3.2 the purpose and authorship of the fourth gospel Flashcards
Who are possible authors of the Fourth Gospel?
- John the Apostle
- The beloved disciple
- The Community of the Beloved Disciple
- John the Elder
Who was John the Apostle?
- from Galilee and was a fisherman
- the son of Zebedee
- the synoptic Gospels show John to be part of the inner three (Peter, James and John)
What internal evidence is there to suggest that John the Apostle wrote the Fourth Gospel?
- Jn 18:19-24 = the author appears to be present at Jesus’ trial and gives an eyewitness account of private meetings
- Jn 19 = inclusion of small details regarding the trial of Jesus before Pilate, such specific detail
- Jn 21:24 = ‘This is the disciple who testifies to these things’ - the Gospel itself declares the author is a disciple
What internal evidence is there to suggest that John the Apostle didn’t write the fourth Gospel?
- some events are depicted in a different sequence in the synoptics
- some facts are historically inaccurate in Jn 6:1 the author calls the Sea of Galilee, the Sea of Tiberius when it wasn’t called that yet
- the disciple was ‘known to the High Priest’ BUT John was just a fisherman
What external evidence is there to suggest that John the Apostle wrote the fourth gospel?
- Clement of Alexandria = ‘last of all, John…being urged by his friends, wrote a spiritual Gospel’
- Irenaeus = declared the witness behind the Gospel was ‘John the disciple of the Lord who reclined on His breast + himself issued the gospel at Ephesus’
What are some problems with the external evidence for John the Apostle writing the fourth gospel?
- all this evidence is from the 2nd and 3rd centuries
- these is no evidence that John went to Asia
- no evidence in the gospels that John was based in Ephesus - in Ephesians, Paul doesn’t mention John
What evidence is there to suggest that the beloved disciple wrote the fourth gospel?
- the fourth gospel regularly mentions ‘the disciple Jesus loved’ (13:23)
Why do some argue that Lazarus is the beloved disciple?
- the beloved disciple isn’t mentioned until Lazarus is introduced in the Gospel
- E P Sanders = the BD is Lazarus as the BD cannot die
- in 11:3 Lazarus is referred to as ‘the one you love is sick’
What evidence is there that the community of the beloved disciple wrote the fourth gospel?
- the gospel is rooted in the oral tradition coming from the companions of Jesus
- Raymond Brown = the gospel refers to the fact that anyone claiming Jesus is the Messiah would be put out of the synagogue which dates the gospel to the end of the first century
What does John AT Robinson argue about the authorship of the gospel?
- the Gospel was written around 40-65 CE - the destruction of the Temple took place in 70 CE yet none of the gospels refer to it
- John the Apostle wrote the first draft + the Prologue and epilogue were added by the ECC
What does the fourth gospel say the purpose of the gospel is?
John 20:31 = ‘these things are written that you may believe that Jesus is Christ, the Son of God, and by believing have life in his name.’
How can ‘you may believe’ be interpreted as?
‘you may begin believing’ OR ‘you may go on believing’
How do the different interpretations of ‘you may believe’ affect the purpose of the fourth gospel?
- ‘you may begin believing’ = suggests it’s a gospel to convert
- ‘you may go on believing’ = suggests it’s a gospel to confirm Christianity
Who might the gospel be trying to convert?
- Greeks
- Jews
- a John the Baptist sect
What evidence is there to suggest that the fourth gospel was written to convert the Greeks?
- references to logos, light and darkness are seen in Greek philosophical thought - suggesting a Greek audience
- Reid = Jn is trying to attract the attention of more intellectual people with less supernatural aspects
- Dodd = Jn is addressing the contemporary world of Ephesus to convert them + was influenced by the work of Plato and gnosticism