11 - Project Schedule Management Terminology Flashcards
A unique, scheduled segment of project work that typically has associated cost, duration, and resources; sometimes called a task.
Activity Attributes
The characteristics of an activity that include activity codes, predecessor activities, successor activities, logical relationships, leads and lags, resource requirements, imposed dates, constraints, and assumptions.
Activity Duration
The span of time, expressed as calendar units, between a scheduled activity’s start and finish.
Activity Duration Estimate
The projected duration of an activity.
Activity Identifier
A unique number or code used to identify an activity that is used to eliminate confusion with a similarly named activity.
Activity List
A listing of scheduled activities, with such details of a description, identifier, and scope of work, used to ensure that team members comprehend the work that will be performed during the project.
Activity Network Diagrams
A graphical representation of the interconnectivity of project activities.
Activity Resource Requirements
The determination of required resources for each work package and work period that are derived from the determination of required resources for each activity within the work package.
Actual Duration
The amount of elapsed time between the start and finish of an activity.
Adjusting Leads and Lags
A technique used to align project activities with their scheduled target dates.
Analogous Estimating
An estimation technique that relies on data (schedule, cost, resources needed) from a similar activity or project.
Applying Leads and Lags
A technique used to adjust time between activities by applying a lag (lengthening the schedule) or applying a lead (shortening the schedule).
Activity-on-arrow (AOA)
A network diagramming method in which activities are represented by arrows and connected at nodes to show their sequences; also known as ADM (arrow diagramming method).
Activity-on-node (AON)
A network diagramming method in which activities are represented by boxes or circles and connected via arrows; also known as PDM (precedence diagramming method).
Backward Pass
A network diagramming method that calculates the late start (LS) and late finish (LF) dates of each activity by working backward through the schedule from the project completion date.
Bar Chart
A graphical representation of schedule-related information; typically, schedule activities or work breakdown structure components are displayed vertically on the far left of the chart, dates are displayed horizontally across the top of the chart, and activity durations are displayed as date-placed horizontal bars; also see Gantt chart.
(Bilogic Extension of the Network Diagram)
A model for parallel programs that depicts ingoing (inclusive) and outgoing (exclusive) links.
Bottom-Up Estimating
An estimating technique in which individual estimates are rolled up to create a summary estimate for the project.
Reserves used to alleviate risks that could negatively impact the budget or schedule.
The separation (or divergence) of activities on a network diagram from a central node.
Calendar Unit
The smallest time unit used in project schedules; it could be minutes, hours, shifts, days, weeks, months, quarters.
Control Schedule
The process of observing project status in order to revise progress and administer schedule baseline revisions.
A compression technique to shorten the duration of the schedule, typically by adding additional resources to critical path activities.
Critical Chain Method
A technique applied to the schedule so the project team can ascertain the amount of float needed to offset uncertainties or limited resources that appertain to a schedule path.
Critical Path
The progression of activities that comprise the longest path through the project; used to ascertain the project duration.
Critical Path Activity
An activity on the critical path of a project schedule.
Critical Path Method
A technique used to assess minimum project duration and ascertain any schedule adaptability that appertains to logical network paths.
Data Date
The point in time when the project data is recorded or monitored.
Define Activities
The process of determining specific activities that must be executed in order to create project deliverables.
The relationship between two activities or between an activity and a milestone, also known as a logical relationship.
Dependency Determination
The assignment of logical relationships between activities; logical relationships are designated as mandatory or discretionary and internal or external.
Develop Schedule
The process of evaluating the progression and duration of activities, the demands on resources, and the limitations imposed on the schedule to create the model for the project schedule.
Discrete Effort
Work that can be directly tied to the completion of WBS components or deliverables; the work must be measurable.
Discretionary Dependency
An activity that the project manager (or other decision-maker) arbitrarily chooses to designate as a dependency; for example, making the reservation of a hotel room dependent on the purchase of a plane ticket; also known as soft logic.
Dummy Activities
A zero duration activity used in the arrow diagramming method (ADM) to show a logical relationship; represented graphically with an arrow having a dashed line.
Duration (DU or DUR)
The time, exclusive of holidays or other days in which business is not conducted and typically measured in workdays or workweeks, required to complete a specific activity or WBS component.
Early Finish Date (EF)
The earliest possible date for an activity to be completed based upon the schedule network logic.
Early Start Date (ES)
The earliest possible date for an activity to be started based upon the schedule network logic.
The amount of labor (typically measured in hours, days, or weeks) required to complete an activity or WBS component.
An approximation of an outcome, based on experience or calculation, that is typically applied to cost, effort, or duration and usually contains a modifier (e.g. preliminary) and an accuracy indication (e.g. ±%).
Estimate Activity Durations
The process of approximating the number of work periods required to complete activities in consideration of available resources.
Estimate Activity Resources
The process of approximating the amount of people and equipment needed to perform each activity.
External Dependency
A relationship between project activities and non-project activities.
Fast Tracking
A schedule compression technique that results in adjustments to the schedule and is used to perform sequenced activities in parallel as applicable.
Finish Date
A point in time related to the completion of a schedule activity and typically qualified as actual, planned, estimated, scheduled, early, late, baseline, target, or current.
Finish-to-finish (FF)
A dependency that requires the completion of a predecessor activity prior to the completion of the successor activity.
Finish-to-start (FS)
A dependency that requires the completion of a predecessor activity prior to the start of the successor activity.
The amount of time an activity can be delayed without delaying successor activities or the project completion date.
Forward Pass
A network diagramming method that calculates the early start (ES) and early finish (EF) dates of each activity by working forward through the schedule from the project inception date or a specific point in time.
Free Float
The amount of time an activity can be delayed without violating any schedule limitation and without delaying the early start date of successor activities.
Gantt Chart
A graphical representation that registers activities on the vertical axis and depicts the activity durations, based on their start and finish dates, on the horizontal axis; also known as a bar chart.
Hammock Activity
A group of related activities reported as a single activity, sometimes called a summary activity.
Imposed Date
A fixed date exacted on a scheduled activity or milestone, usually formulated as “not to start before” and “not to finish after”.
Independent Estimates
The use of estimates created by an independent person or group to support internal project estimates.
The amount of time, predicated on the start or finish of a predecessor activity, a successor activity must be delayed.
Late Finish Date (LF)
The latest possible date for an activity to be completed based upon the schedule network logic, the project finish date, and schedule limitations.
Late Start Date (LS)
The latest possible date for an activity to be started based upon the schedule network logic, the project finish date, and schedule limitations.
The amount of time, predicated on the start or finish of a predecessor activity, a successor activity can be moved up.
Level of Effort (LOE)
An activity that doesn’t produce an end product, but is required to support work-related activities or the project and involves a consistent rate of work over time; for example, liaising with the customer or performing administrative duties.
Logical Relationship
A connection between two activities, or between an activity and a milestone.
Mandatory Dependency
A relationship that is necessitated by virtue of a contractual requirement or the work itself.
Master Schedule
A summary timetable that includes significant deliverables, key WBS components, and key milestones.
A coming together (convergence) of activities on a network diagram.
A meaningful project event typically preceded by a series of activities that lead to its completion.
Milestone List
A list of significant events in the project that may be designated as mandatory or optional.
Milestone Schedule
A summary timetable that itemizes key milestones.
Most Likely Duration
The most probable, or realistic, estimate of elapsed time for an activity based on data from previous projects or expert judgment.
Near-critical Activity
Any schedule network diagram activity that is close to zero slack.
Network Diagram
A schematic of logical relationships that make up the flow of activities on the project; always drawn from left to right.
Network Logic
The assemblage of activity dependencies that constitutes the project schedule network diagram.
Network Path
An uninterrupted series of activities depicted in a schedule network diagram and connected by dependencies.
A point in a schedule network that is the juncture of some or all dependency lines.
Optimistic Duration
The shortest estimate of elapsed time or lowest cost for an activity based on data from previous projects or expert judgment.
Parametric Estimating
A technique, effected by a calculation that employs an algorithm, used to determine cost or duration.
Path Convergence
A node on a network diagram that indicates the merger of parallel paths; distinguished by an activity with multiple predecessors.
Path Divergence
A dependency between a schedule activity and its multiple successors; sometimes called a burst.
Percent Complete
The completed work estimate of an activity or WBS component expressed as a percentage.
PERT Weighted Average
An estimating technique used to take the pessimistic, optimistic, and realistic (most likely) estimates to achieve a cumulative estimate.
Pessimistic Duration
The longest estimate of elapsed time for an activity based on data from previous projects or expert judgment; typically used in three-point or parametric estimates.
Plan Schedule Management
The process of creating policies, procedures, and documentation for the planning, executing, and controlling of the project schedule and related documents.
Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM)
A technique used to create a schedule model in which activities are represented by nodes and graphically linked by one or more logical relationships in order to display the sequence in which the activities are to be performed.
Precedence Relationship
A dependency in the precedence diagramming method; also known as a logical relationship.
Predecessor Activity
An activity that logically precedes a successor activity.
Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT)
An estimation technique, used when individual estimates are questionable, that involves applying a weighted average of optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely estimates.
Project Calendar
A calendar that indicates working days and shifts available for project activities.
Project Network Diagram
A view of the logical relationship (sequencing) of project activities.
Project Schedule
The document, an output of the schedule model, that depicts linked activities with their estimated dates, durations, milestones, and resources.
Project Schedule Management
Project schedule management encompasses the processes required to manage the timely conclusion of the project.
Project Schedule Network Diagram
A graphical representation of the logical relationships that exist among activities in the project schedule.
Resource Breakdown Structure
A representation of resources ranked by category and type.
Resource Histogram
A bar chart depicting the amount of time a resource is scheduled to work over a specified number of time periods; resource availability and number of resources used may be considered for the purpose of comparison or contrast.
Resource Leveling
A technique in which resource constraints dictate start and finish date adjustments in order to balance the demand for resources with the resources available.
Resource Optimization Techniques
An approach to resource allocation that adjusts the schedule start and finish dates to ensure that resource assignments do not exceed predefined capacity limits; resource availability and number of resources used may be considered for the purpose of comparison or contrast.
Resource Smoothing
An approach to resource allocation that more uniformly allocates a resource over time; used in cases where resource assignments exceed predefined capacity limits.
Rolling Wave Planning
An iterative planning technique that involves detailed planning for near-term work and higher level planning for future work.
Schedule Baseline
The authorized version of the schedule model that is used as the basis for comparison and can only be modified through a formal change control procedure.
Schedule Compression
Any technique, such as crashing or fast tracking, used to shorten the duration of the schedule while maintaining the project scope.
Schedule Data
Information associated with the management of a project schedule.
Schedule Forecasts
Estimates, based on current project information, that are associated with future schedule events.
Schedule Management Plan
The document, part of the project or program management plan, that authenticates standards and activities used to produce, track, and administer the schedule.
Schedule Milestone
A major event in the project schedule; typically involves the start or completion of a major component of the project.
Schedule Model
A model which includes activity durations and dependencies, used to produce the project schedule.
Schedule Network Analysis
A technique used to determine late start (LS), late finish (LF), early start (ES), and early finish (EF) dates for incomplete schedule activities.
Schedule Network Templates
A set of activities and relationships from past projects that meet current project needs.
Scheduled Finish Date
The planned finish date for an activity, work package, or other piece of the schedule.
Scheduled Start Date
The planned start date for an activity, work package, or other piece of the schedule.
Scheduling Tool
A tool that accelerates scheduling by automatically producing activity start and finish dates based on the entry of activities, relationships, resources, and durations.
Sequence Activities
The process of determining and recording dependencies between project activities.
Start Date
The date work begins on an activity; can include qualifiers such as actual, planned, estimated, scheduled, early, late, target, baseline, and current.
Start-to-finish (SF)
A dependency that requires the start of a predecessor activity prior to the completion of the successor activity.
Start-to-start (SS)
A dependency that requires the start of a predecessor activity prior to the start of the successor activity.
A section of the project schedule diagram, typically a work package or subproject, that is frequently used to depict a proposed schedule condition.
Successor Activity
An activity that logically follows its predecessor activity.
Summary Activity
An array of related schedule activities aggregated and displayed as a single activity.
Target Completion Date (TC)
A requested project completion date that can be a constraint for the project.
Target Finish Date (TF)
The date that the project (or activity) is anticipated to be completed.
Target Schedule
A preliminary schedule that can be used during initial stages of planning; could differ from the baseline schedule at the conclusion of planning.
Target Start Date (TS)
The planned start date of the project or activity.
An activity to be completed on the project.
Three-Point Estimate
A technique used to evaluate the cost or duration of an activity by averaging the optimistic, pessimistic, and most likely estimates.
Time-scaled Schedule Network Diagram
A graphical representation of the project schedule that displays relative to its duration; may include bar charts showing network logic (sequence).
Top-Down Estimating
An estimating technique in which the project manager estimates the cost or duration of the project based on the cost or duration of a previous project that is very similar to the current project.
Total Slack (Total Float)
The amount of time an activity can slip (be delayed) from its early start date without delaying the overall finish date.