This class was created by Brainscape user Kaisa Janzen. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (54)

Dates Quiz Era 2
First african slaves are brought ...,
Height of the aztec empire,
Bartholomew diaz rounds cape of g...
24  cards
Land Based Empires and Their Belief Systems
Mughal empire in india,
Tibetan empire,
Ottoman empire
9  cards
1.1 Developments in East Asia
Imperial bureaucracy in china,
Meritocracy in china,
Grand canal in china
16  cards
1.2 Developments in Dar al-Islam
What was the mamluk sultanate,
Who were the seljuk turks,
What was the abassid caliphate
11  cards
1.3 Developments in South and South East Asia
What was the vijayanagara empire,
What were the raijput kingdoms,
What was the delhi sultanate
11  cards
1.4 Developments in the Americas
Mississipian culture,
Matrilineal society,
Mounding building
10  cards
1.5 Developments in Africa
Kin based networks in sub saharan...,
Hausa kingdoms,
Trans saharan trade
14  cards
1.6 Developments in Europe
What were the mutual obligations ...,
What is fuedalism,
What was the magna carta
14  cards
1.7 Comparison in the Period from 1200 to 1450
China and the song dynasty relied...,
When european states became more ...,
What two groups of central asian ...
4  cards
2.1 The Silk Roads
What are three ways the mongol em...,
Chinese naval technology was more...,
Where is kashgar located
9  cards
Unit 3 - 3.1 through 3.4
Who defeated the ottoman empire i...,
What two problems did the safavid...,
The ottoman empire had what main ...
43  cards
Unit 4: Transoceanic Connection - 1450 to 1750
The magnetic compass was original...,
The astrolable allowed sailors to...,
What was a caravel
111  cards
4.5 through 4.8
Side a,
Commerical revolution
63  cards
5.1 The Enlightenment
John locke,
Tabula rasa,
Social contract
27  cards
5.2 Nationalism and Revolutions
The declaration of independence,
The philosophes pt 2,
The bastille
15  cards
5.3 Industrial Revolution Begins
Crop rotation,
Spinning jenny
11  cards
5.4 Industrialization Spreads
What was an advantage the 19th ce...,
Trans siberian railroad,
Japan s defensive modernazation i...
6  cards
5.5 Technology in the Industrial Age
What did james wtt s steam engine do,
What was the effect of coal power...,
Coaling stations
10  cards
5.6 Industrialization: Government's Role
Corruuption and unrest led to wha...,
China grew weaker in the 19th cen...,
The ottoman empire ruled egypt in...
15  cards
5.7 Economic Developments and Innovations
What is a corporation,
Stock market,
9  cards
5.9 Society and the Industrial Age
Tenement apartment buildings,
Urban slums,
8  cards
5.8 Reactions to the Industrial Economy
Labor unions,
Child labor reform in britain,
Expansion of voting rights in bri...
20  cards
5.10 Continuity and Change in the Industrial Age
What were three changes made in g...,
Were otto von bismarck s reforms ...
2  cards
6.1 Rationales for Imperialism
Sino japanese war,
After gaining control of korea ja...
10  cards
6.2 State Expansion
Corvee laborers,
Suez canal
34  cards
6.3 Indigenous Responses to State Expansion
Regions in the balkan peninsula a...,
The proclamation of 1763,
The cherokee nation
29  cards
6.4 Global Economic Development
How did railroads help the coloni...,
The more efficient steamships dev...,
What did the telegraph do
15  cards
6.5 Economic Imperialism
What is economic imperialism,
The dutch east india company had ...,
What was the culture system
16  cards
6.6 Causes of Migration in an Interconnected World
In the 19th century slavery was g...,
After the slave trade was largely...,
Where did france get some of its ...
8  cards
6.7 Effects of Migration
Who was mohandas gandhi,
In the 18th and 19th century what...,
Who was porforio diaz
19  cards
1  cards
7.1 Shifting Power
Communists believed workers shoul...,
On bloody sunday january 22 1905 ...
16  cards
7.2 Causes of World I
Who was archduke franz ferdinand,
Why was world war i known as the ...,
Who killed archduke franz ferdinand
17  cards
7.3 Conducting World War I
What is conscription,
At the beginning of wwi what was ...,
What is trench warfare
30  cards
7.4 Economy in the Interwar Period
Which western country suffered th...,
Why were economies in latin ameri...,
British economist john maynard ke...
34  cards
7.5 Unresolved Tensions After World War I
Who were the big three,
What was the mandate system estab...
33  cards
7.6 Causes of World War II
What was the weimar republic,
What was the name of the anti sem...,
Members of the national socialist...
26  cards
7.7 Conducting World War II
When germany and the soviet union...,
What was blitzkreig,
What was vichy france
35  cards
7.8 Mass Atrocities
What was armistice day,
What was the ottoman empire s jus...,
Why was the armenian genocide cal...
24  cards
8.1 Setting the Stage for the Cold War
Who were the big three in wwii,
What was decided at the tehran co...,
What was the focus of the yalta c...
9  cards
8.2 The Cold War
The iron curtain,
The united nations was establishe...,
Satellite countries
14  cards
8.3 Effects of the Cold War
Proxy wars,
Where are some places the superpo...,
Berlin airlift
39  cards
8.4 Spread of Communism after 1900
Who led the chinese after the def...,
The great leap forward,
What was the result of the great ...
22  cards
8.5 Decolonization after 1900
Muslim league,
Kwame nkrumah,
Kwame nkrumah decreed ghana was w...
20  cards
8.6 Newly Independent States
Zionist movement,
Six day war,
What did israel get in the six da...
18  cards
8.7 Global Resistance to Power Structures
Nelson mandela,
Wladyslaw gomulka
27  cards
8.8 End of the Cold War
Strategic arms limitation treaty ...,
Why did the soviet union invade a...
13  cards
9.1 Advances in Technology and Exchange
Starting in the 1900 s what broug...,
These large standard sized units ...,
Arab spring
12  cards
9.2 Technological Advancements and Limitations - Disease
In the early 21st century this di...,
Doctors without borders,
17  cards
9.3 Technology and the Environment
Green party,
Green belt movement,
12  cards
9.4 Economics in the Global Age
Free markets,
Economic liberalization,
In the early 1980 s this woman wa...
19  cards
9.5 Calls for Reform and Responses
Universal declaration of human ri...,
24  cards
9.6 Globalized Culture
Consumer culture,
Popular culture
8  cards
6th century bce three asian men w...,
4th century
11  cards

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a.p. world history

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