2.1 the nature of religious experience Flashcards
What is a religious experience?
an encounter or a sense of God or the spiritual world -> they vary considerably as almost every one is different, they are often intangible and ineffable
How does William James define a religious experience?
an overwhelming feeling of reverence and of belonging to God + which renewed one’s approach to life -> it involves the whole person (mind, emotions, values and relationships)
How does Ninian Smart define religious experiences?
‘some kind of perception of the invisible world, or a perception that some visible person or thing is a manifestation of the invisible world’
How did Paul Tillich define religious experiences?
a feeling of ‘ultimate concern’ -> it is an encounter followed by a special understanding of its religious experience; it requires reflection
What is a conversion religious experience?
an experience that leads to the adoption of a new religious belief that differs from a previously held belief
What are the different types of a conversion RE?
conscious and voluntary experience = gradual conversion
unconscious and involuntary experience = sudden conversion
What is prayer?
the experience of communicating with God or a higher power
What are the different types of prayer?
blessing, adoration, petition, asking forgiveness, intercession, thanksgiving and praise
What was St Teresa of Avila’s view on prayer?
thought the purpose of life is union with God, which is also the purpose of prayer and therefore the purpose of life is union with God through prayer
What are the 4 stages of prayer according to St Teresa?
- Devotion of Heart = mental prayer of devout concentration or contemplation
- Devotion of Peace = human will is surrendered to God, a feeling of complete peace
- Devotion of Union = absorption in God, being in the presence of God
- Devotion of Ecstasy/Spiritual Marriage = the consciousness of being in the body disappears, the climax of mystical experience
What is the interior castle?
describes the 7 mansions/dwelling places that each represent a step towards unity with God -> it is a guide for spiritual development.
starts with the least spiritually enlightened and ends with the soul entering into a spiritual marriage with God
What is revelation?
the previously unknown made known
What are the 2 types of revelation?
- propositional = the literal word of God - God communicating his message to human beings
- non-propositional = the scripture becomes the Word of God when preached + when the person hears it in the right state of mind God is able to speak through it
What are mystical experiences?
where the subject is transformed and report the loss of individuality
What are some common features of a mystical experience?
feeling of bliss, sense of union with the divine, noetic experiences and a sense of joy
What is a corporate religious experience?
an experience shared by a group
What is an example of a corporate religious experience?
The Toronto Blessing = religious ecstasy, emotional and physical euphoria, crying, uncontrollable laughter and glossaila( angelic language)
What are some issues with corporate religious experience?
- people do not behave in groups the same way they do individually -> wanting to fit in/mass hysteria
- certain things are infectious e.g. laughter
- music, lighting, repetition of words and phrases, repeated patterns of behaviour stimulate physical and psychological reactions which can be misinterpreted as an experience of the divine
What does Rudolph Otto say about RE?
- He believed that it was important to a person of faith that they had a religious experience in some form of the God that they believed in.
- Talks about the seductive nature of RE = mysterium tremendum et fascinans
- refers to the wholly other (the transcendant nature found in mystical experiences) + describes this wholly other as numinous
What is meant by numinous?
beyond the physical, observable universe
What does William James argue about RE as an argument for the existence of God?
- RE are personally persuasive rather than evidence to prove God’s existence
- found 4 areas of common ground with the effects of RE
What were the 4 areas of common ground in RE, according to James?
- ineffability = beyond human description
- noetic = gaining knowledge of the unkown
- transience = experience is temporary BUT the effects are long lasting
- passivity = feeling that the free will of a person is being subverted by another force