eternal life?’, Jesus warns about:
- the dangers of wealth
- worldly possessions stand in the way of faith
- hard for the rich to enter the kingdom
What is the main message of the Coming Kingdom of God?
- ‘the kingdom of God is in your midst’ = a present reality, a spiritual state within a person now
- BUT the second coming of Jesus was a future event