4.5 through 4.8 Flashcards
Between 1450 and 1750, Western European countries made significant advances in sea travel. One of the primary reasons driving this progress was Western European countries desire to find what?
A sea route to Asia.
Material wealth available to produce more wealth.
Commerical Revolution
The transformation to a trade-based economy using gold and silver.
Price Revolution
The high right of inflation, or general rise in prices in the 16th and 17th centuries.
Joint-stock companies
Companies owened by the investors who bought stock or shares in them.
Limited liability stock based companies protected investors from
A company’s debts or other liabilities beyond the amount of an investor’s intial investment
The Dutch, English and French all had joint-stock based companies in the 17th century but in Spain and Portugal, explorers were typically funded by
The government
Where did the Dutch East India Company make most of its profits
The Spice Islands and Southeast Asia
What features of Dutch ships gave the Dutch an advantage at trade?
The ships were were faster and lighter than the shps of their rivals.
What three areas of the world were involved in triangular trade?
Europe, Africa, the Americas
What country defeated Songhai Empire in 1590 at Gao?
What is a monopoly?
When a merchant, joint-stock cmopany or government has the exclusive right to trade of a product or an industry
What are two African societies involved with raiding and capturing slaves for European buyers?
- Dahomey 2. Oyo
More than two-thirds of Africans taken for slave trade were male. What was the effect on marriages in West Africa?
An increase in polygyny - multiple women married to one man.
Viceroys in the Americas
Viceroys were Spanish appointed administrators in the Americas who were supposed to represent the interests of the crown.
Royal courts established for appealing the decisions fo Viceroys.
Inviduduals born the Americas who were descended from Spanish blood.
A syncretic faith blending Catholocisim with African faith practices.
A syncretic faith blending Christianity with religious beliefs of enslaved African peoples living in Haiti.
A synredtic faith developed in Brazil blending Christianity with beliefs of enslaved Yoruba, Fon, and Bantu peoples.
Due in part to several Catholic missionairies being sent to Latin America, the predominant religion of these areas became what religion?
Roman Catholocisim
What was the Virgin of Guadalupe cult?
A cult developed around the dark complexioned saint developed in Mexico.
The Fronde
Civil disturbances ocurring in France between 1648 and 1653 that attempted to curb growing royal power.
Metacom’s War
English colonist used underhanded tactics to gain control of Native Ameircan lands.
In 1624, who became the ruler of Ndongo in south-central Africa?
Ana Nzinga
To protect its citizens from slave raids and other countries, Ndongo became alies with what country?
Whenthe alliance with Portugal broke down and Anna Nzinga fled west to Matamba, she allied her subjects with what country?
The Dutch
Where did the Cossacks live?
The Cossacks lived Southwest of Mosco, near the Black Sea
Yemelyan Pugachev
Began a peasant rebellion against Catherine the Great in 1774 for giving nobility over the serfs to gain allegiance from the Russian nobility.
The Maratha Empire
The Maratha Empire was created by Hindu warriors who fought against muslim control
The Glorious Revolution strenghthed the power of what British government body?
Who was the last Catholic King of Britain
King James II
Gloucester County Rebellion
The first recorded slave revolt in what is now the United States
Maroon Wars
Slaves in the Caribbean and former Spanish territories of the United States fought to gain their freedom.
Queen Nanny
An escaped Jamaican slave who united all the maroons on the island and led them to revolt against their owners and form independent settlements.
Jews were expelled from most major European countries between 1290 to 1492. Where they find refuge?
Sultan Mehmed II invited them to live in Istanbul in the the Ottoman Empire
Strong advisors who spoke for the sultan in the Ottoman Empire.
In the Ottoman Empire, timar was a system where the Sultan granted land or tax revenue to those he favored to keep them loyal.
Even though Jews were invited to live in the Ottoman Empire, they were not given the same rights as Muslims. What were some off the restrictions.
- They had to pay a special tax imposed on non-Muslims. 2. they could only liven in certain neighborhoods in cities. 3. They could not hold top positions.
Harem politics
When powerful wives and concubines vied to have their own children promoted to the throne.
Barbary Pirates
Pirates who sailed the waters along North Africa and the Barbary Coast. They kidnapped Europeans and sold them to the Sultan or “pressed” them into service in the navy.
What part of China did the founders of the Qing Dynasty come from?
The Qing Dynasty ruled from 1644 to what year?
The Qing Dynasty were Manchu people. What ethnic group were the Chinese people they ruled over?
Han Chinese
A braided pigtail hairstyle worn by the Manchus. This hairstyle was required to be worn by all men, including Han Chinese. This requirement was at odds with Confucianism and was a humiliating reminder for the Han Chinese who was boss. A man who refused to weart the Queue hairstyle could be executed.
Li Chengddong and Liu Lianzuo
Han Chinese defectors who helped Qing officials carry out massacres of Han cities who refuesed to assimilate.
In England, large landowners controlled what?
Louis XIV believed in his divine right to rule. He said, “I am the state.” Frederick of Prussia was very different however, What did he say?
“I am the state.”
Sephardic Jews
Jews that can trace their ancestry back to Spain.
Ashkenazi Jews
Jews that can trace their ancestry back to Eastern Europe.
In the 17th century, under the influence of the Scientific Revolution and the Enlightment, prejudice against Jews…
After Ivan IV defeated the boyars at Novgorod, what did he do?
seized their lands and forced them to move to Mosco
What was the order of the casta system in Latin America?
- Peninsulares - persons born in Europe 2. Criollos - persons of Spanish descent born in the Americas 3. Castas - persons of mixed-race ancestry 3a. Mestizos - mixed European and Indigenous person ancestory 3b. Mulattoes - mixed African and European ancestry 3c. Zambos mixed African and indigenous person ancestry
When was a person’s casta assigned?
At baptism
A European girl, kidnapped for the Sultan’s Harem. Eventually, she would rise to influential position in the Ottoman government. Her son would becoem Sultan.
Columbian Exchange
The biological exchange of crops, animals, people, and diseases bettween the Eastern and Western Hemispheres
European domination of global trade came at the expense of who?
Arab, Indian, and Chinese merchants
In the 16th Century, Mercantilism gave way to what economic system?
In the 17th century, the increased flow of silver and gold to Europe caused what?
People being stolen for slavery caused a population decline in Africa. What evenually caused the African population to increase?
Manioc and other crops brought over from the Americas.
Prior to the 16th century, slaves were largely traded from where to where?
East Africa to the Middle East
Slave trade from East Africa to the Middle East was largely women were intended to be used for what?
Harems as status symbols or domestic servants.
What type of Islam did the Safavid Empire practice?
Shi’ia Islam