5/2 Flashcards
Adjustment disorder timing
Within 3 months of stressor
Rubin-Johnson high level of what
High levels of coproporphyrin I
Atelectasis blood gas
Respiratory alkalosis
Adenomyosis def
Presence of endometrial glands in uterine muscle
boggy and symmetrically enlarged
Earliest vaso-occlusive manifestation in SS
B-HCG level to see intrauterine pregnancy
Uremic pericarditis features? tx?
- When BUN >60
- EKG won’t look like other causes due to lack of inflammation
- Tx is dialysis
What causes anemia of pre-maturity? labs?
Diminished Epo levels, shortened RBC life span, and blood loss
-Labs will show decreased hgb and hct w/ relatively low retic count
Small HPV lesions tx
Trichloroacetic act or podophyllin
Best frostbite tx
Rapid re-warming with warm water
don’t debride tissue initially
MCC of gross lower GI bleeding in adults
Diverticulosis vs Angiodysplasia
Diverticulosis: high volume arterial bleeding, more common
Angiodysplasia: low volume venous bleeding
DMD gen location
Deletion of dystrophin gene on Xp21
Craniopharyngioma path
Nests of squamous cells in a loose stroma (looks like embryonic tooth bud enamel)
Think what with proximal muscle weakness + inc ESR and CK
Polymyositis or dermatomyositis
Fibromyalgia physical exam
Point muscle tenderness in mid trapezius, lateral epicondyle, chostochondral junction in chest, and greater trochanter
HSV encephalitis dx
Viral DNA PCR in the CSF
Colonoscopy schedule in UC
- Begin 8 years post diagnosis (12-25 if dz only in left colon)
- Colonoscopy with biopsy every 1-2 years
FAP colonoscopy schedule
Begin at age 10-12
Colonoscopy every year
LAD features
Delayed umbilical chord separation, recurrent skin and mucosal bacterial infections (w/ purulence) and server PERIODONTAL dz
GD features
- Infections from catalase pos organisms (S. aureus, serratia, burkholderia)
- Neg nitroblue tetrazolium test
- NO neutrophillia
Dermatitis herpetiformis treatment
Dapsone and gluten-free diet
will see on extensor surfaces
CMV vs Cryptosporidium diarrhea in AIDS pts
Crypto: Severe watery diarrhea
CMV: Frequent, small volume w/ hematocheiza and abdominal pain
Key feature of MAC diarrhea in AIDS pt
High Fever (> 39 C or 102.2 F)
Diffuse axonal injury CT scan
Numerous minute punctate hemorrhages with blurring of grey-white interface
PD tremor frequency
4-6 Hz (look for asymmetry and associated rigidity)
Drug for young PD with mainly tremor
Trihexyphenidyl (anticholinergic)
What is Lamivudine
Reverse transcriptase inhibitor used to treat HIV and Chronic Hep B
what is a pericardial knock
Mid-diastolic sound
Patients > 35 with gross hematuria workup
CT urogram and cystoscopy
PNA risk assessment for out vs inpt
Confusion Uremia (BUN > 20) RR-Tachypnea (> 30) BP - Hypotension 65 (age >) *CURB 65* (>2 do inpatient)
S. pneumo, Heamophilus, and atypicals
CAP input current guidlines
Inpt: Fluoroquinolone or Beta-lactam + macrolide
3 reasons for kidney stone with neg scan
- radiolucent stone (uric acid, xanthine)
2. Calcium stones
Tx of uric acid stones
Alkalization of the urine (potassium citrate-also reduces crystallization)
Low purine diet
Drug for recurrent hypercalciruic renal stones
HCTZ - decreases urinary calcium excretion
What is Trastuzumab? What should be done before starting therapy
mAb for HER2
Do echo before starting
Electrical alternans EKG
Varying amplitude of the QRS complexes
this w/ sinus tach –> probs pericardial effusion
Thyroglobulin level in dx’ing hyperthyroid
Will be high in endogenous hyperthyroidism and low w/ exogenous use
How long to do cholecystectomy during acute cholecystitis
Within 72 hours
Pagets lab’s
Increase in alk phos and normal serum Ca and PO4 levels
Long term panic disorder tx
Displacement vs Projection
Displacement: transferring feelings to amore acceptible object
Projection: Attributing one’s own feelings to others
What is sublimation
Channeling impulses into socially acceptable behaviors