4 - Roles & Organization Terminology Flashcards
A user of the system (person or other system) defined by it’s role with respect to the system.
Agile Coach
An experienced leader who consistently directs team members to move beyond the performance of Agile practices and adopt Agile thinking.
Business Owner
Scrum role that exists outside of the team that represents management; typically either sponsor, lead stakeholder, or owner of the project result (solution) or product.
Core Team (Agile)
Group composed of cross-functional team members with varying levels of Agile knowledge; typically comprised of a sponsor, project management, developers, quality assurance personnel, architecture expert, product manager, and business knowledge experts.
The internal or external individual(s) or entity(ies) that pay(s) to obtain a project product, service, or result.
Customer (Agile)
The person or group, internal or external, responsible for creating the vision, creating and prioritizing user stories and the product backlog, writing acceptance tests, and accepting completed work; also known as the purchaser or user.
Functional Manager
A manager of any unit that creates a product or executes a service; also known as a line manager.
Functional Organization
An entity that is arranged by department or purpose and focuses on operational work rather than project work.
A person or organization that is not necessarily directly related to the project but can influence the project in either a good or bad way.
An organization or individual authorized and capable of starting a project.
Matrix Diagrams
A quality management tool that analyzes data by showing relationships between the data.
Matrix Organization
An organizational framework that mandates the sharing of responsibility for the assignment of resources and priorities between the project manager and the functional manager.
The day-to-day repeatable activities that a company performs.
Organizational Learning
The study of the manner in which knowledge is elaborated by individuals, groups, and organizations.