32 Verbs E-S (2) Phrases Hacer Flashcards
to have; to have property, to have years, to have a state of being
tener (e-ie)
to have the desire to
tener ganas de (e-ie)
- (general)
a. to feel like
Do you want to go out? - No, I don’t feel like it.
¿Quieres salir? - No, no tengo ganas.
I feel like eating something spicy.
Tengo ganas de comer algo picante.
b. to want to
I feel like going I want to go to the beach.
Tengo ganas de ir a la playa.
to have to
tener que (e-ie)
a. to have to
I have to take the trash out; it stinks.
Tengo que sacar la basura, apesta.
The participants have to fill out the health form.
Los participantes tienen que llenar el formulario de salud.
To do, to make
Do your homework
haz los deberes
(to produce)
a. to make
I made (the food of) my children.
Hice la comida de mis hijos.
(to create)
a. to make
Today I’ll show you how to make your own website.
Hoy les enseñaré a hacer su propio sitio web.
to make
I’m busy making preparations for the party.
Estoy ocupado haciendo los preparativos para la fiesta.
(used in place of another verb)
a. to do
He told me to wash the dishes but I had already done it.
Me mandó a lavar los platos pero ya lo había hecho.
(to acquire)
a. to make
He made a new friend at school.
Hizo una nueva amiga en el colegio/ en la escuela