15. Prepositions and prepositional phrases Flashcards
The cat is on top of the bookshelf.
El gato está encima del estante.
I am far from Carlos.
Estoy lejos de Carlos.
The cat is behind the bookshelf.
El gato está detrás del estante.
John is the boy behind the wall.
Juan es el chico detrás de la pared.
John walks behind the wall.
Juan camina detrás de la pared.
She writes poems about love.
Ella escribe poemas acerca del amor.
I want a book on economics.
Quiero un libro sobre economía.
The chair is against the wall.
La silla está contra la pared.
In addition to tacos, she prepares the salsa.
Además de tacos, prepara la salsa.
The car is in front of the house.
El carro está delante de la casa.
Juan is to the right of Carmen.
Juan está a la derecha de Carmen.
María es/está en el teatro. El concierto es/está en el teatro.
está/ es
I am at the door of his house.
Estoy en la puerta de su casa.
I am to the left of the cat.
Estoy a la izquierda del gato.
a través de
debajo de
in front of
delante de
dentro de
across from, opposite
enfrente de
between, among
frente a
by, next to, next door to
junto a
far from
lejos de
These shells along the beach are beautiful.
Estas conches a largo de la playa son hermosas.
Yesterday, I walked along the beach.
Ayer, caminé a largo de la playa.
a largo de
aldredor de
más alla de
through, throughout
There’s a gas station north of the supermarket.
Hay una gasolinera al norte del supermercado.
The mine is to the northeast of the forest.
La mina está al nordeste del bosque.
because of, for (origin)
a causa de, por
(all the way) from (origin)
for (purpose or destination)
to (prepositions of time)
until (prepositions of time)
a, hasta
since (prepositions of time)
during (prepositions of time)
in (prepositions of time)
With many of the compound prepositions that end in de (lejos de, cerca de, encima de), you can/can’t drop the de (especially if the object of the preposition is understood.
The lack of an object for the preposition converts that preposition into an ___ within the sentence.
Both the preposition + object and the adverb answer the question, ____?
The chair is close to the table.
The chair is close.
La silla está cerca de la mesa.
La silla está cerca.
Adverbs must be placed at the end of a clause/sentence and cannot be followed by a noun.
‘You must go forward on the expressway.’
Hay que ir hacia adelante en la autopista.
She is in front of Miguel in the line.
Ella está adelante de Miguel en la cola.
prep: in front of; adv: forward
adelante de; hacia adelante
prep: next to; adv: sideways
al lado de; de lado
prep: behind; adv: backwards
atrás de; hacia atrás
prep: below, under; adv: downstairs, underneath
debajo de; abajo
prep: inside; adv: inside
dentro de; adentro
prep: outside; adv: outside
fuera de; afuera
A crab walks sideways.
Un cangrejo camina de lado.
The holly tree is behind the house.
El acebo está atrás de la casa.
When you put the car in reverse, you and the car go backward.
Cuando pones el carro en marcha atrás, tú y el carro van hacia atrás.
He is under the table.
Él está debajo de la mesa.
He is downstairs.
Él está abajo.
We are inside the house.
Estamos dentro de la casa.
We are inside.
Estamos adentro.
They are outside the house
Están fuerta de la casa.
They are outside.
Están afuerta.