49 Fecal Elimination Flashcards
Waste products leaving stomach through small Intestine to ileocecal valve
Mucous secretion is stimulated by
Parasympathetic nervous system
Air and by products of the ingestion of carbohydrates
3 types of movements In Large intestine
Haustral churning
Mass peristalsis
Haustral churning
Moving chyme in haustra
Veins in Anya become distended
Make up of normal feces
75% water
25% solid
First fecal material passed by newborn.
Gastronomic reflex
Increased peristalsis after food has entered stomach
Insoluble fiber
Promotes movement through digestive system and increases stool bulk
Soluble fiber
Dissolves in water. Lower cholesterol and glucose levels. Oats, peas, beans, citrus
Fewer than three BMs per week
Valsalva maneuver
Straining during constipation, holding breath
Clostridium difficile
Associated disease, which produces mucoid and foul smelling diarrhea
Partial incontinence
Inability to control flatus or to prevent minor soiling
Opening for the gastrointestinal, urinary or respiratory tract onto the skin
Opening through the abdominal wall into the stomach
Opens through the abdominal wall into jejunum
Opens into the ileum (small bowel)
Opens into the large colon (large bowel)
Single stoma
Permanent. One end of bowel is brought out through abdomen.
Loop colostomy
Loop of bowel supported by plastic bridge or rubber . Two openings: proximal (afferent, active end) distal (efferent, inactive) emergency
Divided colostomy
Two edges of bowel brought out onto abdomen but separate from each other.
Double barreled colostomy
Shotgun, sutures 4 inches down
Ileostomy produces
Liquid fecal drainage. Constant
Ascending colostomy
Liquid, constant. Major odor
Transverse colostomy
Malodorous, mushy drainage. No control
Descending colostomy
Solid drainage. Frequency regulated.
May not have to wear appliance at all times.
Longitudinal muscles shorter than the colon, causing the large intestine to have pouches
Surgery that involves direct handling of the intestines can cause temporary cessation of intestinal movement
Four common problems related to fecal elimination
Constipation, diarrhea, bowel incontinence, flatulence
Fecal impaction
Mass or collection of hardened feces in the folds of the rectum
State of being abnormally thin and weak
Nurse can help regular defecation by
Privacy Timing Nutrition, fluids Exercise Positioning
Drugs that induce defecation
Do not give laxatives to
Nausea, cramps, colic, vomiting, undiagnosed abdominal cramps
Enema solution
Draws water into Colon
Enema solutions
Distends colon, peristalsis and softens feces
Enema solutions
Distended colon, peristalsis
Enema solutions
Soap suds
Irritates mucosa, distended colon
Enema solutions
Herbal oils known to help expel gas from stomach and intestines
Cleansing enema
Remove feces. Before surgery, scopy, impact, constipation
Force of flow for enema
Height of solution container
Size of tubing
Viscosity of fluid
Resistance of rectum
Carminative enema
Expel flatus.
Retention enema
Oil or medications into rectum and sigmoid colon
Worms, parasites
1-3 hours
Return-flow enema
Harris flush.
Expel flatus