5 - Project Resource Management Terminology Flashcards
Acquire Resources
The process of establishing the availability of resources, internal and/or external to the organization.
A role with a negative attitude toward the project.
Attitude Power
A type of power that can involve using a middle person to negotiate for the project manager.
The power to assign resources, disburse funds, make or authorize decisions for the project.
A role that interrupts information flow on the project.
A role that helps focus on making sure people on the project understand what the details of the project entail.
Coercive/Penalty Power
A type of power that uses negative approaches including threatening and punishment to get people to do things they don’t want to do.
A technique for improving team effectiveness, as well as communication and collaboration among team members, by placing them in close proximity to each other.
Commitment Power
A type of power that uses commitment via alliances and partnerships on the project team to tackle challenges to the project as they arise; has a potential connection with referent power.
Competition Power
A type of power that maximizes involvement in the project or idea in the form of competition to help enhance the commitment of those involved to work toward a more successful outcome of the project or idea.
A conflict resolution technique in which a solution involves (typically) a little of what everyone is proposing for a solution.
Conflict Management
The management of conflict within the project by applying such techniques as problem solving, collaboration, forcing, compromising, accommodation and avoidance.
Directly dealing with a conflict via problem-solving techniques so that the parties can work through any disagreement.
Control Resources
The process of ensuring that the physical resources assigned and allocated to the project are available as planned and monitored throughout the project to determine that actual utilization conforms to planned utilization; non-conformance to the plan may require corrective action.
Develop Team
The process of enhancing the capabilities, interaction and environment of the project team in order to refine project execution.
Devil’s Advocate
A role that contradicts popular views or opinions about the work of the project.
A decision-making technique involving one person making the decision for the group.
A role that consumes project communication and focus with their own views without considering others.
Emotional Intelligence
The ability to determine, assess, and manage the emotions of individuals or groups.
Empathetic Listening
Listening with the goal of understanding what the sender is trying to communicate.
A role that helps the project and team by focusing on what the project is creating, not the challenges of the project.
Expectancy Theory
The premise that the reward for work achieved will be relative to the amount of effort or perceived effort.
Expert Power
A capacity in which one uses personal knowledge and expert opinion to get others to do what is desired.
Applying an all or nothing (win/lose) to get the desired result.
Fringe Benefits
An extra, typically not used as a motivator, that is given to everyone in the company or on the project; examples are paid holidays and health insurance.
Gate Keeper
The role that regulates the flow of communication between groups, such as between the customer and the project team; in business school, it is more generally referenced as the role that prevents unauthorized users from accessing information, a process, or an application.
Ground Rules
Statements that describe the expected behavior of the project team.
A role that helps evolve information and understanding on the project above the team members.
Hierarchy of Needs
A pyramid representation of Maslow’s Theory that a person’s motiviation is based on needs (and where the person fits in this pyramid).
Information Giver
A role that shares information and thus helps enhance communication on the project.
Information Seeker
A role that works to enhance information and knowledge associated with the project.
Interpersonal Skills
The abilities that maximize the establishment and maintenance of relationships with project stakeholders; examples include the ability to communicate clearly, to motivate others, and to effectively negotiate; also known as soft skills
Investment Power
A type of power that involves delaying key decision(s) so enough time passes that stakeholders or other such parties can make a significant time investment in the project.
Knowledge of Needs Power
A type of power that attempts to realize the two things that are negotiated for: what the other party says they are after, and what they are after that hasn’t been made public.
Legitimate Power
Getting people to do what you desire based on your authority.
The votes of more than half of the members of a group, typically used to denote agreement with a decision.
Management Skills
The ability to plan, organize, direct and control in order to achieve project goals.
Manage Team
The process of monitoring the performance of team members, providing feedback, resolving issues, and administering team changes to enhance project performance.
Matching behavior characteristics of another person or group.
Moral or Ethical Power
A type of power that uses a moral or ethical perspective tied to one’s values in the negotiation process.
Creating supportive connections and relationships with individuals or groups.
To view individuals performing the tasks required by their positions.
Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS)
A ranked representation of the project organization that illustrates the relationship between activities and their performing organization unit.
Organizational Planning
Determining, assigning, and documenting responsibilities, roles, and reporting relationships on a project.
A situation in which a resource is applied to too many activities at the same time to accomplish them all within the acceptable timeframe.
Performance Review
A technique that measures, compares and analyzes actual project data against the baseline.
An extra, typically used as a motivator, that is not given to everyone in the company or on the project; examples are being sent to a special training class or seminar.
Persistence Power
Continuing on a course to achieve an objective or goal.
Persuasion Power
Discounting logic, which technical people can often use to sell ideas instead of focusing on comparisons that relate to the experience of the negotiating parties, creating evidence that can’t be overlooked, and showing how a solution will meet their needs.
Plan Resource Management
The process of creating a staffing management plan after identifying and documenting project roles, responsibilities, skiills, and a reporting structure.
Planning Power
Using preparation followed by negotiation to effectively plan the project.
Position Description
A description of the roles and responsibilities of a team member.
The possible ability to influence behavior or performance of others.
Precedent Power
A type of power that uses something which has achieved desired results in the past regardless if it was on the current project environment or elsewhere.
Professional Power
Being professional and practical when working with others; helps to foster a win/win relationship with those that work with the project manager by allowing the project manager to look at the people and their needs.
Project Management Staff
Members of the project management team including the project manager and the scheduling, budgeting, and risk management staff.
Project Organization Chart
The graphic representation that illustrates the interrelationships between team members assigned to a specific project.
Project Resource Management
Project resource management encompasses the processes utilized for the identification, acquisition, and management of the resources required for the successful conclusion of the project.
Project Team
The individuals responsible for reinforcing the project manager in the work of the project in order to realize project objectives.
Project Team Directory
The listing of project team members which includes their project-related roles and communication needs.
RACI Chart
A type of responsibility assignment matrix that designates the status of stakeholder involvement in project activities as responsible, accountable, consult, or inform.
Possessing comfort or a harmonious relationship with someone.
Recognition Seeker
A role that looks at the project first to see what they can get out of it.
Referent Power
Using personal charisma to attain desired results from others or using existing relationships to help get things done (who you know).
Skilled individual/team, equipment, material, supplies, goods, services, budgets, or funds.
Resource Loading
The process of applying resources to a schedule and its activities.
Resource Management Plan
A component of the project management plan that defines the manner in which project resources are acquired, allocated, monitored, and controlled.
Resource Requirements
The types and quantities of resources needed for each activity that makes up a work package.
Accountability for the project or for specific project processes or tasks.
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
A graphical representation of the project resources committed to a monitored area of the project, such as a work package; typically applies RACI (responsible, accountable, consult, inform) indicators to depict the form of commitment.
Reward Power
A type of power that uses positive actions or consequences to attain desired results from other people.
Risk Power
A type of power that uses calculated risks in negotiations to achieve project goals.
A specific function performed by the member of the project team; some examples are testing, analyzing, and coding.
Staff Acquisition
The hiring and applying of the needed resources to the project.
A role that relates back to the overall picture of what the project is focusing on.
Tacit Knowledge
Individual knowledge (such as beliefs, experience, and insights) that can be difficult to express and share.
Team Charter
A document that delineates team values, agreements, and operating guidelines and establishes clear expectations regarding acceptable behavior by project team members.
Team Development
The creation of individual and team skills to maximize project output.
Team Management Plan
A component of the resource management plan that delineates the manner and timing in which team members are acquired and released.
Topic Jumpers
A role that doesn’t stay focused on the primary topics of focus and conversation.
A conflict resolution technique in which you withdraw from the disagreement (or source of conflict).
A role that is non-participatory on the project regarding information and project issues.