41 Verbs E-S (9) Phrases Flashcards
to take; to carry
transitive verb
1. (to transport)
a. to take
Take the dirty plates to the kitchen.
Lleva los platos sucios a la cocina.
b. to carry
My husband will carry the grocery bags.
Mi marido llevará las bolsas de la compra.
- (to guide)
a. to take
The man took us to our room.
El hombre nos llevó a nuestra habitación.
- (to use clothing)
a. to wear
She always wears her favorite boots when it snows.
Ella siempre lleva sus botas favoritas cuando nieva.
- (to indicate passage of time)
a. to be
I’ve been studying for four hours and there’s still a lot left.
Llevo cuatro horas estudiando y todavía me queda mucho.
- (to overtake someone or something)
a. to be ahead
He is ahead by four meters in the race
Le lleva cuatro metros de ventaja en la carrera.
b. to be older than (comparative)
My husband is two months older than me.
Mi marido me lleva dos meses.
intransitive verb
6. (to take to: used with “a”)
a. to lead to
Do you know where this tunnel leads to?
¿Sabes a dónde lleva este túnel?
He is wearing glasses.
Lleva gafas.
Can I give you a ride?
¿Te llevo?
Let me carry it.
Déjame llevarlo
I wear contact lenses
Llevo lentillas.
We’ll take care of ourselves.
Llevaremos cuidado.
What are you wearing?
¿Qué llevas puesto?