1.2 religious groups in palestine Flashcards
When did the Pharisees originate?
during the time of the hellenisation of the Jews - their aim was to preserve adherence to the Law under the threat of assimilation
Were the pharisees influential?
- as they were laymen and scribes, they were influential among ordinary Jews and were dominant in synagogues
Which law did the Pharisees prefer?
- they believed that the Written Law needed to be applied to new situations
- the Oral law was developed, which made God’s will and Temple purity applicable to everyday life
What did Pharisees believe in?
- an afterlife, angels and demons, and predestination
Were the Pharisees a religious or political group?
- they were influential in religious rather than political affairs
When did the Sadducees emerge?
- around the same time as the Pharisees
- they too wanted to preserve the Jewish faith but for them it was centred on the Temple
What law did the Sadducees prefer?
- they believed only in the Written Law and rejected all beliefs about life after death
Who were Sadducees?
- mainly the priests in the Temple, and the aristocratic families
- the High priest and many members of the Sanhedrin were Sadducees
- they were a small but influential group
Were the Sadducees a religious or political group?
- they had more political power than the Pharisees
Who were the Zealots?
- strongly believed in the kingship of God and so were not willing to accept any earthly ruler
- more of a political group
- wanted to end Roman rule
- reviled the Pharisees and Sadducees
Who were the Essenes?
- lived in communities separated from the rest of society
- knowledge of their beliefs have been enhanced by the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls
- the male community was celibate
- hoped for a priestly Messiah who would restore the purity of the Temple
Who were the Samaritans?
- not accepted as true Jews by other Jews as they had intermarried with the Babylonians
- didn’t recognise the Temple
- only accepted Written Law
Who were hellenists?
- Jews who adapted to the Greek way of life
What were some of the philosophies that were attractive to hellenists?
platonism and stoicism
What is platonism?
the material world is only a shadow of the true reality of the eternal world of ‘forms’
What is stoicism?
the world was made and sustained by an all-pervading energy