12 Verbs 6 SE Flashcards
renunciar (1621)
to resign, quit; to renounce, to relinquish, to waive, to revoke
acostumbrar (1628)
to be accustomed to
acostumbrar a infinitivo (1628)
to get used to doing something
revisar (1632)
to review, to inspect, to check
carecer (1633)
to be without
prometer (1641)
to promise
descender (e-ie) (1645)
to descend
reproducir (-zco) (1654)
to reproduce, repeat
constar (legal)
to be evident; to be on record (legal)
constar de (1655)
to consist of
asociar (1661)
to associate with
desconocer (1662)
to not know, not recognize
fallar (1664)
to fail; to rule in court; to miss
perdonar (1678)
to forgive, excuse
agradecer (1681)
to thank for
admirar (1682)
to admire
revelar (1691)
to reveal or disclose
agregar (1708)
to add, to attach;
agregarse (1708)
to join
completar (1718)
to complete
combatir (1726)
to combat
aportar (1738)
to provide, contribute
derivar (1739)
to derive, come from
prohibir (1741)
to prohibit, forbid
proporcionar (1742)
to supply
saludar (1744)
to greet, say hello
relacionar (1745)
to relate
investigar (1749)
to investigate
ubicar (1750)
to assign, place; to locate or find
modificar (1758)
to modify
lavar (1762)
to wash
invadir (1764)
to invade, overcome
desplazar (1771)
to replace, to take the place of, to supplant, to oust, (to change position i.e. move, shift)
adelantar (1777)
to overtake, pass; to pay in advance
examinar (1780)
to examine, inspect
sustituir (1786)
to substitute, replace
implicar (1788)
to implicate, imply
ingresar (1791)
To enter, get in, to get in, to join,
respirar (1792)
to breathe
esconder (1802)
to hide, conceal